#!/usr/bin/env python ##Author: Alex Cruz # If user types in q, program terminates # If user types in other than q, program # continues and calcualtes bmi def main(): quit = False count = 0 answer = raw_input('\nEnter "q" to quit or other to continue: ') if answer == 'q': quit = True # Caclulates bmi 3 times prompting user to type in 'q' # or another letter to continue with bmi calculation while (not quit and count < 10): print '-------------------------' print 'This is to calculate your BMI or Body Mass Index' print '-------------------------' weight = float(input('Enter weight in kilograms: ')) height = float(input('Enter height in meters: ')) # Weight cannot be less than 0 or greater than 500 if weight <= 0 or weight > 500: print 'Weight cannot be less than 0 or greater than 500' continue # Height cannot be less than or equal to 0 inches elif height <= 0: print 'Height cannot be less than 0' continue else: bmi = (weight / (height * height)) print 'Your BMI is %.2f' % bmi if bmi <= 18.5: print 'Your weight status is Underweight' elif bmi >= 18.5 and bmi <= 24.9: print 'Your weight status is Normal weight' elif bmi >= 25 and bmi <= 29.9: print 'Your weight status is Overweight' elif bmi >= 30: print 'Your weight status is Obese' # increments bmi calculation by 1 with a total of 3 bmi calculations count = count + 1 if count < 10: answer = raw_input('\nEnter "q" to quit: ') if answer == 'q': quit = True main() raw_input('\n to exit')