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# WARNING: Former revisions were not correct in damming greed of the star, they didn't stop
# "[^b]*b*" in xmatch("aaba", "a[^b]*b*aba") to eat up the second and third character 
# returning mismatch. And also greed of ? is existing, which wasn't dammed at all.

# You can edit these constants
# To avoid backslash inflation for example or to use {...} for groups

ESCAPE = '\\'
REGIONA = '['; REGIONO = ']'; RANGE = '-'; COMPLEMENT = '^'
GROUPA = '(' ; GROUPO = ')'
ONEoZERO = '?' ; ONEoMORE = '+' ; ZEROoMORE = '*'

def match_region(ch, pattern):
    """ region: a list of comparation chars and ranges in [] or [^]"""
    if pattern[1]==COMPLEMENT: booly=False; booln=True; i=2
    else: booly=True; booln=False; i=1
    while i < len(pattern):
        if pattern[i]==ESCAPE:
            if pattern[i+1]==ch: return booly
            else: i+=2
        elif i<len(pattern)-2 and pattern[i+1]==RANGE:
            if pattern[i]<=ch<=pattern[i+2]: return booly
            else: i+=2
        elif pattern[i]==ch: return booly
        else: i+=1
    return booln

def match_simple_token(ch, token):
    if c0==ESCAPE:
        if c1=='s': return (ch in (' ','\t','\r','\n','\f','\v'))
        elif c1=='S': return (ch not in (' ','\t','\r','\n','\f','\v'))
        else: return (ch==c1)    
    elif c0==REGIONA: return match_region(ch,token)
    elif c0==ANYCHAR: return True
    else: return (ch==c0)

TokenListCache = {}  # essential with nesting, otherwise only here for optimization
xGroups = []

def strip_groupattris(s):
    for c in (':', '=', '!'):
        if s.startswith(EXTENSION+c): s=s[3:]; break
    else: s=s[1:]
    if not s.endswith(')'): return s[:-2]
    return s[:-1]

def parse_pattern(pattern, nested):
    tokens are: 
    1. patterns included in brackets (parsing is recursive)
    2. regions
    3. \\ together with the escaped character
    4. periods
    5. simple characters
    All together with eventually trailing quantifiers
    if pattern in TokenListCache.keys(): return TokenListCache[pattern]
    tokens=[]; i=0; pL = len(pattern)
    while i < pL: 
        c = pattern[i]
        if c==REGIONA:
            k = pattern.find(REGIONO, i)
            if k==-1: raise ValueError('Unmatched '+REGIONA+' in '+pattern)
            while pattern[k-1] == ESCAPE:
                k = pattern.find(']', k+1)
                if k==-1: raise ValueError('Unmatched '+REGIONA+' in '+pattern)
            tokens.append(pattern[i:k+1]); i=k+1
        elif c == ANYCHAR: tokens.append(ANYCHAR); i+=1
        elif c == ESCAPE:
            if i<pL-1: tokens.append(pattern[i:i+2]); i+=2
            else: raise ValueError('Trailing '+ESCAPE)
        elif nested and c==GROUPA:
            resu = GROUPA; k=i+1; lv=1
            while lv > 0:
                cc = pattern[k]
                if cc == ESCAPE: resu+=cc; resu+=pattern[k+1]; k+=2; continue
                if cc == GROUPA: lv+=1 
                elif cc == GROUPO: lv-=1
                resu+=cc; k+=1
            tokens.append(resu); i=k; kore=strip_groupattris(resu)
            if resu not in TokenListCache.keys():
                TokenListCache[resu] = []   
                # groups are parsed to lists of token lists, each an alternative from '|'
                if kore[0] != GROUPA:
                    for s in kore.split(ALTERNATIVE):
                        TokenListCache[resu].append(parse_pattern(s, True))
                    TokenListCache[resu].append(parse_pattern(kore, True))
        else: tokens.append(c); i+=1
        if i<pL:
            if pattern[i] in (ONEoZERO, ZEROoMORE): tokens[-1] += pattern[i]; i+=1
            elif pattern[i] == ONEoMORE: tokens.append(tokens[-1]+ZEROoMORE); i+=1     
    TokenListCache[pattern]=tokens; return tokens

def try_index(sarg, start, tokens, nested):
    cmpi=start; tix=0; tkL=len(tokens)
    while tix<tkL:
        if cmpi==len(sarg):
            for s in tokens[tix:]:
                if s[-1] not in (ONEoZERO, ZEROoMORE): return 0
            else: return cmpi
        ctk = tokens[tix]
        else: qua=ctk[-1]
        if qua in (ZEROoMORE, ONEoZERO): # dam greed first, same code as below in *loops again
            if tix<tkL-1:
                n = try_index(sarg, cmpi, tokens[tix+1:], nested)
                if n: return n
        if nested:
            if ctk[0] == GROUPA:
                for subtk in TokenListCache[ctk]:
                    subcmpi = try_index(sarg, cmpi, subtk, True)
                    if subcmpi: break
                    if qua in (ZEROoMORE, ONEoZERO) or ctk.startswith(EXTENSION+'!'): 
                        tix+=1; continue
                    else: return 0
                if ctk.startswith(EXTENSION+'='): tix+=1; continue
                elif ctk.startswith(EXTENSION+'!'): return 0         
                if qua == ZEROoMORE:
                    while subcmpi:
                        if tix<tkL-1:
                            n = try_index(sarg, subcmpi, tokens[tix+1:], nested)
                            if n: return n      
                        for subtk in TokenListCache[ctk]:
                            subcmpi = try_index(sarg, cmpi, subtk, True)
                            if subcmpi: break
                        else: break
                if not ctk.startswith(EXTENSION+':'): xGroups.append(sarg[cmpi:subcmpi])
                cmpi=subcmpi; tix+=1; continue
# any group token done, back reference:
            elif ctk[0]==ESCAPE and '0'<= ctk[1] <='9':
                i=int(ctk[1]); captured=xGroups[i]; lg=len(captured)
                if sarg[cmpi:cmpi+lg]==captured:
                    if qua==ZEROoMORE:
                        while sarg[cmpi:cmpi+lg]==captured:
                            if tix<tkL-1:
                                n = try_index(sarg, cmpi, tokens[tix+1:], nested)
                                if n: return n 
                elif qua not in (ZEROoMORE, ONEoZERO): return 0
# from here on tix points to a non-group token
        if match_simple_token(sarg[cmpi], ctk): 
            if qua==ZEROoMORE:
                while cmpi<len(sarg) and match_simple_token(sarg[cmpi], ctk): 
                    if tix<tkL-1:
                        n = try_index(sarg, cmpi, tokens[tix+1:], nested)
                        if n: return n    
        elif qua not in (ONEoZERO, ZEROoMORE): return 0
    return cmpi

def xsearch(sarg, pattern, nested=False, start=0):
    tokens = parse_pattern(pattern, nested); argi=start
    while argi<len(sarg):
        if nested: global xGroups; xGroups=[]
        n = try_index(sarg, argi, tokens, nested)
        if n: return (argi, n)
    return ()
def xfinditer(sarg, pattern, nested=False, start=0):
    tokens = parse_pattern(pattern, nested); n=0
    while start<len(sarg):
        if n: start=n
        if nested: global xGroups; xGroups=[]
        n = try_index(sarg, start, tokens, nested)
        if n: yield (start, n)
        else: start+=1
    raise StopIteration()

def xmatch(sarg, pattern, nested=False):
    """ checks, whether sarg as the whole matches the pattern """
    tokens = parse_pattern(pattern, nested)
    if nested: global xGroups; xGroups=[]
    n = try_index(sarg, 0, tokens, nested)
    if n==len(sarg): return True
    return False

def xsplit(sarg, pattern, nested=False):
    resu = []; xpair = xsearch(sarg, pattern, nested=nested); residue=0
    while xpair:
        residue = xpair[1]
        xpair = xsearch(sarg, pattern, nested, xpair[1])
    return resu+sarg[residue:]
def xreplace(sarg, pattern, subst, nested=False):
    to_replace=[]; s=sarg; xpair=xsearch(sarg, pattern, nested)
    while xpair:
        to_replace.append(xpair); xpair=xsearch(sarg, pattern, nested, xpair[1])
    if nested:
        for i in range(10): 
            try: subst=subst.replace(ESCAPE+str(i), xGroups[i])
            except IndexError: break               
    for xpair in reversed(to_replace): s = s[:xpair[0]]+subst+s[xpair[1]:]        
    return s

def xfuncreplace(sarg, pattern, f, nested=False):
    to_replace=[]; s=sarg; xpair=xsearch(sarg, pattern, nested)
    while xpair:
        to_replace.append(xpair); xpair=xsearch(sarg, pattern, nested, xpair[1])
    for xpair in reversed(to_replace): 
        s = s[:xpair[0]]+f(s[xpair[0]:xpair[1]])+s[xpair[1]:]   
    return s

Diff to Previous Revision

--- revision 30 2010-06-11 18:55:44
+++ revision 31 2010-06-11 21:28:38
@@ -82,33 +82,21 @@
                 if cc == GROUPA: lv+=1 
                 elif cc == GROUPO: lv-=1
                 resu+=cc; k+=1
-            tokens.append(resu); i=k; kore = strip_groupattris(resu)
-            if kore not in TokenListCache.keys(): parse_pattern(kore, True)
+            tokens.append(resu); i=k; kore=strip_groupattris(resu)
+            if resu not in TokenListCache.keys():
+                TokenListCache[resu] = []   
+                # groups are parsed to lists of token lists, each an alternative from '|'
+                if kore[0] != GROUPA:
+                    for s in kore.split(ALTERNATIVE):
+                        TokenListCache[resu].append(parse_pattern(s, True))
+                else:
+                    TokenListCache[resu].append(parse_pattern(kore, True))
         else: tokens.append(c); i+=1
         if i<pL:
             if pattern[i] in (ONEoZERO, ZEROoMORE): tokens[-1] += pattern[i]; i+=1
-            elif pattern[i] == ONEoMORE: tokens.append(tokens[-1]+ZEROoMORE); i+=1
+            elif pattern[i] == ONEoMORE: tokens.append(tokens[-1]+ZEROoMORE); i+=1     
     TokenListCache[pattern]=tokens; return tokens
-def listsplit(larg):
-    resu = []; ix = 0
-    while ix<len(larg) and ALTERNATIVE in larg[ix:]: 
-        ixx = larg.index(ALTERNATIVE); resu.append(larg[ix:ixx]); ix=ixx+1
-    resu.append(larg[ix:])
-    return resu    
-def dam_greed(sarg, cmpi, tokens, tki, nested):
-    try: tok = tokens[tki]
-    except IndexError: return 0
-    if tok[0] != GROUPA or tok==GROUPA and not nested:
-        return try_index(sarg, cmpi, tokens[tki:], nested)
-    elif nested:
-        subtokens = listsplit(TokenListCache[strip_groupattris(tok)])
-        for subtk in subtokens: 
-            n = try_index(sarg, cmpi, tokens[tki:], nested)
-            if n: return n
-    return 0   
 def try_index(sarg, start, tokens, nested):
     cmpi=start; tix=0; tkL=len(tokens)
     while tix<tkL:
@@ -119,11 +107,14 @@
         ctk = tokens[tix]
         if ctk in (ESCAPE+ZEROoMORE, ESCAPE+ONEoMORE, ESCAPE+ONEoZERO): qua='n'
         else: qua=ctk[-1]
-        if qua in (ZEROoMORE, ONEoZERO): ctk=ctk[:-1]
+        if qua in (ZEROoMORE, ONEoZERO): # dam greed first, same code as below in *loops again
+            if tix<tkL-1:
+                n = try_index(sarg, cmpi, tokens[tix+1:], nested)
+                if n: return n
+            ctk=ctk[:-1]
         if nested:
             if ctk[0] == GROUPA:
-                subtokens = listsplit(TokenListCache[strip_groupattris(ctk)])
-                for subtk in subtokens:
+                for subtk in TokenListCache[ctk]:
                     subcmpi = try_index(sarg, cmpi, subtk, True)
                     if subcmpi: break
@@ -131,45 +122,40 @@
                         tix+=1; continue
                     else: return 0
                 if ctk.startswith(EXTENSION+'='): tix+=1; continue
-                elif ctk.startswith(EXTENSION+'!'): return 0
-                if qua in (ZEROoMORE, ONEoZERO):
-                    n = dam_greed(sarg, cmpi, tokens, tix+1, nested)
-                    if n: return n            
+                elif ctk.startswith(EXTENSION+'!'): return 0         
                 if qua == ZEROoMORE:
                     while subcmpi:
-                        n = dam_greed(sarg, subcmpi, tokens, tix+1, nested)
-                        if n: return n       
-                        subcmpi = try_index(sarg, subcmpi, subtk, True)
-                        if subcmpi: break
+                        if tix<tkL-1:
+                            n = try_index(sarg, subcmpi, tokens[tix+1:], nested)
+                            if n: return n      
+                        for subtk in TokenListCache[ctk]:
+                            subcmpi = try_index(sarg, cmpi, subtk, True)
+                            if subcmpi: break
+                        else: break
                 if not ctk.startswith(EXTENSION+':'): xGroups.append(sarg[cmpi:subcmpi])
                 cmpi=subcmpi; tix+=1; continue
 # any group token done, back reference:
             elif ctk[0]==ESCAPE and '0'<= ctk[1] <='9':
                 i=int(ctk[1]); captured=xGroups[i]; lg=len(captured)
                 if sarg[cmpi:cmpi+lg]==captured:
+                    cmpi+=lg
                     if qua==ZEROoMORE:
                         while sarg[cmpi:cmpi+lg]==captured:
-                            n = dam_greed(sarg, cmpi, tokens, tix+1, nested)
-                            if n: return n
+                            if tix<tkL-1:
+                                n = try_index(sarg, cmpi, tokens[tix+1:], nested)
+                                if n: return n 
-                    elif qua == ONEoZERO:
-                        n = dam_greed(sarg, cmpi, tokens, tix+1, nested)
-                        if n: return n                          
-                        cmpi+=lg
                 elif qua not in (ZEROoMORE, ONEoZERO): return 0
 # from here on tix points to a non-group token
-        if qua==ONEoZERO:
-            n = dam_greed(sarg, cmpi, tokens, tix+1, nested)
-            if n: return n  
-            if match_simple_token(sarg[cmpi], ctk): cmpi+=1
-        elif qua==ZEROoMORE:
-            while cmpi<len(sarg) and match_simple_token(sarg[cmpi], ctk): 
-                n = dam_greed(sarg, cmpi, tokens, tix+1, nested)
-                if n: return n  
-                cmpi+=1
-        else:
-            if not match_simple_token(sarg[cmpi], ctk): return 0
+        if match_simple_token(sarg[cmpi], ctk): 
+            if qua==ZEROoMORE:
+                while cmpi<len(sarg) and match_simple_token(sarg[cmpi], ctk): 
+                    if tix<tkL-1:
+                        n = try_index(sarg, cmpi, tokens[tix+1:], nested)
+                        if n: return n    
+                    cmpi+=1
+        elif qua not in (ONEoZERO, ZEROoMORE): return 0
     return cmpi
