;#template` {-path} {-menu} {-s1} {-s2} {-s3}
;#option`-path`Path to controlling file`F`c:\source\python\projects\menu\buttonbar.py`
;#option`-menu`Path to menu file`F`c:\source\python\projects\menu\test.ini`
;#option`-s1`First section`X`info`
;#option`-s2`Second section`X`help`
;#option`-s3`Third section`X`data`
mHelpText = '''
# ----------------------------------------------
# Name: ButtonBarV1Ex
# Description:
## D20G-76 Popup button bar using Qeditor style menus.ini file, selects sections to use (ExPopen)
# Author: Philip S. Rist
# Date: 10/27/2010
# Copyright 2010 by St. Thomas Software
# ----------------------------------------------
# This program is freeware. It may be used
# for any moral purpose. You use it at your
# own risk. St. Thomas Software makes no
# guarantees to its fitness to do anything.
# If you feel you must pay for it. Please
# send one million dollars to
# The International Rescue Committee
# 122 East 42nd Street
# New York, N.Y. 10168-1289
# Ok, we are in a recession. So, make it a half
# million.
# Example of .reg file entry
# [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\textfile\Shell\TextTools]
# @="T&ext Tools
# "EditFlags"=hex:01,00,00,00
# [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\textfile\Shell\TextTools\Command]
# @="c:\\sys\\python25\\python.exe c:\\bin\\ButtonBarV1Ex.py \"%1\" {p}\\menus.ini;{o}\\menus.ini;c:\\bin\\menus.ini ide "
# Syntax:
# ButtonBarV1Ex.py [options] <file path> <menu path> <first section> [ <another section> ... ]
# Options:
# -b <color> - default button background color
# -d <directory> - set working directory
# -e <name>=<value> - set environment variable
# -h - print help text
# -l <color> - default label background color
# -o - set orientation to horizontal
# The command line template extracted from the menu file may contain macros of the form '{x}' which
# are replaced by parts of the file path or other string. The Do.py and Do2.py modules are used.
# %1 is replaced by the selected file path. The file path string is also used for display
# at the top of the button bar. If no expansion is performed any string can be used and displayed.
# The second parameter is the name of an initialization file similar to the one shown below.
# Each line contains a prompt displayed on a button and a command separated by a comma.
# Macros are replaced before execution.
# The remaining parameters name sections to be used to make the button bar. The order in the
# initialization file is maintained. Selection is case insensitive.
# Do.py and Do2.py are used to expand the command line, the menu selection and each section
# name. The command line can also contain '{pr}' which will be replaced by the prompt
# displayed on the button. Also, any string enclosed in braces not a macro will be taken
# as a command name in the registry entry for the primary files file type.
# The Menu File:
# The menu file follows the syntax used by the QEditor menus.ini file. The same syntax as an .ini
# file except a ',' is used to separate key from value. In this case the values are command
# line templates usually containing one or more macro strings.
# Lines beginning with ';' are comments unless followed by '#' in which case the line may contain
# a special command. Command line options are also available for the same functions
# ;#cd`c:\bin - Sets the working directory to c:\bin or '-d c:\bin'
# ;#set`abc=def - Sets the environment variable abc to 'def' or '-s abc=def'
# ;#button`#00CCCC - Sets the background of succeeding buttons to #00CCCC. or '-b #00CCCC'
# ;#label`light blue - Sets the background of labels created by succeeding '-' lines
# to light blue. If included before the first section the
# color will also be used for section header labels or '-l "light blue"'
# Within sections not included in the button bar special commands are ignored. The '`' usually
# appears under the '~' on the keyboard.
# -o option will produce a horizontal button bar
# Section names and command prompts can contan a file pattern enclosed within two '/' or two '!'
# to include the section or line if the file path matches or does not match the pattern. Examples
# are shown below.
# Example initialization file (Text Tools.ini)
;#set`test=A Short String
;#cd`c:\source\python\Projects\Program Execution
test 1,c:\bin\messagebox.exe {a} {b} {p} "{f}" {n} {e} {o} %test%
-Directory List
Dir,c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /C dir "{p}\*.{e}"
DirX,c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /C dir *.*
Dir2,c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /C dir c:\source\Python\*.*
;#label`light gray
-Program execution
/*.exe/Run,"{a}" I am running "{a}"
/*.py/Run,c:\bin\messagebox.exe I am running a Python program "{a}"
/*.py/Run 2,%use% "{a}"
/*.exe/Run 2,"{a}" I am running "{a}"
Edit T,{o}\qeditor.exe "{a}"
Dir *,%comspec% /C dir {.}\*.*
import sys
import os
import getopt
import fnmatch
import Tkinter
from Tkconstants import *
import tkMessageBox
from _winreg import *
import Do # Recipe: 577439
from Do2 import ExpandArg # Recipe: 577440
from DoCommand import BuildCommand # Recipe: 577441
import subprocess
mCmds = {}
def Expand(pCommand, pFilePath, pPrompt, pSep=','):
# ---- Standard macro expansion with added {pr} macro
# Can separate arguments with ',' fo force argument by argument
# expansion
if pCommand.find(pSep) >= 0:
lArgs = pCommand.split(pSep)
lCommand = ''
lDefaultPath = pFilePath
for lArg in lArgs:
lVal = ExpandArg(lArg, pFilePath, lDefaultPath)
if lVal.find('{pr}') >= 0: # insert button prompt
lVal = lVal.replace('{pr}', pPrompt)
lCommand = lCommand + lVal + " "
except Exception, e:
print 'BBV1Ex',e
lCommand = Do.Expand(pCommand, pFilePath)
if lCommand.find('{pr}') >= 0:
lCommand = lCommand.replace('{pr}', pPrompt)
# ---- Remove {} for compatibility with DoM.py
lCommand = lCommand.replace('{}', ' ')
# ---- Remaining macros will be replaced by command of same name
# in registry
lPos = lCommand.find("{")
if lPos >= 0:
lEndPos = lCommand.find("}")
if lEndPos > lPos:
lKey = lCommand[lPos+1:lEndPos]
lDotPos = lKey.rfind('.')
if lDotPos > 0:
lExt = lKey[lDotPos]
lKey = lKey[0:lDotPos]
lDotPos = pFilePath.rfind('.')
lExt = pFilePath[lDotPos:]
lReplace = BuildCommand(pFilePath, lKey, lExt, [])
lCommand = lCommand[0:lPos] + lReplace + lCommand[lEndPos+1:]
# ---- replace %1 and %*
lPos = lCommand.rfind("%1")
if lPos >= 0:
lCommand = lCommand.replace("%1", pFilePath)
lPos = lCommand.rfind("%*")
if lPos >= 0:
lCommand = lCommand.replace("%*", "")
# ---- Remove !! used by DoM.py
lPos = lCommand.rfind('!!')
if lPos > 0:
lCommand = lCommand[0:lPos]
return lCommand
def showit(pEvent):
'View expansion of selected command'
lPrompt = pEvent.widget.cget("text")
lCommand = mCmds[lPrompt]
lCommand = Expand(lCommand, mFileName, lPrompt)
tkMessageBox.showinfo('Expanded Command:', lPrompt + " = " + lCommand)
def submitnow(pEvent):
'Execute selected command'
lPrompt = pEvent.widget.cget("text")
lCommand = mCmds[lPrompt]
lCommand = Expand(lCommand, mFileName, lPrompt)
lCommand = '"' + lCommand + '"'
subprocess.Popen(lCommand, shell=True)
def Commands():
return mCmds
def Build(pFrame, pMenuName, pFileName, pLabelList, pSubmit=submitnow, pCallBack=None,
pDefaultLabel='yellow', pDefaultButton='light blue', pSide=TOP, pFill=X):
Build menu from menu file
The menu file may contain commands to set the current directory and to
set specified environment variables. This is done while the file is
being read. They are not dependent on the selected button. The last
command encountered will be active.
set environment variable name to value
set current directory to path
set label background color
set button background color
lPos = pFileName.rfind('\\')
if lPos >= 0:
lFileName = pFileName[lPos+1:].lower()
lFileName = pFileName.lower()
lExist = os.path.exists(pFileName)
lFile = open(pMenuName,'r')
lFileText = lFile.readlines()
lDefaultButton = lButtonColor = pDefaultButton
lDefaultLabel = lLabelColor = pDefaultLabel
label = Tkinter.Label(pFrame, text=pFileName, bg=lLabelColor)
#label.pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
label.pack(side=pSide, fill=pFill)
lKeep = False
lSectionCount = 0
for lText in lFileText:
if len(lText) > 1:
if lText[0] != "[":
# ---- Menu splitter line
if lText[0] == "-" and lKeep:
if len(lText) > 1:
lPrompt = lText[1:-1]
if lPrompt.find('{') >= 0:
lPrompt = ExpandCmd(lPrompt, pFileName)
# ---- Display label for - line
# can be removed without affecting remainder of program
if len(lPrompt) > 0 and lKeep == True:
label= Tkinter.Label(pFrame, text=lPrompt, bg=lLabelColor)
#label.pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
label.pack(side=pSide, fill=pFill)
# ---- process special command
elif lText.startswith(";#") and (lSectionCount == 0 or lKeep == True):
lPos = lText.find("`") # <---- Fields are separated by ` (below ~)
if lPos > 0:
lCh = lText[2]
# ---- Set environment variable
if lCh == 's': # set environment variable
lEqPos = lText.find("=")
if lEqPos > lPos:
lKey = lText[lPos+1:lEqPos].strip()
lValue = lText[lEqPos+1:].strip()
if lValue.find('{') >= 0:
lValue = ExpandCmd(lValue, pFileName)
os.environ[lKey] = lValue
# ---- Change working directory
elif lCh == 'c': # set working directory
if lPos > 0 and lPos < len(lText):
lText = lText[lPos+1:].strip()
if lText.find('{') >= 0:
lText = ExpandCmd(lText, pFileName)
elif lCh == 'b':
lButtonColor = lText[lPos+1:].strip().lower()
if lSectionCount == 0:
lDefaultButton = lButtonColor
elif lCh == 'l':
lLabelColor = lText[lPos+1:].strip().lower()
if lSectionCount == 0:
lDefaultLabel = lLabelColor
elif pCallBack != None:
else: # ignore
# ---- Comment
elif lText[0] == ";":
# ---- Menu section is being skipped
elif lKeep == False:
# ---- Command template
lPos = lText.find(",")
if lPos > 0:
lPrompt = lText[:lPos]
lCommand = lText[lPos+1:]
# ---- Filter commands based on match with file name
# /*3.py/Run,c:\source\python31\pyrhonw.exe ...
# can be removed without affecting remainder of program
if lPrompt[0] == '/':
(lMask, lPrompt) = lPrompt[1:].split('/')
if not fnmatch.fnmatch(lFileName, lMask.lower()):
except Exception, e:
# ---- Filter commands based on mismatch with file name
# !*3.py!Run,c:\source\python27\pythonw.exe ...
# can be removed without affecting remainder of program
elif lPrompt[0] == '!':
(lMask, lPrompt) = lPrompt[1:].split('!')
if fnmatch.fnmatch(lFileName, lMask.lower()):
except Exception, e:
# ---- Create toolbar button
mCmds[lPrompt] = lCommand
button = Tkinter.Button(pFrame, text=lPrompt, bg=lButtonColor)
button = Tkinter.Button(pFrame, text=lPrompt)
button.pack(side=pSide, fill=pFill)
button.bind("<Button-1>", pSubmit) ### (1)
button.bind("<Button-3>", showit)
# ---- Section Header
lSectionCount += 1
lLabelColor = lDefaultLabel
lButtonColor = lDefaultButton
if lText.find('{') >= 0:
lText = ExpandCmd(label, pFileName)
label = lText[1:-2].lower()
# ---- Filter section based on match with file name
# [/*3.py/Special]
# can be removed without affecting remainder of program
if label[0] == '/':
(lMask, label) = label[1:].split('/')
if not fnmatch.fnmatch(lFileName, lMask.lower()):
lKeep = False
except Exception, e:
lKeep = False
# ---- Filter section based on mismatch with file name
# [!*3.py!Special]
# can be removed without affecting remainder of program
elif label[0] == '!':
(lMask, label) = label[1:].split('!')
if fnmatch.fnmatch(lFileName, lMask.lower()):
lKeep = False
except Exception, e:
lKeep = False
# ---- label must begin with letter
elif (label[0] < 'a') or (label[0] > 'z'):
label = label[1:]
# ---- Select/Unselect section
if pLabelList == [] or label in pLabelList:
lKeep = True
label = Tkinter.Label(pFrame,text=label.capitalize(), bg=lLabelColor)
#label.pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
label.pack(side=pSide, fill=pFill)
lKeep = False
label = Tkinter.Label(pFrame,text="", bg=lLabelColor)
#label.pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
label.pack(side=pSide, fill=pFill)
button = Tkinter.Button(pFrame,text='Exit', command=pFrame.quit, bg=lButtonColor)
#button.pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
button.pack(side=pSide, fill=pFill)
if __name__ == '__main__':
(mOptions, mArgs) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'b:d:e:hl:o')
# ---- Set run options
mDefaultLabel = 'light green'
mDefaultButton = 'light blue'
mOrient = VERTICAL
for (mKey, mValue) in mOptions:
if mKey == '-b':
mDefaultButton = mValue
elif mKey == '-d': # Set current directory
if mValue.find('}') >= 0:
mValue = Expand(mValue, mFileName)
elif mKey == '-e': # Set environment variable
Do.setenviron(mValue, mFileName)
elif mKey == '-h':
print mHelpText
elif mKey == '-l':
mDefaultLabel = mValue
elif mKey == '-o':
tk = Tkinter.Tk()
if len(mArgs) > 0:
mDefaultMenu = os.environ['MENUPATH']
if mVerbose:
print 'BB1Ex Default menu path', mDefaultMenu
mDefaultMenu = ''
mDefaultSection = os.environ['SECTION']
if mVerbose:
print 'BB1Ex Default section', mDefaultSection
mDefaultSection = '' # <------- Default section - Change this
if mDefaultSection == '':
mDefaultSection = ''
# ---- First argument is absolute path to file to be processed
mFileName = mArgs[0]
mFileName = mFileName.replace("/","\\")
# ---- Second argument is absolute path to initialization menu
# Selected menu can depend on file path (ie. {o}\menus.ini) See do2.py
if len(mArgs) > 1:
mMenuArg = mArgs[1] # generate button bar
mMenuArg += ';' + mDefaultMenu
mMenuArg = mDefaultMenu
# ---- Prevent QEditor from performing replacement, may be removed
mMenuArg = mMenuArg.replace("(","{")
mMenuArg = mMenuArg.replace(")","}")
# ---- Expand menu name and/or select from list
if mMenuArg.find('{') >= 0:
mMenuName = ExpandArg(mMenuArg, mFileName, mDefaultMenu)
elif mMenuArg.find(';') >= 0:
for mMenu in mMenuArg.split(';'):
if os.path.exists(mMenu):
mMenuName = mMenu
mMenuName = mDefaultMenu
mMenuName = mMenuArg
# ---- Remaining arguments list sections to include in menu
if len(mArgs) > 2:
mLabelList = []
for lItem in mArgs[2:]:
if lItem == '*':
if lItem == '-':
lItem = mDefaultSection
lItem = lItem.lower()
# ---- Prevent QEditor from performing replacement, may be removed
lItem = lItem.replace("(","{")
lItem = lItem.replace(")","}")
# ---- Selected section can be dependent on file path
if lItem.find('{') >= 0:
lItem = ExpandArg(lItem, mFileName, '')
elif mDefaultSection != '':
mLabelList = [ mDefaultSection ]
mLabelList = [ ]
# ---- Build buttonbar
mFrame = Tkinter.Frame(tk, relief=RIDGE, borderwidth=2)
mFrame.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)
if mOrient == VERTICAL:
Build(mFrame, mMenuName, mFileName, mLabelList, pDefaultLabel=mDefaultLabel, pDefaultButton=mDefaultButton, pSide=TOP, pFill=X)
Build(mFrame, mMenuName, mFileName, mLabelList, pDefaultLabel=mDefaultLabel, pDefaultButton=mDefaultButton, pSide=LEFT, pFill=Y)
# ---- Enter event loop
tkMessageBox.showinfo('Syntax Error','File name required')
Diff to Previous Revision
--- revision 1 2010-11-15 02:31:34
+++ revision 2 2010-11-16 07:02:50
@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@
button.pack(side=pSide, fill=pFill)
if __name__ == '__main__':
- (mOptions, mArgs) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'b:hl:o')
+ (mOptions, mArgs) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'b:d:e:hl:o')
# ---- Set run options
mDefaultLabel = 'light green'