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A Komodo JavaScript macro that can be used to position the editor tabs on the right side and shown vertically.

Additional layouts (left, right, up, down, vertical, horizontal) can be made with different combinations, see here for the Mozilla tabbox positioning documentation: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/XUL_Tutorial/Tabboxes#Position_of_the_tabs

JavaScript, 4 lines
var tabbox = document.getElementById("tabbed-view");
tabbox.setAttribute("orient", "horizontal");
tabbox.setAttribute("dir", "reverse");
tabbox.tabs.setAttribute("orient", "vertical");


Nathan Rijksen 13 years, 7 months ago  # | flag

Very nice! Could you tell us how to position it to the left instead though? And is there an easy way to change the width ?

uno 13 years, 3 months ago  # | flag

for left side not write this line

tabbox.setAttribute("dir", "reverse");

or write

tabbox.setAttribute("dir", "");

for tab bottom side

var tabbox = document.getElementById("tabbed-view");

tabbox.setAttribute("orient", "vertical");

tabbox.setAttribute("dir", "reverse");

tabbox.tabs.setAttribute("orient", "orizzontal");

Milan Brezovsky 12 years, 5 months ago  # | flag

Thank you, this is brilliant. Works for K7 B1, too.

Davide Zilli 9 years ago  # | flag

This is great and I've been using it for a long time. In Komodo Edit 9 however, the tabs are very small (pretty much invisible) -- see screenshot

Is it possible to change the width? I've tried playing around with the CSS but with no success:

tabbox.setAttribute("width", "200px");
.setAttribute("right", "200px");