ironpython script. It reads a txt file called servers.txt where it contains server names each in a separate line . it executes the function remoteconnect on each server name , the function connects to the server and reads the internal CPU TEMP from the WMI class MSAcpi_ThermalZoneTemperature located in namespace \root\WMI if internal CPU temp exceeds a certian Threshold , the function sends an alerting e-mail , it can also execute any other desired action using the same concept like sending an alerting sms
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Created on feb 15, 2010
this IronPython script reads servers from a txt file C:\\servers.txt , connects to each server with the function RemoteConnect
Remoteconnect function reads the internal CPU TEMP from the WMI class MSAcpi_ThermalZoneTemperature located in namespace \root\WMI
if internal CPU temp exceeds a certian Threshold , the function sends an alerting e-mail , it can also send an alerting SMS using a modem (not included)
*settings crtcltemp depnds on your environmnet
*servers.txt contains a server name per line
*Smtp server must support open relay from the sender ip address machine
@author: Mohamed Garrana
import clr,time,os.smtplib
from System.Management import ManagementScope, ManagementObjectSearcher , WqlObjectQuery , ConnectionOptions
crtcltemp = 3000 # set the critical temprature here , converting from Celcuis to Tenth of kelvin , 15 c * 10 + 2732 = 2882
#Remote connect function connects to a computer name with a username and password and reads "MSAcpi_ThermalZoneTemperature" from WMI
#if the Cpu temp exceeds a certian Threshold, an alerting e-mail is sent
def RemoteConnect(computername):
options = ConnectionOptions()
options.EnablePrivileges = True
options.Username = "Administrator" #set your username here
options.Password = "Password" #set your password here
network_scope = r"\\%s\root\WMI" %computername
print network_scope
scope = ManagementScope(network_scope, options)
query = "Select * from MSAcpi_ThermalZoneTemperature"
searcher = ManagementObjectSearcher(scope, WqlObjectQuery(query), None)
for cpu in searcher.Get():
nowtemp = int(cpu["CurrentTemperature"])
print nowtemp
if nowtemp >= crtcltemp:
print " critical temprature on %s" %(computername,)
#command= "python c:\\ %s" %(computername,) # calling another script with cpython for pyserial extension to work (alert by sms)
sender = '' #set the sender e-mail address
receivers = [''] #set the receiver e-mail address
# setting the e-mail Message (from,to,Subject,body)
message = """From: From Person <>
To: To Person <''>
Subject: Spider Temperature Control Alerting System
Temparature is critical on server %s .
""" %computername
#trying to send an e-mail
try :
mailobj=smtplib.SMTP("mailserver") #set the ip address of the SMTP mail server supporting open relay
mailobj.sendmail(sender, receivers, message)
print "Alert E-mail sent Successfully "
except :
print "Error: unable to send Alert using e-mail"
print command
print "Temperature normal on %s" %(computername,)
#opening a txt file with server names to monitor
#infinite loop going through the servers one by one to the RemoteConnect function
while 1:
server = listofservers[j].strip()
print server
if j == numberofservers: