* @fileoverview With an editor selection, pressing any of [ { ( " ' keys will
* place matching braces or quotes around the selected text.
* @author Todd Whiteman (toddw@activestate.com)
* @version 0.5
if (typeof(window.extensions) == 'undefined') {
window.extensions = {};
if (extensions.smartbraces && extensions.smartbraces.onkeypress_handler) {
// Remove the existing trigger handler, we'll re-instate it.
var editor_pane = ko.views.manager.topView;
editor_pane.removeEventListener('keypress', extensions.smartbraces.onkeypress_handler, true);
extensions.smartbraces = {};
(function() {
var log = ko.logging.getLogger("SmartBraces");
// The accepted keypress characters.
var brace_charcodes = ["{", "(", "[", "\"", "'"];
var matching_brace_charcodes = ["}", ")", "]", "\"", "'"];
this.onkeypress_handler = function(e) {
try {
// Only trap the required brace keys.
var key = String.fromCharCode(e.charCode);
var idx = brace_charcodes.indexOf(key);
if (idx < 0) {
log.debug("onkeypress_handler:: not one of the handled keys: " + key);
return; // These are not the keys you are looking for.
// Only trap keypresses that aren't used with a modifier and
// originated in the editor.
if (!e.charCode || e.ctrlKey || e.altKey) return;
if (e.getPreventDefault()) {
// Somebody else already tried to cancel this event.
log.debug("onkeypress_handler:: key already handled: " + key);
// Create shorthands for 'currentView'
var view = ko.views.manager.currentView;
var wanted_event = e.originalTarget.localName == "scintilla" ||
e.originalTarget == view.scintilla._embed ||
// Allow the Scintilla IME input as well.
(e.originalTarget.localName == "input" &&
(e.originalTarget.parentNode.parentNode ==
if (!wanted_event) {
// The event belongs to something else.
log.debug("onkeypress_handler:: event originated elsewhere: " + e.originalTarget.localName);
if (view.scintilla.key_handler) {
// There is a specialized key handler registered, don't do
// anything, as Komodo's likely in interactive search mode.
log.debug("onkeypress_handler:: special key handler already installed");
log.debug("onkeypress_handler:: key: " + key);
* @type {Components.interfaces.ISciMoz}
var editor = view.scimoz;
// Don't do anything if there isn't a selection within the document.
var selection = editor.selText;
if (!selection) {
var anchor = editor.anchor;
var cursorPos = editor.currentPos;
editor.replaceSel(key + selection + matching_brace_charcodes[idx]);
// Restore the selection.
if (anchor < cursorPos) {
editor.anchor = anchor;
editor.currentPos = cursorPos + 2;
} else {
editor.anchor = anchor + 2;
editor.currentPos = cursorPos;
// Stop the event from going to the editor as a regular keypress.
} catch(ex) {
// Hook up the keypress event listener.
var editor_pane = ko.views.manager.topView;
editor_pane.addEventListener('keypress', this.onkeypress_handler, true);