fork of O(n) quicksort style algorithm for looking up data based on rank order. Useful for finding medians, percentiles, quartiles, and deciles. Equivalent to [data[n] for n in positions] when the data is already sorted.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 | import random
def select(data, positions, start=0, end=None):
'''For every n in *positions* find nth rank ordered element in *data*
inplace select'''
if not end: end = len(data) - 1
if end < start:
return []
if end == start:
return [data[start]]
pivot_rand_i = random.randrange(start,end)
pivot_rand = data[pivot_rand_i] # get random pivot
data[end], data[pivot_rand_i] = data[pivot_rand_i], data[end]
pivot_i = start
for i in xrange(start, end): # partitioning about the pivot
if data[i] < pivot_rand:
data[pivot_i], data[i] = data[i], data[pivot_i]
pivot_i += 1
data[end], data[pivot_i] = data[pivot_i], data[end]
under_positions, over_positions, mid_positions = [],[],[]
for position in positions:
if position == pivot_i:
elif position < pivot_i:
result = []
if len(under_positions) > 0:
result.extend(select(data, under_positions, start, pivot_i-1))
if len(mid_positions) > 0:
result.extend([data[position] for position in mid_positions])
if len(over_positions) > 0:
result.extend(select(data, over_positions, pivot_i+1, end))
return result
The input data can be any iterable.<pre></pre> The randomization of pivots makes the algorithm perform consistently even with unfavorable data orderings (the same kind that wreak havoc on quicksort). Makes approximately lg2(N) calls to random.choice().<pre></pre> Revised to include the pivot counts after David Eppstein pointed out that the originally posted algorithm ran slowly when all the inputs were equal.