''' ;#template` {-path} {-menu} {-s1} {-s2} {-s3} ;#option`-path`Path to controlling file or template`F`c:\source\python\projects\menu\buttonbar.py` ;#option`-menu`Path to menu file`F`c:\source\python\projects\menu\test.ini` ;#option`-s1`First section`X`info` ;#option`-s2`Second section`X`help` ;#option`-s3`Third section`X`data` ;#end ''' # ---------------------------------------------- # Name: ButtonBarV2 # Description: ## D20E-119 Popup button bar using Qeditor style menus.ini file (ExPopen) # # Author: Philip S. Rist # Date: 12/20/2009 # Copyright 2009 by St. Thomas Software # ---------------------------------------------- # This program is freeware. It may be used # for any moral purpose. You use it at your # own risk. St. Thomas Software makes no # guarantees to its fitness to do anything. # # If you feel you must pay for it. Please # send one million dollars to # # The International Rescue Committee # 122 East 42nd Street # New York, N.Y. 10168-1289 # # Ok, we are in a recession. So, make it a half # million. # # Example of .reg file entry # [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\textfile\Shell\TextTools] # @="T&ext Tools # "EditFlags"=hex:01,00,00,00 # [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\textfile\Shell\TextTools\Command] # @="c:\\sys\\python25\\python.exe c:\\bin\\ButtonBarV2.py \"%1\" \"c:\\bin\\Text Tools.ini\" tools " # # # %1 is replaced by the selected file. It is used to replace {a}, {b}, {n}, {f}, {p} etc. during command expansion. # This string is used only for command expansion and for display at the top of the dialog. If no expansion # is performed any string can be used and displayed. This parameter can also be a file path template (ie. *.py) in # which case a file list will be provided from which files can be selected. # # The second parameter is the name of the initialization file shown below. Each line contains a prompt displayed # on a button and a command separated by a comma. Macros are replaced before execution. # # The remaining parameters the sections to be used to make the button bar. The order in the initialization file # is maintained. # # Example initialization file # [Text Tools 08/15/08] # Open,c:\source\TextFiles\qeditor.exe "{a}" # Print,c:\windows\nodepad.exe /P "{a}" # Edit,c:\windows\system32\wscript.exe c:\bin\editit.vbs "{a}" # Save,C:\Windows\system32\wscript.exe c:\bin\Util.vbs /S "{a}" # Has been Saved,C:\Windows\system32\wscript.exe c:\bin\Util.vbs /K "{a}" # Restore,C:\Windows\system32\wscript.exe c:\bin\Util.vbs /R "{a}" # [Convert] # Convert to PDF,c:\sys\python25\python.exe c:\sys\tools\pyText2PDF.py "{a}" "{b}.pdf" # [Info] # Win Diff,"c:\sys\DevStudio\VC\Bin\Windiff.exe" "{a}" "c:\_backup\{f}" # [Tools] # Directory ,c:\sys\Tcl\bin\wish84.exe c:\bin\mymenu.tcl "c:\bin\Directory.ini" "{p}" # Directory Popup,c:\sys\Tcl\bin\wish84.exe c:\bin\RegMenu.tcl "{p}" Directory # [Help] # Help,c:\Windows\system32\Wscript.exe c:\bin\Notes.vbs "c:\bin\Text Tools.ini" # [Exit] import Tkinter import subprocess from Tkconstants import * import sys import os, os.path, glob import tkMessageBox import _winreg as reg mCmds = {} TopLevel = None def GetExtensionInfo(pExtension): lHandle = reg.OpenKey(reg.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, pExtension) lSubKeys, lValueCount, lModified = reg.QueryInfoKey(lHandle) lValues = {} for lCount in range(0, lValueCount): lName, lValue, lType = reg.EnumValue(lHandle, lCount) if lName == '': lName = "File Type" lValues[lName] =lValue lKey = lValues['File Type'] lDescription = reg.QueryValue(reg.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, lKey) lValues['Description'] = lDescription lKey += '\\Shell' lDefault = reg.QueryValue(reg.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, lKey) lValues['Default'] = lDefault return lValues def GetCommand(pFileType, pCommandName): lKey = pFileType + '\\Shell\\' + pCommandName + '\\Command' print lKey lCommand= reg.QueryValue(reg.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, lKey) print lCommand return lCommand def Expand(pCommand, pFilePath): 'Replace {?} macros' lEndPos = pFilePath.rfind("\\") lPath = pFilePath[0:lEndPos] lFileName = pFilePath[lEndPos+1:] lEndPos = lFileName.rfind(".") lName = lFileName[:lEndPos] lFilePart = lPath + "\\" + lName lExtension = lFileName[lEndPos:] # lTempFolder = "c:\\temp" # {t} <----- Change as needed lInstallFolder = "c:\\bin" # {i} lBackupFolder = "c:\\_Backup" # {u} lSourceFolder = "c:\\source" # {o} lSystemFolder = "c:\\sys" # {y} lWindowsFolder = "c:\\windows\\system32" # {w} lArchiveFolder = "j:\\_Backup" # {k} lLibraryFolder = "c:\\Library" # {l} lProgramFolder = "c:\\Program Files" # {g} lCommand = pCommand lPos = lCommand.rfind("{a}") if lPos > 0: lCommand = lCommand.replace("{a}",pFilePath) lPos = lCommand.rfind("{b}") if lPos > 0: lCommand = lCommand.replace("{b}",lFilePart) lPos = lCommand.rfind("{p}") if lPos > 0: lCommand = lCommand.replace("{p}",lPath) lPos = lCommand.rfind("{f}") if lPos > 0: lCommand = lCommand.replace("{f}",lFileName) lPos = lCommand.rfind("{n}") if lPos > 0: lCommand = lCommand.replace("{n}",lName) lPos = lCommand.rfind("{e}") if lPos > 0: lCommand = lCommand.replace("{e}",lExtension) lPos = lCommand.rfind("%1") if lPos > 0: lCommand = lCommand.replace("%1",pFileName) lPos = lCommand.rfind("{t}") if lPos > 0: lCommand = lCommand.replace("{t}",lTempFolder) lPos = lCommand.rfind("{i}") if lPos > 0: lCommand = lCommand.replace("{i}",lInstallFolder) lPos = lCommand.rfind("{u}") if lPos > 0: lCommand = lCommand.replace("{u}",lBackupFolder) lPos = lCommand.rfind("{o}") if lPos > 0: lCommand = lCommand.replace("{o}",lSourceFolder) lPos = lCommand.rfind("{y}") if lPos > 0: lCommand = lCommand.replace("{y}",lSystemFolder) lPos = lCommand.rfind("{w}") if lPos > 0: lCommand = lCommand.replace("{w}",lWindowsFolder) lPos = lCommand.rfind("{k}") if lPos > 0: lCommand = lCommand.replace("{k}",lArchiveFolder) lPos = lCommand.rfind("{l}") if lPos > 0: lCommand = lCommand.replace("{l}",lLibraryFolder) lPos = lCommand.rfind("{g}") if lPos > 0: lCommand = lCommand.replace("{g}",lProgramFolder) # This macro is a little flakey, you may want to remove it # in which case you will not need _winreg, GetExtensionInfo or GetCommand lPos = lCommand.find("{") # case insensitive command extraction from registry if lPos >= 0: # {xx} where xx is the command name # ie. print, open etc. lQuote = False # can occur only at the beginning of the command line lEndPos = lCommand.find("}") if lEndPos > lPos: lKey = lCommand[lPos+1:lEndPos] lPos = pFilePath.rfind('.') lExt = pFilePath[lPos:] lValues = GetExtensionInfo(lExt.lower()) print lValues try: lCommand = GetCommand(lValues['File Type'], lKey) except Exception, e: tkMessageBox.showinfo('Command Extraction Error',lKey + ' not available for ' + lExt + ':' + str(e)) lPos = lCommand.rfind("%1") if lPos >= 0: lCommand = lCommand.replace("%1", pFilePath) lPos = lCommand.rfind("%*") if lPos >= 0: lCommand = lCommand.replace("%*", "") return lCommand def Build(pMenuName, pFileName, pLabelList, pFileNames): 'Build window and event handlers' # lFile = open(pMenuName,'r') lFileText = lFile.readlines() lFile.close pFileName = pFileName.center(60) TopLabel = Tkinter.Label(frame, text=pFileName, bg="#FF0000") TopLabel.pack(side=TOP, fill=X) lKeep = False def jumpfirst(pEvent, pFileNames=pFileNames, pLabel=TopLabel): 'Event handler for First file button' lPos = 0 pLabel.config(bg="#FF0000") PrevButton.config(state=DISABLED) NextButton.config(state=NORMAL) lFileName = pFileNames[lPos].center(60) pLabel.config(text = lFileName) def jumplast(pEvent, pFileNames=pFileNames, pLabel=TopLabel): 'Event handler for First file button' lPos = len(pFileNames)-1 pLabel.config(bg="#00FFFF") NextButton.config(state=DISABLED) PrevButton.config(state=NORMAL) lFileName = pFileNames[lPos].center(60) pLabel.config(text = lFileName) def jumpnext(pEvent, pFileNames=pFileNames, pLabel=TopLabel): 'Event handler for next file button' lFileName = pLabel.cget("text").strip() lPos = pFileNames.index(lFileName) lPos += 1 if lPos >= len(pFileNames): lPos -= 1 pLabel.config(bg="#00FFFF") NextButton.config(state=DISABLED) else: pLabel.config(bg="#FF8800") PrevButton.config(state=NORMAL) lFileName = pFileNames[lPos].center(60) pLabel.config(text = lFileName) def jumpprevious(pEvent, pFileNames=pFileNames, pLabel=TopLabel): 'Event handler for previous file button' lFileName = pLabel.cget("text").strip() lPos = pFileNames.index(lFileName) - 1 if lPos <= 0 : lPos = 0 pLabel.config(bg="#FF0000") PrevButton.config(state=DISABLED) else: pLabel.config(bg="#FF8800") NextButton.config(state=NORMAL) lFileName = pFileNames[lPos].center(60) pLabel.config(text=lFileName) def OKed(pEvent, pLabel=TopLabel, pFileNames=pFileNames): 'Update file selection' global mFileList, mMessage lPos = mFileList.curselection() if len(lPos) > 0: lText = mFileList.get(lPos[0]) else: lText = '' lPos = pFileNames.index(lText) if lPos == 0: pLabel.config(bg="#FF0000") PrevButton.config(state=DISABLED) NextButton.config(state=NORMAL) elif lPos == len(pFileNames)-1: pLabel.config(bg="#00FFFF") NextButton.config(state=DISABLED) PrevButton.config(state=NORMAL) else: NextButton.config(state=NORMAL) PrevButton.config(state=NORMAL) pLabel.config(bg="#FF8800") pLabel.config(text=lText) mMessage.config(text=lText) def canceled(pEvent, pLabel=TopLabel): 'Destroy file selection window' global TopLevel TopLevel.destroy() TopLevel = None def selectone(pEvent, pLabel=TopLabel, pFileNames=pFileNames): ''' Build menu from menu file The menu file may contain commands to set the current directory and to set specified environment variables. This is done while the file is being read. They are not dependent on the selected button. The last command encountered will be active. set environment variable name to value ;#set`name=value set current directory to path ;#cd`path ''' global mFileList, mMessage, TopLevel if TopLevel == None: TopLevel = Tkinter.Toplevel(width=60) lCurrentPath = pLabel.cget("text").strip() lFrame = Tkinter.Frame(TopLevel) lFrame.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH, expand=1) lScrollBar = Tkinter.Scrollbar(lFrame, orient=VERTICAL ) lScrollBar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) mFileList = Tkinter.Listbox(lFrame, yscrollcommand=lScrollBar.set) mFileList.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=1) mFileList.bind("<Double-Button-1>", OKed) lScrollBar.config(command=mFileList.yview) lFrame = Tkinter.Frame(TopLevel) lFrame.pack(side=TOP, fill=X) lCancel = Tkinter.Button(lFrame, text='Cancel', bg="#FF0000") lCancel.pack(side=LEFT) lCancel.bind("<Button-1>", canceled) lOK = Tkinter.Button(lFrame, text='Apply', bg="#00FF00") lOK.pack(side=RIGHT) lOK.bind("<Button-1>", OKed) mMessage = Tkinter.Label(lFrame, text='-----') mMessage.pack(side=LEFT, fill=X, expand=1) lPos = 0 lCurrent = -1 for lFilePath in pFileNames: mFileList.insert(END, lFilePath) if lCurrentPath == lFilePath: mFileList.selection_set(END) mMessage.config(text=lCurrentPath) lCurrent = lPos mFileList.see(lCurrent) lPos += 1 def submitnow(pEvent, pLabel=TopLabel): 'Expand and execute command' lPrompt = pEvent.widget.cget("text") lFilePath = pLabel.cget("text").strip() lCommand = mCmds[lPrompt] lCommand = Expand(lCommand, lFilePath) lCommand = '"' + lCommand + '"' lProcess = subprocess.Popen(lCommand, shell=True) def showit(pEvent, pLabel=TopLabel): 'Expand and display command' lPrompt = pEvent.widget.cget("text") lFilePath = pLabel.cget("text").strip() lCommand = mCmds[lPrompt] lCommand = Expand(lCommand, lFilePath) tkMessageBox.showinfo('Expanded command:',lPrompt + " = " + lCommand) if len(pFileNames) > 1: lFrame = Tkinter.Frame(frame) lFrame.pack(side=TOP, fill=X) SelectButton = Tkinter.Button(lFrame, text="*") SelectButton.pack(side=LEFT, fill=X, expand=1) SelectButton.bind("<Button-1>", selectone) FirstButton = Tkinter.Button(lFrame, text="|<-") FirstButton.pack(side=LEFT, fill=X, expand=1) FirstButton.bind("<Button-1>", jumpfirst) NextButton = Tkinter.Button(lFrame, text="->") NextButton.pack(side=LEFT, fill=X, expand=1) NextButton.bind("<Button-1>", jumpnext) PrevButton = Tkinter.Button(lFrame, text="<-") PrevButton.pack(side=LEFT, fill=X, expand=1) PrevButton.bind("<Button-1>", jumpprevious) LastButton = Tkinter.Button(lFrame, text="->|") LastButton.pack(side=LEFT, fill=X, expand=1) LastButton.bind("<Button-1>", jumplast) for lText in lFileText: if len(lText) > 1: if lText[0] != "[": if lText[0] == "-": pass #label= Tkinter.Label(frame,text=lText[:-1]) #label.pack(side=TOP, fill=X) elif lText.startswith(";#"): # commands begin with ;# lPos = lText.find("`") # command fields are separated by ` if lPos > 0: lCh = lText[2] if lCh == 's': # set environment variable lEqPos = lText.find("=") if lEqPos > lPos: lKey = lText[lPos+1:lEqPos].strip() lValue = lText[lEqPos+1:].strip() os.environ[lKey] = lValue elif lCh == 'c': # set working directory if lPos > 0 and lPos < len(lText): os.chdir(lText[lPos+1:].strip()) else: # ignore pass elif lText[0] == ';': pass elif lKeep == False: pass else: lPos = lText.find(",") if lPos > 0: lPrompt = lText[:lPos] lCommand = lText[lPos+1:] mCmds[lPrompt] = lCommand button = Tkinter.Button(frame,text=lPrompt) button.pack(side=TOP,fill=X) button.bind("<Button-1>", submitnow) ### (1) button.bind("<Button-3>", showit) else: label = lText[1:-2].lower() if (label[0] < 'a') or (label[0] > 'z'): label = label[1:] if pLabelList == [] or label in pLabelList: lKeep = True label = Tkinter.Label(frame,text=lText[1:-2], bg="yellow") label.pack(side=TOP, fill=X) else: lKeep = False return TopLabel #sys.argv.append('c:\\source\\python\\projects\\execution\\first test.ini') # <- Controlling file #sys.argv.append('c:\\source\\python\\projects\\execution\\*.py') # <- Controlling file #sys.argv.append('c:\\source\\python\\projects\\execution\\first test.ini') # <- Menu file #sys.argv.append('test') # <- Sections #sys.argv.append('copy') tk = Tkinter.Tk() if len(sys.argv) > 1: mFileName = mFileArg = sys.argv[1] # First argument is absolute path to file to be processed or a # path template ( c:\bin\*.py ). If a path template is used # The buttonbar will contain controls to select files from a # list of matching files. mFileName = mFileName.replace("/","\\") lPos = mFileName.rfind("\\") if lPos > 0: # Path to file, file will be controlling file mFileArg = mFileName lFileFolder = mFileName[0:lPos+1] mFileName = mFileName[lPos+1:] elif lPos == 0: lFileFolder = "c:\\" mFileName = mFileName[1:] mFileArg = lFileFolder + mFileName else: lFileFolder = os.getcwd() + "\\" mFileArg = lFileFolder + mFileName if len(sys.argv) > 2: # Second argument is path to initialization file used to mMenuName = sys.argv[2] # generate button bar else: mMenuName = "c:\\bin\\Tools Menu.ini" # <---- Default menu file - Change as necessary if len(sys.argv) > 3: mLabelList = sys.argv[3:] else: mLabelList = ["references" ] # <---- Default section - Change as necessary mLabelList = [x.lower() for x in mLabelList] if mFileName.find("*") >= 0 or mFileName.find("?") >= 0 or mFileName.find("[") >= 0: lFileNames = glob.glob(mFileArg) if len(lFileNames) > 0: mFileArg = lFileNames[0] else: tkMessageBox.showinfo('File selection error:',"No files matched '%s' in folder '%s'." % (mFileName, lFileFolder) ) mFileArg = '' lFileNames = [ '' ] else: lFileNames = [ mFileArg ] frame = Tkinter.Frame(tk, relief=RIDGE, borderwidth=2) frame.pack(fill=BOTH,expand=1) mTopLabel = Build(mMenuName, mFileArg, mLabelList, lFileNames) label = Tkinter.Label(frame,text="", bg="yellow") label.pack(side=TOP, fill=X) button = Tkinter.Button(frame,text='Exit',command=frame.quit) button.pack(side=TOP,fill=X) tk.mainloop() else: tkMessageBox.showinfo('Syntax Error','File name required')