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# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
"""Generate a text with words looking like those in a given text,
based on the frequency of character sequences

import string
import io
import random

class TextGenerator:

    def __init__(self,txt,seq_len=5):
        """txt = original text 
        seq_len = sequence length ; 3 to 6 give the best results"""
        # dictionary mapping sequences of seq_len chararcters to the list 
        # of characters following them in the original text
        self.followers = {}
        for i in range(len(txt)-2*seq_len):
            sequence = txt[i:i+seq_len] # sequence of seq_len characters
            next_char = txt[i+seq_len] # the character following this sequence
            if sequence in self.followers:

        # sequences that start with an uppercase letter
        starts = [ key for key in self.followers 
            if key[0] in string.ascii_uppercase ]
        if not starts: # just in case...
            starts = list(self.followers.keys())

        # build a distribution of these sequences with the same frequency
        # as in the original text
        self.starts = []
        for key in starts:
            for i in range(len(self.followers[key])):
    def random_text(self,length=5000):
        """length = length of the generated text"""
        # pick a start at random and initialize
        # generated text with this sequence
        sequence = random.choice(self.starts)
        gen_text = io.StringIO()

        for j in range(length):
            # pick a character among those following current sequence
            next_char = random.choice(self.followers[sequence])
            sequence = sequence[1:]+next_char
        return gen_text.getvalue()

if __name__=="__main__":
    import re
    txt = open('hamlet.txt').read()
    txt = re.sub("\n+",'\n',txt)
    gen = TextGenerator(txt)
    res = gen.random_text(3000)
    out = open('result.txt','w')

Diff to Previous Revision

--- revision 3 2011-12-18 17:56:03
+++ revision 4 2011-12-25 11:14:39
@@ -12,26 +12,22 @@
     def __init__(self,txt,seq_len=5):
         """txt = original text 
         seq_len = sequence length ; 3 to 6 give the best results"""
-        self.seq_len = seq_len
-        # dictionary mapping a n-char sequence to the list of characters
-        # following this sequence in the original text
+        # dictionary mapping sequences of seq_len chararcters to the list 
+        # of characters following them in the original text
         self.followers = {}
         for i in range(len(txt)-2*seq_len):
-            sequence = txt[i:i+seq_len] # n-character sequence
+            sequence = txt[i:i+seq_len] # sequence of seq_len characters
             next_char = txt[i+seq_len] # the character following this sequence
             if sequence in self.followers:
-        sequences = list(self.followers.keys())
-        sequences.sort()
         # sequences that start with an uppercase letter
-        starts = [ key for key in sequences 
+        starts = [ key for key in self.followers 
             if key[0] in string.ascii_uppercase ]
         if not starts: # just in case...
-            starts = sequences
+            starts = list(self.followers.keys())
         # build a distribution of these sequences with the same frequency
         # as in the original text
@@ -64,4 +60,3 @@
     out = open('result.txt','w')
