import os import os.path import re " RecipeUnpacker recreates a group of Python modules into current directory. " " See " __author__=["Jack Trainor (",] __version__="2010-07-20" client_PY = """from shipping import * import instance __author__=[%DQ%Jack Trainor (,] __version__=%DQ%2010-07-20%DQ% class Tester(object): def __init__(self): self.__mgr = None self.__count = 0 self.__successes = 0 def setup(self): self.__mgr = instance.ShippingInstanceMgr() pass def takedown(self): self.__mgr = None def mgr(self): return self.__mgr def test(self, result): self.__count += 1 if result: self.__successes += 1 else: self.__successes += 0 # for breakpoint def test_bool(self, result, flag): self.test(result == flag) def test_instance_new(self, name_, type_): instance_ = self.mgr().instance_new(name_, type_) self.test(instance_ != None) if instance_: self.test( == name_) self.test(instance_.type() == type_) return instance_ def test_attribute(self, instance_, key, val, flag=True): instance_.attribute_is(key, val) self.test_bool(instance_.attribute(key) == val, flag) def test_readonly_attribute(self, instance_, key, expected): val = instance_.attribute(key) self.test(val == expected) def test_manager(self): self.setup() self.test(self.mgr() != None) self.takedown() def test_location(self): self.setup() a = %DQ%a%DQ% instance_ = self.test_instance_new(a, LOCATION_TYPE) self.test_readonly_attribute(instance_, LOC_SHIPMENT_COUNT_ATTR, %DQ%0%DQ%) self.takedown() def test_origin(self): self.setup() a = %DQ%a%DQ% instance_ = self.test_instance_new(a, ORIGIN_TYPE) self.test_attribute(instance_, ORG_DESTINATION_ATTR, %DQ%xxx%DQ%) self.test_attribute(instance_, ORG_SHIPMENT_COMPLETE_ATTR, %DQ%xxx%DQ%) self.test_readonly_attribute(instance_, ORG_NEXT_SHIPMENT_NAME_ATTR, %DQ%Ship:a:1%DQ%) self.takedown() def test_segment(self): self.setup() a = %DQ%a%DQ% instance_ = self.test_instance_new(a, SEGMENT_TYPE) self.test_attribute(instance_, SEG_SOURCE_ATTR, %DQ%xxx%DQ%) self.test_attribute(instance_, SEG_DESTINATION_ATTR, %DQ%xxx%DQ%) self.test_attribute(instance_, SEG_DISTANCE_ATTR, %DQ%10.00%DQ%) self.takedown() def test_shipment(self): self.setup() a = %DQ%a%DQ% instance_ = self.test_instance_new(a, SHIPMENT_TYPE) self.test_attribute(instance_, SHP_DESTINATION_ATTR, %DQ%xxx%DQ%) self.test_attribute(instance_, SHP_ORIGIN_ATTR, %DQ%xxx%DQ%) self.test_attribute(instance_, SHP_LOCATION_ATTR, %DQ%xxx%DQ%) self.test_attribute(instance_, SHP_SEGMENT_ATTR, %DQ%xxx%DQ%) self.test_attribute(instance_, SHP_SPEED_ATTR, %DQ%60.00%DQ%) self.takedown() def test_deletion(self, type_): a = %DQ%a%DQ% inst_a = self.mgr().instance_new(a, type_) self.mgr().instance_del(a) inst_a = self.mgr().instance(a) self.test(inst_a == None) def test_deletions(self): self.setup() self.test_deletion(LOCATION_TYPE) self.test_deletion(ORIGIN_TYPE) self.test_deletion(SEGMENT_TYPE) self.test_deletion(SHIPMENT_TYPE) self.takedown() def execute(self): print %DQ%Tester.execute()...%DQ% self.test_manager() self.test_location() self.test_origin() self.test_segment() self.test_shipment() self.test_deletions() def report(self): print %DQ%Tester:%DQ%, self.__successes, %DQ%out of%DQ%, self.__count,%DQ%tests.%DQ% if (self.__successes != self.__count): print %DQ%Tester: FAILED.%DQ% def main(): Tester().execute() raw_input(%DQ%Press RETURN...%DQ%) if __name__ == %DQ%__main__%DQ%: print __file__ main() """ engine_PY = """import sys from shipping import * class Engine(object): def __init__(self): self.__next_shipment_connector = %DQ%%DQ% self.__instance_eng = {} def activity_mgr(self): return self.__activity_mgr def instance_eng_new(self, name_, type_): import instance_eng import location import origin import segment import shipment instance_eng_ = self.instance_eng(name_) if not instance_eng_: if type_ == LOCATION_TYPE: instance_eng_ = location.Location(name_, type_, self) elif type_ == SEGMENT_TYPE: instance_eng_ = segment.Segment(name_, type_, self) elif type_ == SHIPMENT_TYPE: instance_eng_ = shipment.Shipment(name_, type_, self) elif type_ == ORIGIN_TYPE: instance_eng_ = origin.Origin(name_, type_, self) else: sys.stderr.write(%DQ%Engine.instance_eng_new: no such type %s.%SLASH%n%DQ% % type_) if instance_eng_: self.__instance_eng[name_] = instance_eng_ else: sys.stderr.write(%DQ%Engine.instance_eng_new: failed to create %s of type %s.%SLASH%n%DQ% % (name_, type_)) else: sys.stderr.write(%DQ%Engine.instance_eng_new: %s already exists.%SLASH%n%DQ% % name_) return instance_eng_ def instance_eng(self, name_): instance_eng_ = self.__instance_eng.get(name_, None) return instance_eng_ def instance_eng_del(self, name_): instance_eng_ = self.instance_eng(name_) if instance_eng_: del self.__instance_eng[name_] """ instance_PY = """def abstract(): # run-time emulation of C++ abstract method -- forces error if subclass doesn%SQ%t override import inspect caller = inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe())[1][3] raise NotImplementedError(caller + %SQ% must be implemented in subclass%SQ%) class Instance(object): def __init__(self, name_, type_): self.__name = name_ self.__type = type_ def name(self): return self.__name def type(self): return self.__type def attribute(self, key): abstract() def attribute_is(self, key, val): abstract() class Manager(object): def __init__(self): pass def instance(self, name_): abstract() def instance_new(self, name_, type_): abstract() def instance_del(self, name_): abstract() def ShippingInstanceMgr(): import instance_impl return instance_impl.ManagerImpl() """ instance_eng_PY = """from shipping import * import instance class InstanceEng(object): def __init__(self, name_, type_, engine_): self.__name = name_ self.__type = type_ self.__engine = engine_ def name(self): return self.__name def type(self): return self.__type def engine(self): return self.__engine """ instance_impl_PY = """import sys from shipping import * import instance import engine class ManagerImpl(instance.Instance.Manager): def __init__(self): self.__instance = {} self.__engine = engine.Engine() def engine(self): return self.__engine def instance(self, name_): return self.__instance.get(name_, None) def instance_new(self, name_, type_): import location_rep import origin_rep import segment_rep import shipment_rep instance_ = self.instance(name_) if not instance_: self.engine().instance_eng_new(name_, type_) if type_ == LOCATION_TYPE: instance_ = location_rep.LocationRep(name_, type_, self) elif type_ == ORIGIN_TYPE: instance_ = origin_rep.OriginRep(name_, type_, self) elif type_ == SEGMENT_TYPE: instance_ = segment_rep.SegmentRep(name_, type_, self) elif type_ == SHIPMENT_TYPE: instance_ = shipment_rep.ShipmentRep(name_, type_, self) else: sys.stderr.write(%DQ%ManagerImpl.instance_new: no such type %s.%SLASH%n%DQ% % type_) if instance_: self.__instance[name_] = instance_ else: sys.stderr.write(%DQ%ManagerImpl.instance_new: failed to create %s of type %s.%SLASH%n%DQ% % (name_, type_)) else: sys.stderr.write(%DQ%ManagerImpl.instance_new: %s already exists.%SLASH%n%DQ% % name_) return instance_ def instance_del(self, name_): instance_ = self.instance(name_) if instance_: del self.__instance[name_] self.engine().instance_eng_del(name_) class InstanceImpl(instance.Instance): def __init__(self, name_, type_, mgr_): instance.Instance.__init__(self, name_, type_) self.__mgr = mgr_ self.__name = name_ self.__type = type_ def name(self): return self.__name def type(self): return self.__type def mgr(self): return self.__mgr def engine(self): return self.mgr().engine() def attribute(self, key): instance.abstract() def attribute_is(self, key, val): instance.abstract() def attribute_err(self, key): sys.stderr.write(%SQ%Can%SLASH%%SQ%t read %DQ%%s%DQ% attribute of %DQ%%s%DQ%%SLASH%n%SQ% % (key, def attribute_is_err(self, key, val): sys.stderr.write(%SQ%Can%SLASH%%SQ%t write %DQ%%s%DQ% to %s%DQ% attribute of %DQ%%s%DQ%%SLASH%n%SQ% % (val, key, if __name__ == %DQ%__main__%DQ%: print __file__ """ location_PY = """from shipping import * import engine import instance_eng class Location(instance_eng.InstanceEng): def __init__(self, name_, type_, engine_): instance_eng.InstanceEng.__init__(self, name_, type_, engine_) self.__shipment_count = 0 def shipment_count(self): return self.__shipment_count def shipment_count_inc(self): self.shipment_count_is(self.__shipment_count + 1) def shipment_count_is(self, val): if self.__shipment_count != val: self.__shipment_count = val """ location_rep_PY = """from shipping import * import instance_impl import location class LocationRep(instance_impl.InstanceImpl): def __init__(self, name_, type_, mgr_): instance_impl.InstanceImpl.__init__(self, name_, type_, mgr_) def attribute(self, key): location_ = self.mgr().engine().instance_eng( if key is LOC_SHIPMENT_COUNT_ATTR: return str(location_.shipment_count()) else: self.attribute_err(key) return %DQ%%DQ% def attribute_is(self, key, val): self.attribute_is_err(key, val) """ origin_PY = """from shipping import * import engine import location class Origin(location.Location): def __init__(self, name_, type_, engine_): location.Location.__init__(self, name_, type_, engine_) # self.__shipment_arrived = %DQ%%DQ% self.__shipment_complete = %DQ%%DQ% self.__destination = %DQ%%DQ% self.__shipment_id = 0 def next_shipment_name(self): self.__shipment_id += 1 return %DQ%%s:%s:%d%DQ% % (%DQ%Ship%DQ%,, self.__shipment_id) def destination(self): return self.__destination def destination_is(self, val): if self.__destination != val: self.__destination = val def shipment_complete(self): return self.__shipment_complete def shipment_complete_is(self, val): if self.__shipment_complete != val: self.__shipment_complete = val """ origin_rep_PY = """from shipping import * import location_rep import origin class OriginRep(location_rep.LocationRep): def __init__(self, name_, type_, mgr_): location_rep.LocationRep.__init__(self, name_, type_, mgr_) def attribute(self, key): origin_ = self.mgr().engine().instance_eng( if key is ORG_DESTINATION_ATTR: return origin_.destination() elif key is ORG_NEXT_SHIPMENT_NAME_ATTR: return origin_.next_shipment_name() elif key is ORG_SHIPMENT_COMPLETE_ATTR: return origin_.shipment_complete() else: return location_rep.LocationRep.attribute(self, key) return %DQ%%DQ% def attribute_is(self, key, val): origin_ = self.mgr().engine().instance_eng( if key is ORG_DESTINATION_ATTR: origin_.destination_is(val) elif key is ORG_SHIPMENT_COMPLETE_ATTR: origin_.shipment_complete_is(val) else: location_rep.LocationRep.attribute_is(self, key, val) """ segment_PY = """from shipping import * import engine import instance_eng class Segment(instance_eng.InstanceEng): def __init__(self, name_, type_, engine_): instance_eng.InstanceEng.__init__(self, name_, type_, engine_) self.__source = %DQ%%DQ% self.__destination = %DQ%%DQ% self.__distance = 0 def source(self): return self.__source def source_is(self, val): if self.__source != val: self.__source = val def destination(self): return self.__destination def destination_is(self, val): if self.__destination != val: self.__destination = val def distance(self): return self.__distance def distance_is(self, val): if self.__distance != val: self.__distance = val """ segment_rep_PY = """from shipping import * import instance_impl import segment class SegmentRep(instance_impl.InstanceImpl): def __init__(self, name_, type_, mgr_): instance_impl.InstanceImpl.__init__(self, name_, type_, mgr_) def attribute(self, key): segment_ = self.mgr().engine().instance_eng( if key == SEG_SOURCE_ATTR: return segment_.source() elif key == SEG_DESTINATION_ATTR: return segment_.destination() elif key == SEG_DISTANCE_ATTR: return %DQ%%.2f%DQ% % segment_.distance() else: self.attribute_err(key) return %DQ%%DQ% def attribute_is(self, key, val): segment_ = self.mgr().engine().instance_eng( if key == SEG_SOURCE_ATTR: segment_.source_is(val) elif key == SEG_DESTINATION_ATTR: segment_.destination_is(val) elif key == SEG_DISTANCE_ATTR: segment_.distance_is(float(val)) else: self.attribute_is_err(key, val) """ shipment_PY = """from shipping import * import engine import instance_eng class Shipment(instance_eng.InstanceEng): def __init__(self, name_, type_, engine_): instance_eng.InstanceEng.__init__(self, name_, type_, engine_) self.__destination = %DQ%%DQ% self.__origin = %DQ%%DQ% self.__location = %DQ%%DQ% self.__segment = %DQ%%DQ% self.__speed = 1.0 def destination(self): return self.__destination def destination_is(self, val): if self.__destination != val: self.__destination = val def origin(self): return self.__origin def origin_is(self, val): if self.__origin != val: self.__origin = val def location(self): return self.__location def location_is(self, val): if self.__location != val: self.__location = val def segment(self): return self.__segment def segment_is(self, val): if self.__segment != val: self.__segment = val def speed(self): return self.__speed def speed_is(self, val): if self.__speed != val: self.__speed = val """ shipment_rep_PY = """from shipping import * import instance_impl import shipment class ShipmentRep(instance_impl.InstanceImpl): def __init__(self, name_, type_, mgr_): instance_impl.InstanceImpl.__init__(self, name_, type_, mgr_) def attribute(self, key): shipment_ = self.mgr().engine().instance_eng( if key == SHP_DESTINATION_ATTR: return shipment_.destination() elif key == SHP_ORIGIN_ATTR: return shipment_.origin() elif key == SHP_LOCATION_ATTR: return shipment_.location() elif key == SHP_SEGMENT_ATTR: return shipment_.segment() elif key == SHP_SPEED_ATTR: return %DQ%%.2f%DQ% % shipment_.speed() else: self.attribute_err(key) return %DQ%%DQ% def attribute_is(self, key, val): shipment_ = self.mgr().engine().instance_eng( if key == SHP_DESTINATION_ATTR: shipment_.destination_is(val) elif key == SHP_ORIGIN_ATTR: shipment_.origin_is(val) elif key == SHP_LOCATION_ATTR: shipment_.location_is(val) elif key == SHP_SEGMENT_ATTR: shipment_.segment_is(val) elif key == SHP_SPEED_ATTR: shipment_.speed_is(float(val)) else: self.attribute_is_err(key, val) """ shipping_PY = """LOCATION_TYPE = %DQ%Location%DQ% LOC_SHIPMENT_COUNT_ATTR = %DQ%Shipment count%DQ% ORIGIN_TYPE = %DQ%Origin%DQ% ORG_DESTINATION_ATTR = %DQ%Destination%DQ% ORG_NEXT_SHIPMENT_NAME_ATTR = %DQ%Next shipment name%DQ% ORG_SHIPMENT_COMPLETE_ATTR = %DQ%Shipment complete%DQ% SEGMENT_TYPE = %DQ%Segment%DQ% SEG_SOURCE_ATTR = %DQ%Source%DQ% SEG_DESTINATION_ATTR = %DQ%Destination%DQ% SEG_DISTANCE_ATTR = %DQ%Distance%DQ% SHIPMENT_TYPE = %DQ%Shipment%DQ% SHP_DESTINATION_ATTR = %DQ%Destination%DQ% SHP_ORIGIN_ATTR = %DQ%Origin%DQ% SHP_LOCATION_ATTR = %DQ%Location%DQ% SHP_SEGMENT_ATTR = %DQ%Segment%DQ% SHP_SPEED_ATTR = %DQ%Speed%DQ% """ class RecipeUnpacker(object): SQUOTE_ESCAPE = "%SQ%" DQUOTE_ESCAPE = "%DQ%" SLASH_ESCAPE = "%SLASH%" TRIPLE_SQUOTE_ESCAPE = "%SQSQSQ%" TRIPLE_DQUOTE_ESCAPE = "%DQDQDQ%" def __init__(self, dir=None): self.dir = dir if not self.dir: self.dir = os.getcwd() if not os.path.exists(self.dir): os.makedirs(self.dir) def execute(self): os.chdir(self.dir) for key in globals(): match = re.match(("^([A-Za-z0-9_]+)_PY$"), key) if match: file_name = "" % path = os.path.join(self.dir, file_name) print "Unpacking %s ..." % path src = globals()[key] src = src.replace(RecipeUnpacker.TRIPLE_SQUOTE_ESCAPE, "'''") src = src.replace(RecipeUnpacker.TRIPLE_DQUOTE_ESCAPE, '"""') src = src.replace(RecipeUnpacker.SQUOTE_ESCAPE, "'") src = src.replace(RecipeUnpacker.DQUOTE_ESCAPE, '"') src = src.replace(RecipeUnpacker.SLASH_ESCAPE, "\\") open(path, "w").write(src) if __name__ == "__main__": print __file__ RecipeUnpacker().execute() raw_input("RecipeUnpacker complete. Press RETURN...")