import sys, os import codecs import time import datetime import re from urllib import urlopen import yaml from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup DELAY = 2 RE_USER = re.compile(r'''(?x) # verbose mode @ # start of twitter user link ]*href="/ # 'a' opening tag to the start of href url ([^"]*)" # capture the user part of url to \1 [^<]* # any number of non-closing bracket chars to get to: # the 'a' closing tag''') # matches @scarpent RE_LINK = re.compile(r'''(?x) # verbose mode ]*href=" # 'a' opening tag to the start of href url ([^"]*)" # capture entire url to \1 [^>]* # any number of non-closing bracket chars to get to: > ([^<]*) # any number of non-closing bracket chars to get to: # the 'a' closing tag''') # matches # captures - search for twitter tags link RE_LINK_HASH = re.compile(r'''(?x) # verbose mode \[ \/search\?q\=\%23[^\]]* \] ''') # capture numeric status id from "published timestamp" span RE_STATUS_ID = re.compile(r'.*/status/([0-9]*).*') # e.g. # --------------- def escape(content): return content.replace('"', r'\"') def print_usage(s=""): if s: print s print """Usage: %s twitter-account filename Incremental backup of twitter statuses in yaml format. """ % (sys.argv[0],) # --------------- def main(args): if len(args)!=2: return print_usage() username, fname = args num_tweets = num_tweets_new = 0 output = [] output_orig = [] by_status_id = {} if os.path.exists(fname): output_orig = [l.rstrip() for l in, "r", "utf-8").readlines()] content_before = yaml.load("\n".join(output_orig)) if content_before: by_status_id = dict([(e["status_id"], e) for e in content_before if "status_id" in e]) RE_STATUS_CLASS = re.compile(r'.*\bstatus\b.*') url_base = "" % (username,) # let's fetch some tweets ... print 'Reading %s, backup in %s, started at %s' % ( url_base, fname,,) page_nr = 0 while True: page_nr += 1 print "%3d. page - read and parse" % (page_nr,) num_tweets_this_page = 0 url = '%s?page=%s' % (url_base, page_nr) f = urlopen(url) # f = open('twitter-feed.htm', 'rb') soup = BeautifulSoup( f.close() tweets = soup.findAll('li', {'class': RE_STATUS_CLASS}) if len(tweets) == 0: break for tweet in tweets: num_tweets += 1 current = [] content = unicode(tweet.find('span', 'entry-content').renderContents(), 'utf8') content = RE_USER.sub(r'@\1', content) content = RE_LINK.sub(r'\2 [\1]', content) content = RE_LINK_HASH.sub(r'', content) current.append('- content : "%s"' % (escape(content),)) date_time = tweet.find('span', 'timestamp').get("data", None) if date_time: # {date_time: time:'Sun Sep 04 20:05:28 +0000 2011'} # -> Sun Sep 04 20:05:28 +0000 2011 date_time = date_time.replace("{", "").replace("}", "").replace("time:", "").strip().strip("'").strip() current.append(' date_time: "%s"' % (escape(date_time),)) status_id = None m ='a', 'entry-date')['href']) if m: status_id = m.groups()[0] current.append(' status_id: "%s"' % (escape(status_id),)) current.append(' url: "!/%s/status/%s"' % (username, escape(status_id))) current.append("") if status_id is not None and status_id in by_status_id: # skip it continue num_tweets_new += 1 num_tweets_this_page += 1 output.extend(current) if num_tweets_this_page==0: print 'No new tweets found, quit iteration ...' break print ' %3d/%3d tweets saved/processed. Waiting %d seconds before fetching next page...' % ( num_tweets_new, num_tweets, DELAY) # be nice to twitter's servers time.sleep(DELAY) if num_tweets_new==0: print 'No new tweets found in %d tweets analysed, file %s left untouched' % (num_tweets, fname) return False fout =, "w", "utf-8") output.extend(output_orig) fout.write("\n".join(output)) print '%d/%d tweets saved in %s' % (num_tweets_new, num_tweets, if __name__=="__main__": main(sys.argv[1:])