# AC2DC.py
# This is a demo to show the power of the audio hardware under the
# influence of standard text mode Python.
# (C)2010, B.Walker, G0LCU. Now issued as Public Domain; you may do
# with this code as you please.
# Tested on PCLinuxOS 2009 and Debian 6.0.0 using Python 2.5.2, 2.6.6
# and 2.7.2; (it may well work on Python versions earlier than the
# above but it is untested).
# The device "/dev/dsp" is needed for this to work so you might have
# to install "oss-compat" from your distribution's repository...
# A very simple voltage doubler and passive filter TEST CIRCUIT ONLY...
# Best viewed in pure text mode.
# (Connect DC OUT & GND to a DC coupled oscilloscope to see it working.)
# Headset O/P. C1. |\|D2.
# O--------o--||--o-------o---| +---o-------o-------O +VE DC OUT.
# | | | |/|+ | |
# O < | + < | <
# | > --+-- > | + >
# | * R1. < / \ D1. < R2. === C2. < R3.
# | > +---+ > | >
# | < | < | <
# | | | | | |
# +--------o------o-------o---------o---o---o-------O -VE.
# |
# Parts List. ---+--- GND.
# ----------- ///////
# C1 = 1.0 uF, 50V.
# C2 = 10 uF, electrolytic, 10V.
# R1 = 47 KilOhms, (* this can be ommitted).
# R2 = 1 MegOhm.
# R3 = 100 KilOhms.
# D1, D2 = OA90 or any similar germanium diode.
# 3.2 mm stereo jack plug for headset socket.
# Coaxial connecting cable.
# Sundries as required, stripboard, etc.
import os
# The running code...
def main():
# Set globals, my choice... ;o)
global waveform
global value
global count
# Choose startup values...
value="(C)2010, B.Walker, G0LCU."
while 1:
# Use the Linux system clear-screen command.
# A simple user screen...
print "\nA DEMO variable AC to DC Generator using the sound card in Linux.\n"
print "(C)2010, B.Walker, G0LCU; now issued as Public Domain...\n"
value=raw_input("Input any integer from 0 to 255, [RETURN/ENTER] to Quit:- ")
# Don't allow any errors...
if value=="": break
if len(value)>=4: value="255"
while count<=(len(value)-1):
if value[count]>=chr(48) and value[count]<=chr(57): count=count+1
else: value="255"
if int(value)>=255: value="255"
if int(value)<=0: value="0"
# Create a symetrical triangle waveform with an amplitude of "value".
print "\nOutput level value is "+value+"..."
# Generate this signal for about 10 seconds for this DEMO.
if int(value)>=1:
audio=open("/dev/dsp", "wb")
while count<=40000:
# End of AC2DC.py program.
# Enjoy finding simple solutions to often very difficult problems... ;o)