import tkinter import tkinter.ttk import getpass import uuid import os import time import traceback # XXX The file will be obsolete by tomorrow. HOLD = 'Logos Storage' ################################################################################ class Logos(tkinter.ttk.Frame): @classmethod def main(cls): # Create and configure the root. tkinter.NoDefaultRoot() root = tkinter.Tk() root.title('Logos') root.minsize(200, 200) # Create Logos and setup for resizing. view = cls(root) view.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=tkinter.NSEW) root.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1) root.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) # Enter the main GUI event loop. root.mainloop() ######################################################################## # These are all instance methods. def __init__(self, master): super().__init__(master) # Get the username and save list of found files. self.__user = getpass.getuser() self.__dirlist = set() # Create widgets. self.__log = tkinter.Text(self) self.__bar = tkinter.ttk.Scrollbar(self, orient=tkinter.VERTICAL, command=self.__log.yview) self.__ent = tkinter.ttk.Entry(self, cursor='xterm') # Configure widgets. self.__log.configure(state=tkinter.DISABLED, wrap=tkinter.WORD, yscrollcommand=self.__bar.set) # Create binding. self.__ent.bind('<Return>', self.create_message) # Position widgets. self.__log.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=tkinter.NSEW) self.__bar.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=tkinter.NS) self.__ent.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=tkinter.EW) # Configure resizing. self.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) # Focus entry. self.__ent.focus_set() # Schedule message discovery. self.after_idle(self.get_messages) def get_messages(self): # Schedule method for one second from now. self.after(1000, self.get_messages) # Get a list of new files. files = set(os.listdir(HOLD)) diff = files - self.__dirlist self.__dirlist = files # Load each new message. messages = [] for name in diff: path = os.path.join(HOLD, name) try: with open(path) as file: user, clock, message = self.load_message(file) messages.append((user, float(clock), message)) except: # Print any error for debugging purposes. traceback.print_exc() os.remove(path) # Sort the messages according to time and display them. messages.sort(key=lambda m: m[1]) for m in messages: self.display_message(m[0], m[2]) def display_message(self, user, text): # Put a new message on the screen. self.__log['state'] = tkinter.NORMAL message = '{} - {}\n'.format(user, text) self.__log.insert('1.0', message) self.__log['state'] = tkinter.DISABLED def create_message(self, event): # Get the text, clear it, show on screen, and create file. text = event.widget.get() event.widget.delete(0, tkinter.END) self.display_message(self.__user, text) self.save_file(text) def save_file(self, message): # Save message in HOLD using a UUID for the name. name = uuid.uuid1().hex path = os.path.join(HOLD, name) self.__dirlist.add(name) with open(path, 'w') as file: self.save_message(file, message) ######################################################################## # If one the format is changed, both methods must be altered. def load_message(self, file): # Read the file, splitting on newline, and get first three lines. user, clock, message ='\n')[:3] return user, clock, message def save_message(self, file, message): # Save username, timestamp, and message on separate lines. print(self.__user, file=file) print(time.time(), file=file) print(message, file=file, end='') ################################################################################ if __name__ == '__main__': Logos.main()