#!/usr/bin/python3 print('''Welcome to Temperature Calculator. You have three temperature option, 'Celsius', 'Fahrenhet' and 'Kelvin'; or if you wish to exit the program then type exit at any dialog box.''') def tempCalc(): selectionType = input('Select type of conversion: \n\na)"Celsius to Fahrenheit" or \n\nb)"Celsius to Kelvin" or \n\nc)"Fahrenheit to Celsius" or \n\nd)"Fahrenheit to Kelvin" or \n\ne)"Kelvin to Celsius" or \n\nf)"Kelvin to Fahrenheit" \n\nEnter Here:') if selectionType == ("Celsius to Fahrenheit") or selectionType == ("celsius to fahrenheit") or selectionType == ("CELSIUS TO FAHRENHEIT"): c_f = eval(input("\nEnter temperature in Fahrenheit to find Celsius: ")) print ((1.8 * c_f) + 32) elif selectionType == ("Celsius to Kelvin") or selectionType == ("celsius to kelvin") or selectionType == ("CELSIUS TO KELVIN"): c_k = eval(input("Enter temperature in Celsius to find Kelvin: ")) print(c_k + 273) elif selectionType == ("Fahrenheit to Celsius") or selectionType == ("fahrenheit to celsius") or selectionType == ("FAHRENHEIT TO CELSIUS"): f_c = eval(input("Enter temperature in Fahrenheit to find Celsius: ")) print((f_c - 32) *(5/9)) elif selectionType == ("Fahrenheit to Kelvin") or selectionType == ("fahrenheit to kelvin") or selectionType == ("FAHRENHEIT TO KELVIN"): f_k = eval(input("Enter temperature in Fahrenheit to Kelvin: ")) print((5/9 * (f_k - 32) + 273)) elif selectionType == ("Kelvin to Celsius") or selectionType == ("kelvin to celsius") or selectionType == ("KELVIN TO CELSIUS"): k_c = eval(input("Enter temperature in Kelvin to find Celsius: ")) print(k_c - 273) elif selectionType == ("Kelvin to Fahrenheit") or selectionType == ("Kelvin to Fahrenheit") or selectionType == ("KELVIN TO FAHRENHEIT"): k_f = eval(input("Enter temperature in Kelvin to find Fahrenheit: ")) print(((k_f - 273) * 1.8 ) + 32) elif selectionType == ('') or selectionType == (' '): print("Please make a selection. A blank input is not acceptable") tempCalc() elif selectionType == ("exit") or selectionType == ("Exit") or selectionType == ("EXIT") or selectionType == ("Quit") or selectionType == ("QUIT") or selectionType == ("quit"): exit() else: print("PLEASE RECHECK THE SPELLING, AND ENTER YOUR CHOISE AGAIN. THANK YOU") tempCalc() tempCalc() def loop(): restartProgram = input(''' Would you like to try again?:''') while restartProgram == ("Yes") or restartProgram == ("yes") or restartProgram == ("YES"): return tempCalc() while restartProgram != ("Yes") or restartProgram != ("yes") or restartProgram != ("YES") or restartProgram != ("No") or restartProgram != ("no") or restartProgram != ("NO"): print ("Please reselect your decision again.") tempCalc() else: while restartProgram == ("No") or restartProgram == ("no") or restartProgram == ("NO"): print("thank you for using our calculator, hope to see you agin later") exit() while True: loop()