from lxml import etree from pyquery.pyquery import PyQuery class Animator(PyQuery): def listfill(self, selector, data): """Bind list of items to HTML list. In the event of selector yielding more than prototype item, these are cycled over to be cloned and filled. """ proto = self(selector) parent = proto.parent() proto.remove() N = len(proto) for idx, item in enumerate(data): parent.append(proto.eq(idx % N).clone().text(item)) def tablefill(self, selector, subselector, data): """Bind list of tuples to table. Typically selector='tr' and subselector='td'. In the event of selector yielding more than one row, these are cycled over to be cloned and filled.""" proto = self(selector) parent = proto.parent() proto.remove() N = len(proto) for idx, row in enumerate(data): parent.append(proto.eq(idx % N).clone().rowfill(subselector, row)) def rowfill(self, selector, values): """Bind array to selector's children's text nodes. Length of values must be no greater than children available in selector.""" q = self(selector) for idx, value in enumerate(values): q.eq(idx).text(value) return self def test(): template = '''

Error in names

Your name is Lorem Ipsum

''' data = [('John', 'Smith'), ('Joe', 'Bloggs'), ('Razor', 'Blade')] names = ['John Smith', 'Joe Blogs'] t = Animator(template) t('#nametable').tablefill('tr', 'td', data) t('#nametable').attr.border = '1' t('#namelist').listfill('li', names) t('#error').remove() t('#username').text('Jimmy Choo') print t return t if __name__ == "__main__": test() # Resulting output """

Your name is Jimmy Choo
