import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.Timer;
public class Game extends JApplet // swing applet
/////// SCREENS
boolean titleScreen = true; // implements the menu screen when true
boolean gameBegin = false; // Begins the game screen when true
boolean instruction = false; // Begins the game screen when true
/////// IMAGE
Dimension dim; // buffering
Image offscreen; // buffering
static Graphics bufferGraphics; // buffering
static Image h1, h2; // Cursor image
static Image bg, button1a, button1b, button2a, button2b; // image for menu screen (background, buttons)
static Image instrbg; // instruction background
static Image gamebg, m1, m1a, m1b; // image for game screen (background, monkey sprite)
static Image[] mk = new Image [9]; // image variable for the 9 "moles"
/////// MOUSE
Cursor c; // cursor variable
boolean myButtonPressed = false; // mouse button pressed (true or false)
boolean myButtonEntered = false; // mouse enter the screen (true or false)
int myMouseX = 0, myMouseY = 0; // mouse coordinates x and y from top left
int myRow = -1, myCol = -1; // mouse coordinate outside of the screen
private static final int[] mX = {5, 170, 335, 5, 170, 335, 5, 170, 335}; // "mole" (monkey) x coordinates on the game screen
// grid format going from left to right & down the rows
private static final int[] mY = {5, 5, 5, 170, 170, 170, 335, 335, 335}; // "mole" y coordinates on the game screen
// grid format going from left to right & down the rows
int randm; // randomizes which "mole" will activate
int rand; // randomizes the time space between the mole activation/deactivation
static boolean mup = false; // a "mole" is activated (true/false)
static boolean[] mhit = {false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false}; // monkey (1 to nine in same grid format as above) hit
private int[] respawnCounter = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
private int[] removeCounter = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
static int score = 0; // score counter
GameScreen g1 = new GameScreen (); // instantiates the GameScreen Class
Timer repaintM = null; // sets the repaint timer for monkey
public void init () // instantiating variables
/////// Screen variables
setSize (600, 500); // sets screensize to 600 by 500 pixels
/////// Buffering variables
dim = getSize (); // gets the dimension of the screen
setBackground (Color.white); // sets the background of screen to white
offscreen = createImage (dim.width, dim.height); // buffering method to the applet screen
bufferGraphics = offscreen.getGraphics (); // new object for instantiating images on the paint()
/////// Receiving images
m1a = getImage (getCodeBase (), "m1a.gif"); // monkey up image
m1b = getImage (getCodeBase (), "m1b.gif"); // monkey hit image
m1 = getImage (getCodeBase (), "m1.gif"); // monkey none image
h1 = getImage (getCodeBase (), "hammer.gif"); // hammer cursor
h2 = getImage (getCodeBase (), "hammer2.gif"); // hammer hit cursor
bg = getImage (getCodeBase (), "mainbg.gif"); // main menu background
gamebg = getImage (getCodeBase (), "gbg.gif"); // game background
instrbg = getImage (getCodeBase (), "instruction.gif"); // game background
button1a = getImage (getCodeBase (), "button1a.gif"); // start button
button1b = getImage (getCodeBase (), "button1b.gif"); // instruction button
button2a = getImage (getCodeBase (), "button2a.gif"); // start pressed button
button2b = getImage (getCodeBase (), "button2b.gif"); // instruction pressed button
for (int x = 0 ; x < 9 ; x++) // loops 9 times for each monkey image array
mk [x] = m1; // monkey [x] is equal to "monkey none image"
/////// MOUSE
Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit ();
c = tk.createCustomCursor (tk.getImage (""), new Point (0, 0), "invisible"); // creates an invalid cursor thus appears like there is no cursor
setCursor (c); // activates the cursor
addMouseListener (new MyMouseListener ()); // adds mouse listener class which moniters the status of the mouse button
addMouseMotionListener (new MyMouseMotionListener ()); // adds mouse motion listener class which moniters the movement of the mouse
} // end init method
/////// MOUSELISTENER CLASS /////////
public class MyMouseListener implements MouseListener // Mouse Listener Class: "status of mouse button"
public void mousePressed (MouseEvent me) // mouse pressed method
myButtonPressed = true; // mouse pressed becomes true (mouse pressed)
myMouseX = me.getX (); // returns x coordinate of mouse
myMouseY = me.getY (); // returns y coordinate of mouse
handleMouseEvents (); // values are implemented into the handleMouseEvents ()
public void mouseReleased (MouseEvent me) // mouse released method
myButtonPressed = false; // mouse pressed becomes false (mouse released)
myMouseX = me.getX (); // returns x coordinate of mouse
myMouseY = me.getY (); // returns y coordinate of mouse
handleMouseEvents (); // values are implemented into the handleMouseEvents ()
public void mouseEntered (MouseEvent me) // mouse entered method
myButtonEntered = true; // mouse enters the screen becomes true
myMouseX = me.getX (); // returns x coordinate of mouse
myMouseY = me.getY (); // returns y coordinate of mouse
handleMouseEvents (); // values are implemented into the handleMouseEvents ()
public void mouseExited (MouseEvent me) // mouse excited method
myButtonEntered = false; // mouse pressed becomes true
myMouseX = me.getX (); // returns x coordinate of mouse
myMouseY = me.getY (); // returns y coordinate of mouse
handleMouseEvents (); // values are implemented into the handleMouseEvents ()
public void mouseClicked (MouseEvent me) // mouse clicked method
// must access all the methods in an interface
} // end MyMouseListener class
public class MyMouseMotionListener implements MouseMotionListener // Mouse Motion Listener class: "movement of mouse"
public void mouseMoved (MouseEvent me) // mouse moved class
myMouseX = me.getX (); // returns x coordinate of mouse
myMouseY = me.getY (); // returns y coordinate of mouse
handleMouseEvents (); // values are implemented into the handleMouseEvents ()
} // end mouseMoved method
public void mouseDragged (MouseEvent me) // mouse dragged class (pressed and moved simultaneously)
myMouseX = me.getX (); // returns x coordinate of mouse
myMouseY = me.getY (); // returns y coordinate of mouse
handleMouseEvents (); // values are implemented into the handleMouseEvents ()
} // end mouseDragged method
} // end MyMouseListener class
public Image getMouseImage () // method that returns mouse image
if (myButtonPressed) // when mouse button is pressed
return h2; // cursor changes to hammer hit image
return h1; // cursor returns to original hammer image
public void handleMouseEvents () // the coordinates of the mouse on screen
int nCol = myMouseX - 50; // variable for x coordinate of mouse
// variable is subtracted to place the x coordinate of the cursor in the center of the hammer image (size = 100 by 100)
int nRow = myMouseY - 50; // variable for y coordinate of mouse
// variable is subtracted to place the x coordinate of the cursor in the center of the hammer image (size = 100 by 100)
if (!myButtonEntered) // if mouse has not entered the screen
nCol = nRow = -1; // the coordinates of the mouse is out of bounds
if (nCol != myCol || nRow != myRow) // if the mouse has entered the screen
myRow = nRow; // cursor x coordinate
myCol = nCol; // cursor y coordinate
repaint (); // repaints the cursor as coordinates of the mouse moves
} // end handleMouseEvents method
public void mouse () // draws hammer cursor
if (myRow != -1 && myCol != -1) // if mouse is in the boundaries of the screen
Image mouseImage = getMouseImage (); // mouse image is rendered depending on the situation
// see getMouseImage ()
bufferGraphics.drawImage (mouseImage, myCol, myRow, 100, 100, null, this); // draws the cursor
} // end if
public void paint (Graphics g) // paint method - handles images
// buffering tool
bufferGraphics.clearRect (0, 0, dim.width, dim.height);
if (titleScreen == true) // if screen title is true
mainScreen (); // main screen appears
if (gameBegin == true) // if game begin is true
repaint ();
game (); // game screen appears
if (instruction == true) // if game begin is true
instruction (); // game screen appears
mouse (); // mouse hammer cursor is repeatedly drawn
// buffering tool
g.drawImage (offscreen, 0, 0, this);
} // end Paint method
public void update (Graphics g) // double buffering method
paint (g);
public void instruction ()
/////// IMAGE
bufferGraphics.drawImage (instrbg, 0, 0, 600, 500,, this); // background
if (myButtonPressed && myRow > (384 - 50) && myRow < (433 - 50)
&& myCol > (427 - 50) && myCol < (586 - 50)) // if mouse button is pressed and hits start button coordinates
instruction = false; // instruction screen closes
gameBegin = true; // game begins
public void mainScreen () // main screen method
/////// IMAGE
bufferGraphics.drawImage (bg, 0, 0, 600, 500,, this); // background
bufferGraphics.drawImage (button1a, 427, 384, 159, 49,, this); // start button
bufferGraphics.drawImage (button2a, 427, 440, 159, 49,, this); // instruction button
if (myButtonPressed == true) // if mouse button is pressed
if (myRow > (384 - 50) && myRow < (433 - 50)
&& myCol > (427 - 50) && myCol < (586 - 50)) // and hits start button coordinates
titleScreen = false; // title screen closes
gameBegin = true; // game begins
else if (myRow > (340 - 50) && myRow < (489 - 50)
&& myCol > (427 - 50) && myCol < (586 - 50)) // and hits instruction button coordinates
titleScreen = false; // title screen closes
instruction = true;
public void game () // Game method
// new ReminderBeep (5);
Monkey m = new Monkey (); // randomizing which monkey becomes activated
m.randmonkey ();
/////// IMAGE
bufferGraphics.drawImage (gamebg, 0, 0, 600, 500,, this); // game background
for (int i = 0 ; i < 9 ; i++) // 9 arrays of monkey image
bufferGraphics.drawImage (mk [i], mX [i], mY [i], 160, 160,, this);
// draws the monkey arrays in order from left to right in grid format
bufferGraphics.setFont (new Font ("Arial", Font.BOLD, 20));
bufferGraphics.drawString (String.valueOf (score), 560, 160); // score
class Monkey extends JApplet
public void monkeyhit () // monkey collision detector method
if (myButtonPressed == true) // if mouse button is pressed and...
for (int hit = 0 ; hit < 9 ; hit++) // for 9 arrays of monkey image
if (mk [hit] == m1a && myRow > (mY [hit] - 50) && myRow < (mY [hit] + 160 - 50)
&& myCol > (mX [hit] - 50) && myCol < (mX [hit] + 160 - 50))
// ... button is in the boundaries of monkey that is activated
mk [hit] = m1b; // monkey image changes to monkey hit image
mhit [hit] = false; // monkey that is hit is no longer activated
score += 10; // score counts up 10 pts.
public void randmonkey () // randomizaing monkey activation method
repaintM = new Timer (2000, new RepaintAction (this)); // creates a new timer that will delay the repaint of the monkeys (2 seconds
rand = ((int) (Math.random () * 100)) + 1000; // monkey activation delay in between
randm = ((int) (Math.random () * 500)); // randomizes the number from 1 to 500 to determine which monkey becomes activated
// 9 out of 500 chance of monkey appearing
if (randm <= 8) // if random number is between 0 to 8
for (int a = 0 ; a < 9 ; a++) // for 9 monkey arrays
if (randm == a) // if random number matches up with the corect monkey coordinates
mhit [randm] = true; // activates the monkey
mk [randm] = m1a; // monkey none image changes to monkey image
else if (randm != a) // if random number does not match up
mhit [a] = false; // monkey stays deactivated
mk [a] = m1; // monkey none stays monkey none
for (int i = 0 ; i < rand * 100 ; i++) // monkey is activated for a certain time of delay
monkeyhit (); // monkey hit method is activated for player to hit the "mole"
if (mhit [randm] = false) // when monkey deactivates (monkey is hit)
mk [randm] = m1; // monkey hit image is changed to money none image
break; // the loop discontinues
class RepaintAction implements ActionListener // Repaint method
Monkey randmonkey;
public RepaintAction (Monkey randmonkey)
this.randmonkey = randmonkey; // random monkey is equal to random monkey here
public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)
randmonkey.repaint (); // repaints randmonkey method