from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals import win32com.client import codecs FILE = 1 DRAFT = 4 def login(user, password): app = win32com.client.Dispatch('NovellGroupWareSession') account = app.MultiLogin(user, None, password, 1) # 0 - promptIfNeeded # 1 - noverPrompt # 2 - allowPasswordPrompt def incoming(account): return account.MailBox.Messages.Find('(mail) and (box_type = incoming)') def msg_atts(msg): 'att generator' for att in msg.Attachments: if att.ObjType == FILE: fn = att.FileName if not fn: continue elif fn == 'Mime.822': # email from Thunderbird through smtp continue elif fn == 'Header': # forwarded from Thunderbird through smtp continue yield att return None def att_save(att, fpath): if att.AttachmentSize > 0: att.Save(fpath) else: # GW-error workaround, cat > fpath with open(fpath, 'wb'): pass def msg_move(msg, fromFolder, toFolder): fromFolder.Messages.Move(msg, toFolder.Messages) def msg_move2(msg, toFolder): 'move from Inbox' inbox = msg.Parent.MailBox folders = msg.EnclosingFolders if inbox in folders: msg_move(msg, inbox, toFolder) elif not toFolder in folders: toFolder.Messages.Add(msg) class AttStream: def __init__(self, att): = att.Stream self.size = att.AttachmentSize def read(self, size = -1): if size < 0: size = self.size data = return str(data) def close(self): pass def att_text(att, encoding): fp = AttStream(att) return def att_reader(att, encoding): ''' with att_reader(att, encoding) as fp: do_something ''' fp = AttStream(att) return codecs.getreader(encoding)(fp) def create_msg(folder): return folder.Messages.Add('GW.MESSAGE.MAIL', DRAFT) def add_recipients(msg, *addrL): for addr in addrL: msg.Recipients.Add(addr) def add_file(msg, fpath, fn = None): if fn: msg.Attachments.Add(fpath, FILE, fn) else: msg.Attachments.Add(fpath, FILE)