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def _search(forward, source, target, start=0, end=None):
    """Naive search for target in source."""
    m = len(source)
    n = len(target)
    if end is None:
        end = m
        end = min(end, m)
    if n == 0 or (end-start) < n:
        # target is empty, or longer than source, so obviously can't be found.
        return None
    if forward:
        x = range(start, end-n+1)
        x = range(end-n, start-1, -1)
    for i in x:
        if source[i:i+n] == target:
            return i
    return None

import functools
search = functools.partial(_search, True)
rsearch = functools.partial(_search, False)

_doc = """\
%(name)s(sequence, subsequence [, start [, end]]) -> int or None

Search a sequence[start:end] for a subsequence starting from the %(dir)s,
returning the offset if it is found, otherwise None.

>>> %(name)s([1, 2, "z", 2, "a", 3, 2, "a"], [2, "a"])

If not given, start and end default to the beginning and end of the sequence.

search.__doc__ = _doc % {'name': 'search', 'value': 3, 'dir': 'left'}
rsearch.__doc__ = _doc % {'name': 'rsearch', 'value': 6, 'dir': 'right'}
search.__name__ = 'search'
rsearch.__name__ = 'rsearch'
del _doc, _search
