#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 """ Assumption: Input Excel Spreadsheet with these columns: "Date","Company","Symbol","First Name","Last Name", "Title","Email","Notes", "Owner First Name", "Owner Last Name" Normally you should try to use the Salesforce import Wizard or Apex Data Loader for importing. This script demonstrates that programmatic import can handle complex conditional logic that the Import Wizard or Data Loader cannot anticipate. * Apex Data Loader requires CSV file, does not directly deal with Excel * Apex Data Loader only loads one object type per/run. * The mapping of input columns to object fields is static/declarative (normally this is good, but not flexible) * You cannot map an Account owner by name Other issues raised that this script (scripting, in general) can handle: http://success.salesforce.com/ideaView?c=09a30000000D9xt&id=08730000000Bq30AAC http://success.salesforce.com/ideaView?c=09a30000000D9xt&id=08730000000BrdUAAS This script uses the Salesforce (web services) API, which is only available to Unlimited, Enterprise and Developer users, although I understand the API can purchased separately. Module Dependencies: sforce, salesforce-python-toolkit, http://code.google.com/p/salesforce-python-toolkit/ suds, versions 0.3.6 to 0.3.9 ONLY (i.e. 0.4.0 WON'T WORK) Python SOAP API, https://fedorahosted.org/suds xlrd, Python MS-Excel reader, http://www.python-excel.org xlwt, Python MS-Excel writer, http://www.python-excel.org Copyright (c) 2011 Chris Wolf cw10025 gmail Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ #-------------------- user configuration section, edit as needed ---- # WSDL generated from setup->Develop->API->Generate Enterprise WSDL wsdlFile=r'enterprise.wsdl' username='sforceuser' password='sforcepw' sectoken='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' #security token # when these are False, an entry is created in the exception report createMissingAccounts = True createMissingContacts = True #-------------------------------------------------------------------- import sys, xlrd, datetime from xlwt import Workbook, easyxf, XFStyle from sforce.enterprise import SforceEnterpriseClient # missing ternary expression in Python < 2.5 tern=lambda a,b,c: (b,c)[not a] class ImportException(Exception): def __init__(self, msg, sheetName, errRow): self.msg = msg self.sheetName = sheetName self.errRow = errRow def __str__(self): return repr("%s: '%s', row %d" % self.msg, self.sheetName, self.errRow) #----- globals ---- # Errors XLS errorsWorkbook = None erroutSheet = None erroutRow = 0 # Import XLS importSheet = None importRow = 0 invokingUser = None headers = [] # Salesforce connection handle, initialized by login sf = None # set username, password and sectoken near top of this file def loginToSalesforce(username, password, sectoken): """ Initializes global Salesforce connection handle, "sf" """ global sf sf = SforceEnterpriseClient(wsdlFile) # API login seems to always need security token result = sf.login(username, password, sectoken) print 'Connected to "%s"' % result.serverUrl print ' as user "%s" Org Company Name: "%s" Org Id: "%s"' % \ (result.userInfo.userFullName, result.userInfo.organizationName, result.userInfo.organizationId) print " org type is %s sandbox" % (tern(result.sandbox,"","NOT")) global invokingUser invokingUser = result.userInfo.userFullName def configErrorReporting(headers): """ Configure import exception log, which is an Excel spreadsheet in the same format as the input format, but with an extra column added - "Error", which contains the error message. Can only be called after first row of input Excel spreadsheet is read to initialize the global, "headers" """ dateFmt = easyxf( 'font: name Arial, bold True, height 200;', #'borders: left thick, right thick, top thick, bottom thick;', num_format_str='MM-DD-YYYY' ) headerFmt = easyxf( 'font: name Arial, bold True, height 200;', ) global errorsWorkbook, erroutSheet, erroutRow errorsWorkbook = Workbook() erroutSheet = errorsWorkbook.add_sheet('Import Errors') for colnum in range(0, len(headers)): erroutSheet.write(0, colnum, headers[colnum][0], tern(headers[colnum][0]==xlrd.XL_CELL_DATE, dateFmt, headerFmt)) # Add extra column for error message erroutSheet.write(0, len(headers), "Error", headerFmt) erroutSheet.flush_row_data() erroutRow = 1 errorsWorkbook.save('errors.xls') def writeErrorRec(record): """ Exception report spreadsheet output format same as input format and assumes first column is of type Date - adds an extra, last column for error message. """ dateFmt = XFStyle() dateFmt.num_format_str='MM-DD-YYYY' defaultFmt = XFStyle() global erroutRow for colnum in range(0, len(headers)): erroutSheet.write(erroutRow, colnum, record[headers[colnum][0]], tern(headers[colnum][0]==xlrd.XL_CELL_DATE, dateFmt, defaultFmt)) # add extra column for error message erroutSheet.row(erroutRow).write(len(headers), record['Error']) erroutRow += 1 # flush every 200 rows... #if ((erroutRow % 200) + 1 == 200): # since, xlwt uses aggressive caching, we must # write each row manually, or the data may be lost upon exception erroutSheet.flush_row_data() errorsWorkbook.save('errors.xls') def createContact(record): """ Create a partially populated Contact record, associated with the Account ("Company") specified in the Excel record. """ global importSheet, importRow contact = sf.generateObject('Contact') contact.AccountId = record['AccountId'] contact.FirstName = record['First Name'] contact.LastName = record['Last Name'] contact.Title = record['Title'] contact.Email = record['Email'] contact.Description = record['Notes'] result = sf.create(contact) if result.success != True: msg = "Error: Can't create Contact record for %s, result was %s" % (str(record), result) raise ImportError(msg, importSheet, importRow) print "New Contact record for %s, %s, Id = %s" \ % (contact.LastName, contact.FirstName, result.id) return result def createAccount(record): """ Create a partially populated Account record, corresponding to the Company specified in the Excel record. """ global importSheet, importRow ownerId = None setOwner = False if record['Owner First Name'] != None and len(record['Owner First Name']) > 0 and \ record['Owner Last Name'] != None and len(record['Owner Last Name']) > 0: setOwner = True if setOwner: result = sf.query( u"select Id from User where FirstName = '%s' and LastName = '%s'" % (record['Owner First Name'].replace(u"'", u"\\'") , record['Owner Last Name'].replace(u"'", u"\\'")) ) if result.size > 1: print "Warning: Multiple users with name \"%s %s\" - using first found." \ % (record['Owner First Name'], record['Owner Last Name']) elif result.size == 1: ownerId = result.records[0].Id else: global invokingUser print "Warning: no owning User found for \"%s %s\" - owner will be \"%s\" " \ % (record['Owner First Name'], record['Owner Last Name'], invokingUser) account = sf.generateObject('Account') account.Name = record['Company'] account.TickerSymbol = record['Symbol'] # just used to mark records for testing if (setOwner and ownerId != None): account.OwnerId = ownerId result = sf.create(account) if result.success != True: global importSheet, importRow msg = "Error: Can't create Account record for %s, result was %s" % (str(record), result) raise ImportError(msg, importSheet, importRow) print "New Account record for %s, Id = %s" % (account.Name, result.id) return result def handleAccountContact(record): """ Input to this function is a single record from the import data Excel file. Here, we perform two queries, one to get the AccountId and one to get the ContactId, then we add these as new fields to the record and pass it back to the caller. If the Account does not exit - create it, if the contact does not exist, then create that too. """ global createMissingAccounts accountId = None result = sf.query(u"select Id, Name from Account where Name = '%s'" % (record['Company']).replace(u"'", u"\\'")) if result.size > 1: #r['Error'] = 'dup accounts' print "Warning: more then one Account record for %s - using first one" % record['Company'] #writeErrorRec(record) #return None accountId = result.records[0].Id #.encode('ascii', 'ignore') if result.size < 1: if createMissingAccounts == True: accountId = createAccount(record).id else: record['Error'] = 'no account' print "Error: no Account record for %s" % record['Company'] writeErrorRec(record) return None else: accountId = result.records[0].Id record['AccountId'] = accountId # try contact lookup via email... if record['Email'] != None and len(record['Email']) > 0: result = sf.query( u""" select Id, FirstName, LastName, Title, Email from Contact where Email = '%s' """ % (record['Email']) ) else: result = None # ...if none, try contact lookup via first & last name if result == None or result.size < 1: result = sf.query( u""" select Id, FirstName, LastName, Title, Email from Contact where FirstName = '%s' and LastName = '%s' """ % (record['First Name'].replace(u"'", u"\\'") , record['Last Name'].replace(u"'", u"\\'") ) ) if result.size == 1: record['ContactId'] = result.records[0].Id elif result.size > 1: print result print "Warning: more then one Contact record for %s, %s %s - using first found." \ % (record['Last Name'], record['First Name'], record['Email']) record['ContactId'] = result.records[0].Id else: if createMissingAccounts == True: newContactResult = createContact(record) record['ContactId'] = newContactResult.id else: record['Error'] = 'no contact' print "Error: no Contact record for %s, %s %s" \ % (record['Last Name'], record['First Name'], record['Email']) writeErrorRec(record) return None return record def importData(fileName): """ Main entry point - opens import data Excel sheet (assumed to be first sheet) and processes each record, one at a time. """ global importSheet, importRow, headers book = xlrd.open_workbook(fileName) importSheet = book.sheet_by_index(0) print "importing from %s" % importSheet.name # get cell value types from first-non header data row (2nd), since headers are all of type text for colnum in range(0, importSheet.ncols): headers.append((importSheet.cell(0, colnum).value, importSheet.cell(1, colnum).ctype)) configErrorReporting(headers) for importRow in range(1, importSheet.nrows): record = {} for colnum in range(0, importSheet.ncols): if headers[colnum][1] == xlrd.XL_CELL_DATE: dateTuple = xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(importSheet.cell(rowx=importRow, colx=colnum).value, book.datemode) date = datetime.date(dateTuple[0], dateTuple[1], dateTuple[2]) # required format for xsd:Date type, for web service call record[headers[colnum][0]] = date.isoformat() else: value = importSheet.cell_value(rowx=importRow, colx=colnum) if isinstance(value, basestring): record[headers[colnum][0]] = value.strip() else: record[headers[colnum][0]] = value #print "%s: %s" % (type(record[headers[colnum]]), record[headers[colnum]]) record = handleAccountContact(record) book.unload_sheet(importSheet.name) if len(sys.argv) != 2: print "%s: Error: must pass Excel file name argument on command line" % sys.argv[0] print "e.g.: %s importdata.xls" % sys.argv[0] sys.exit(1) #configErrorReporting() # old-style exception handling because MacOSX only has Python-2.4 try: try: loginToSalesforce(username, password, sectoken) importData(sys.argv[1]) erroutSheet.flush_row_data() errorsWorkbook.save('errors.xls') except KeyboardInterrupt: print "Abort requested by user..." except ImportException, e: print e raise # re-raise for stacktrace except: print "Error, caught %s: %s " % (sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]) raise # re-raise for stacktrace finally: if errorsWorkbook != None and erroutSheet != None: erroutSheet.flush_row_data() errorsWorkbook.save('errors.xls')