import sys, traceback, string, os from datetime import datetime """ XceptionHandler: Rev 4 Change Log: 04/2/2010 -Added option to allow for exception to be raised rather than returned and still have logging and messaging options as well 04/2/2010 -Added option for overriding default logging by passing in a logging object of the main project or parent class 04/6/2010 -Replace query builder with raw traceback dump return to allow more code flexibility INIT VARS: DEBUG bool Turn ON/OFF Debug Messages LOG_FILE str Name of Logfile default to XceptLog.txt LOG_TABLE str Name of LOGGING DB TABLE if used input query and data tuple are generated for feeding into MySQLdb or SQLlite MSG_TYPE str Detailed or Simple Versions of Debug Messages EXC_RETURN ref Indicate an exception has occured and will be returned EXC_RAISE ref Indicates an exception occured and to raise it rather than return EXC_RAW ref Indicate and exception occured and will return traceback dump as a dict. LOG_EVENTS bool Set default for logging can be overridden as needed in methods """ class XceptionHandler: def __init__(self, DEBUG=False, LOG_FILE="XceptLog.txt", LOG_TABLE="", LOG_PATH= os.path.abspath(os.curdir)+os.sep+"xLOGS"+os.sep, MSG_TYPE="Detailed", EXC_RETURN=-1, EXC_RAW=-2, EXC_RAISE=-3, LOG_OBJ=None, LOG_EVENTS=False): self.xname = str(self.__class__).split(".")[1] self.Debug = DEBUG self.MSG_TYPE = MSG_TYPE self.LOG_TABLE = LOG_TABLE self.LOG_FILE = LOG_FILE self.LOG_PATH = LOG_PATH self.LOG_OBJ = LOG_OBJ self.EXC_RETURN = EXC_RETURN self.EXC_RAISE = EXC_RAISE self.EXC_RAW = EXC_RAW self.LOG_EVENTS = LOG_EVENTS """ Formatter for Debug Messages vars: ARGS dict """ def ReturnFormat(self, ARGS, CallType): DetailedErr = "" DetailedErr1 = """ --- EXCEPTION_ERROR --- File : """+ARGS["filename"] DetailedErr2 = """ Class : """+ARGS["classname"] DetailedErr3 = """ : """+ARGS["methodname"]+""" Line : """+ARGS["lineNumber"]+""" DTS : """+str(""" Exception Type : """+ARGS["exc_type"]+""" Exception Value: """+ARGS["exc_value"]+""" Exception Msg : """+ARGS["exc_info"] +""" ------------------------ """ SimpleErr = """ --- ERROR --- ErrorType : """+ARGS["exc_type"]+""" ErrorValue: """+ARGS["exc_value"]+""" ErrorMsg : """+ARGS["exc_info"]+""" ------------------------ """ if self.MSG_TYPE == "Detailed": if CallType.find("Method") != -1: DetailedErr = DetailedErr1+DetailedErr2+DetailedErr3 else: DetailedErr = DetailedErr1+DetailedErr3 DetailedErr = DetailedErr.replace("", CallType) return DetailedErr else: return SimpleErr """ Function exception handler Not intended to be directly called from the function but rather via ProcessReturn vars: retval str """ def FunctionXHandler(self, retval): myObject = sys.exc_info()[2] myTraceBack = traceback.extract_tb(myObject) fileName = myTraceBack[0][0] lineNumber = str(myTraceBack[0][1]) functionName = myTraceBack[0][2] className = " - " ARGS = dict() ARGS["filename"] = fileName ARGS["classname"] = className ARGS["methodname"] = functionName ARGS["lineNumber"] = lineNumber ARGS["exc_type"] = str(sys.exc_type) ARGS["exc_value"] = str(sys.exc_value) ARGS["exc_info"] = str(sys.exc_info()[0]) ARGS["Message"] = self.ReturnFormat(ARGS, "Function ") return ARGS """ Class Method exception handler Not intended to be directly called from the method but rather through ProcessReturn vars: className str Name of calling class """ def ClassXHandler(self, className): myObject = sys.exc_info()[2] myTraceBack = traceback.extract_tb(myObject) fileName = myTraceBack[0][0] lineNumber = str(myTraceBack[0][1]) methodName = myTraceBack[0][2] ARGS = dict() ARGS["filename"] = fileName ARGS["Return"] = ARGS.get("Return", "EXCEPTION_ERROR") ARGS["classname"] = className ARGS["methodname"] = methodName ARGS["lineNumber"] = lineNumber ARGS["exc_type"] = str(sys.exc_type) ARGS["exc_value"] = str(sys.exc_value) ARGS["exc_info"] = str(sys.exc_info()[0]) ARGS["Message"] = self.ReturnFormat(ARGS, "Method ") if className == self.xname: print ARGS["Message"] return ARGS def ParseArgs(self, args): try: args = args[0] retVal = None logEvent= self.LOG_EVENTS logMsg = "" if len(args)== 3: retVal=args[0] if type(args[1]) == type(""): logMsg = args[1] logEvent = args[2] elif type(args[1]) == type(bool()): logEvent = args[1] logMsg = args[2] elif len(args) == 2: retVal=args[0] if type(args[1]) == type(""): logMsg = args[1] else: logEvent = args[1] elif len(args) == 1: retVal=args[0] return retVal, logEvent, logMsg except: return self.ClassXHandler(self.xname) """ Main Method for handling return values, determine if exception/error/good and react accordingly vars: retVal dynamicType a -1 value indicates an exception and will return -1 gracefully. a -2 value indicates an exception and will return the raw traceback elements as a dict. a -3 value indicates an exception and will raise it. everything else is passed through className str name of calling class if called from a class logEvent bool True = logging, False = no logging 2 = create DB query and data tuple logMsg str Custom pass though message to be logged """ def ProcessReturn(self, className=None, *args): retVal, logEvent, logMsg = self.ParseArgs(args) ARGS = dict() if retVal == self.EXC_RETURN or retVal == self.EXC_RAISE or retVal == self.EXC_RAW: if className != None: ARGS = self.ClassXHandler(className) else: ARGS = self.FunctionXHandler(retVal) if logMsg !="": ARGS["Message"] = logMsg if self.Debug: print ARGS["Message"] if logEvent: self.LogEvent(ARGS) if retVal == self.EXC_RAISE: raise elif retVal == self.EXC_RAW: return ARGS return retVal def LogEvent(self, ARGS): try: if self.LOG_OBJ != None: #logging object self.LOG_OBJ(ARGS["Message"]) elif self.LOG_OBJ == None: #default log LogPath = self.LOG_PATH+self.LOG_FILE if not os.path.exists(LogPath): os.mkdir(LogPath) fp = open(LogPath, "a+") fp.write(ARGS["Message"]) fp.close() except: return self.ClassXHandler(self.xname) if __name__ == '__main__': ############################################################################ #Simple Setup To Show How To Reuse Your Already Instantiated Logging to override the default internal log import logging logging.basicConfig(filename="ProjectLog.txt",level=logging.DEBUG) Log_Object = logging.debug ########################################################################## # Function Usage Example XH =XceptionHandler(DEBUG=True, LOG_TABLE="DBLogTable", LOG_OBJ=Log_Object, LOG_EVENTS=True) def _Return(*args): return XH.ProcessReturn(None, args) def XampleFunction1(): try: x = 2/0 return _Return(1, "SUCCESS") except: tb_dump = _Return(-2) print tb_dump return tb_dump def XampleFunction2(): try: x = 2/0 return _Return(1, "SUCCESS", False) #override LOG_EVENTS one time except: return _Return(-1) def XampleFunction3(): try: x = 2/1 return _Return(1, "SUCCESS") except: _Return(-3) ############################################################################ ############################################################################ # Class Usage Example class XampleClass(XceptionHandler): def __init__(self): = str(self.__class__).split(".")[1] XceptionHandler.__init__(self, DEBUG=True, LOG_EVENTS=False) def _Return(self, *args): return self.ProcessReturn(, args) def Test1(self): try: print x return self._Return(1) except: return self._Return(-1) def Test2(self): try: print z return self._Return(True, "Success") except: return self._Return(-1, "FAIL", True) def Test3(self): try: print w return self._Return(True, "Success") except: return self._Return(-2, "FAIL returning traceback dump") def Test4(self): try: print w return self._Return(True, "Success") except: self._Return(-3) ############################################################################ XampleFunction1() XampleFunction2() XampleFunction3() xc = XampleClass() xc.Test1() xc.Test2() xc.Test3() xc.Test4()