from tkinter import * from random import randint, choice from time import clock, sleep # TODO: further tweaks # 1. Add goals for the boids to move toward (DONE - # 2. Add wind or current that "blows" the boids around # 3. Have boids tend towards a place; travel through waypoints # 4. Limit (or unlimit) a boid's speed (DONE - BoidAgent.max_speed) # 5. Set bounds for boids (DONE - BoidGUI.force_wall & .bounce_wall) # 6. Allow boids to "perch" on the ground at random. # TODO: anti-flocking behaviour # 1. Get the boid group to scatter from each other; add more rules # 2. Send the boids away from certain areas; danger or obstacles # 3. Introduce predators that boids will always run from # TODO: some other details # 1. Boids need to "see" each other # 2. Unseen boids should be ignored # 3. Refer to the original algorithm # 4. # 5. The timing engine needs redesign (DONE - based on # 6. Change updating system to that used by QuizMe ################################################################################ # Here are various program settings. USE_WINDOW = False # Display program in window. FULLSCREEN = True # Go fullscreen when executed. SCR_SAVER = False # Turn screensaver mode on or off. COME_BACK = -1 # The program can automatically "restart." # if < 0: Exit program immediately # if = 0: Disable exiting program # if > 0: Come back after X seconds TITLE = 'BOIDs' # Title to show in windowed mode. WIDTH = 800 # Width for window to display in. HEIGHT = 600 # Height to display in window mode. BACKGROUND = '#000' # Background color for the screen. BOIDS = 10 # Number of boids to show in a group. # BoidGUI and BoidAgent have settings too. ################################################################################ def main(): # Create the opening window for the program. NoDefaultRoot() root = Tk() assert not (USE_WINDOW and FULLSCREEN), \ 'Only Window or Fullscreen may be used.' # Define the closing event handler. if COME_BACK < 0: def close(event=None): root.destroy() else: def close(event=None): if COME_BACK: root.withdraw() sleep(COME_BACK) for child in root.children.values(): if isinstance(child, BoidGUI): child.last_time += COME_BACK root.deiconify() # Create window based on settings. if USE_WINDOW: root.resizable(False, False) root.title(TITLE) width = WIDTH height = HEIGHT position = '' elif FULLSCREEN: root.overrideredirect(True) if not SCR_SAVER: root.bind_all('', close) width = root.winfo_screenwidth() height = root.winfo_screenheight() position = '+0+0' else: raise ValueError('Cannot determine window type to use.') # Configure the root window as needed. root.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', close) if SCR_SAVER: assert COME_BACK, 'Screen may not be locked as screensaver.' root.bind_all('', close) root.bind_all('', close) root.geometry('{0}x{1}{2}'.format(width, height, position)) # Create the application object that handles the GUI. app = BoidGUI(root, width, height, BACKGROUND, BOIDS) app.grid() root.mainloop() ################################################################################ # This function parses color strings. def parse_color(string): assert len(string) == 7 and string[0] == '#', 'Not Color String!' number = [] for index in range(1, len(string) - 1, 2): number.append(int(string[index:index+2], 16)) return tuple(number) # This function interpolates between two colors. def interpolate(lower, upper, bias): A = 1 - bias R = round(lower[0] * A + upper[0] * bias) G = round(lower[1] * A + upper[1] * bias) B = round(lower[2] * A + upper[2] * bias) return R, G, B ################################################################################ class BoidGUI(Canvas): # Drawing Options BAL_NOT_VEC = True # Draw balls (True) or vectors (False). RANDOM_BACK = False # Replace background with flashing colors? RANDOM_BALL = False # Replace balls with flashing colors? DRAW_TARGET = True # Show line from groups to their targets? # Wall Settings WALL_BOUNCE = False # Bouncy wall if true; force wall if false. WALL_MARGIN = 50 # Pixels from edge of screen for boundary. WALL_FORCE = 100 # Force applied to balls outside boundary. # Random Parameters MAX_FPS = 100 # Maximum frame per second for display. GROUPS = 2 # Number of groups to have displayed on the GUI. # Target Settings TARGET_FORCE = 500 # Force exerted by the targets on the boid groups. TRIG_DIST = 100 # Distance to target where target gets changed. MINI_DIST = 200 # Target must be this far away when recreated. # Boid Settings MAX_SPEED = 400 # Maximum speed for boids (pixels per second). MAX_SIZE = 15 # Largest radius a boid is allowed to have. MIN_SIZE = 10 # Smallest radius a boid may be built with. # Color Variables PALETTE_MODE = True # Palette mode if true; random mode if false. COLORS = '#FF0000', '#FF7F00', '#FFFF00', '#00FF00', '#0000FF', '#FF00FF' PALETTE = [] for x in range(16): for y in range(16): for z in range(16): color = '#{:X}{:X}{:X}'.format(x, y, z) PALETTE.append(color) # Check the settings up above for errors. assert MINI_DIST > TRIG_DIST, 'Targets must be set beyond trigger point.' assert MAX_SIZE > MIN_SIZE, 'A minimum may not be larger than maximum.' assert len(COLORS) > GROUPS, 'There must be more colors than groups.' def __init__(self, master, width, height, background, boids): # Initialize the Canvas object. cursor = 'none' if SCR_SAVER else '' super().__init__(master, width=width, height=height, cursor=cursor, background=background, highlightthickness=0) self.width = width self.height = height self.background = background # Create colors for the balls. self.create_ball_palette(boids) # Build the boid control system. self.build_boids(boids) # Build loop for frame updating. self.last_time = clock() self.time_diff = 1 / self.MAX_FPS self.after(1000 // self.MAX_FPS, self.update_screen) def create_ball_palette(self, size): # The last color is not used. size += 1 # Turn the colors into (R, G, B) tuples. colors = list(map(parse_color, self.COLORS)) self.BALL_PALETTE = [] for index in range(len(colors)): # Extract color bounds. lower = colors[index] upper = colors[(index + 1) % len(colors)] palette = [] # Interpolate colors between the bounds. for bias in range(size): R, G, B = interpolate(lower, upper, bias / size) palette.append('#{0:02X}{1:02X}{2:02X}'.format(R, G, B)) # Add the new palette to the choice list. self.BALL_PALETTE.append(palette) def build_boids(self, boids): # Build various boid simulation groups. self.groups = [] for group in range(self.GROUPS): group = BoidGroup() group.palette = choice(self.BALL_PALETTE) self.BALL_PALETTE.remove(group.palette) # Create a new boid for current group. for boid, color in zip(range(boids), group.palette): # Place the boid somewhere on screen. x = randint(0, self.width) y = randint(0, self.height) position = Vector2(x, y) # Give it a random velocity (within 400). velocity = Polar2(randint(1, self.MAX_SPEED), randint(1, 360)) # Create a random size for the ball. size = randint(self.MIN_SIZE, self.MAX_SIZE) assert size != 2, 'This is an oddly shaped ball.' # Create a boid (with a maximum speed of 400). boid = BoidAgent(position, velocity, size, self.MAX_SPEED) # Add a color attribute from COLORS list. if self.PALETTE_MODE: boid.color = color else: boid.color = choice(self.COLORS) group.add_boid(boid) # Add some mutators to this group. if self.WALL_BOUNCE: group.add_control(self.bounce_wall) else: group.add_control(self.force_wall) group.add_control(self.motivate) # Add a random target attribute to the group. x = randint(self.WALL_MARGIN, self.width - self.WALL_MARGIN) y = randint(self.WALL_MARGIN, self.height - self.WALL_MARGIN) = Vector2(x, y) self.groups.append(group) def motivate(self, group, boid, seconds): # What direction should this boid move in? vector = ( - boid.position).unit() # Adjust velocity according to force and scale. boid.velocity += vector * self.TARGET_FORCE * seconds def check_target(self): for group in self.groups: # Is the center of the group within (100) pixels of target? if ( - <= self.TRIG_DIST: # Adjust target to be over (200) pixels away. while ( - <= self.MINI_DIST: minimum = self.WALL_MARGIN width = self.width - minimum height = self.height - minimum x = randint(minimum, width) y = randint(minimum, height) = Vector2(x, y) # Change the ball colors if they are not random. if not self.RANDOM_BALL: if self.PALETTE_MODE: palette = choice(self.BALL_PALETTE) self.BALL_PALETTE.remove(palette) self.BALL_PALETTE.append(group.palette) # Assign colors from new palette. for boid, color in zip(group.boids, palette): boid.color = color group.palette = palette else: # Assign a random color from palette. for boid in group.boids: boid.color = choice(self.COLORS) def force_wall(self, group, boid, seconds): # Left and Right walls. if boid.position.x < self.WALL_MARGIN: boid.velocity.x += self.WALL_FORCE * seconds elif boid.position.x > self.width - self.WALL_FORCE: boid.velocity.x -= self.WALL_FORCE * seconds # Upper and Lower walls. if boid.position.y < self.WALL_MARGIN: boid.velocity.y += self.WALL_FORCE * seconds elif boid.position.y > self.height - self.WALL_FORCE: boid.velocity.y -= self.WALL_FORCE * seconds def bounce_wall(self, group, boid, seconds): # Left and Right walls. if boid.position.x < self.WALL_MARGIN: if boid.velocity.x < 0: boid.velocity.x *= -1 elif boid.position.x > self.width - self.WALL_MARGIN: if boid.velocity.x > 0: boid.velocity.x *= -1 # Upper and Lower walls. if boid.position.y < self.WALL_MARGIN: if boid.velocity.y < 0: boid.velocity.y *= -1 elif boid.position.y > self.height - self.WALL_MARGIN: if boid.velocity.y > 0: boid.velocity.y *= -1 def update_screen(self): # Clear the screen. self.delete(ALL) for group in self.groups: # Draw the group's target if enabled. if self.DRAW_TARGET: center = target = self.create_line(center.x, center.y, target.x, target.y, fill=choice(self.PALETTE), width=3) # Draw all boids in the current group. for boid in group.boids: # Select correct fill color for drawing. fill = choice(self.PALETTE) if self.RANDOM_BALL else boid.color if self.BAL_NOT_VEC: # Draw a ball (oval). x1 = boid.position.x - boid.radius y1 = boid.position.y - boid.radius x2 = boid.position.x + boid.radius y2 = boid.position.y + boid.radius self.create_oval((x1, y1, x2, y2), fill=fill) else: # Draw a direction pointer. start = boid.position end = boid.velocity.unit() * (boid.radius * 3) + start self.create_line(start.x, start.y, end.x, end.y, fill=fill, width=3) # Randomize the background color if enabled. if self.RANDOM_BACK: self['background'] = choice(self.PALETTE) # Update all group targets as needed. self.check_target() # Run through the updating routines on the groups. time = clock() delta = time - self.last_time for group in self.groups: group.run_controls(delta) group.update_velocity() group.update_position(delta) self.last_time = time # Schedule for the next run of this method. plus = time + self.time_diff over = plus % self.time_diff diff = plus - time - over self.after(round(diff * 1000), self.update_screen) import _tkinter # Properly set the GUI's update rate. _tkinter.setbusywaitinterval(1000 // BoidGUI.MAX_FPS) ################################################################################ # This is where groups and world objects should live. class BoidWorld: pass ################################################################################ class BoidGroup: # Simple collection for managing boid agents. def __init__(self): self.__boids = [] self.__flag = False self.__controls = [] self.__good_center = False self.__prop_center = Vector2(0, 0) self.__good_vector = False self.__prop_vector = Vector2(0, 0) def add_boid(self, boid): self.__boids.append(boid) def update_velocity(self): assert not self.__flag, 'Position must be updated first.' self.__flag = True for boid in self.__boids: boid.update_velocity(self, self.__boids) self.__good_vector = False def update_position(self, seconds): assert self.__flag, 'Velocity must be updated first.' self.__flag = False for boid in self.__boids: boid.update_position(seconds) self.__good_center = False def add_control(self, control): self.__controls.append(control) def run_controls(self, seconds): for control in self.__controls: for boid in self.__boids: control(self, boid, seconds) @property def boids(self): for boid in self.__boids: yield boid @property def center(self): if self.__good_center == False: self.__prop_center = Vector2(0, 0) for boid in self.__boids: self.__prop_center += boid.position self.__prop_center /= len(self.__boids) self.__good_center = True return self.__prop_center @property def vector(self): if self.__good_vector == False: self.__prop_vector = Vector2(0, 0) for boid in self.__boids: self.__prop_vector += boid.velocity self.__prop_vector /= len(self.__boids) self.__good_vector = True return self.__prop_vector ################################################################################ class BoidAgent: # Implements all three boid rules. RULE_1_SCALE = 100 # Scale the clumping factor. RULE_2_SCALE = 3 # Scale the avoiding factor. RULE_2_SPACE = 1 # Avoid when inside of space. RULE_3_SCALE = 100 # Scale the schooling factor. def __init__(self, position, velocity, radius, max_speed): self.position = position self.velocity = velocity self.__update = Vector2(0, 0) self.radius = radius self.max_speed = max_speed def update_velocity(self, group, boids): # Filter self out of boids. others = [boid for boid in boids if boid is not self] # Run through the boid rules. vector_1 = self.__rule_1(others) # vector_1 = ( - self.position) / 100 vector_2 = self.__rule_2(others) vector_3 = self.__rule_3(others) # vector_3 = (group.vector - self.velocity) / 100 # Save the results. self.__update = vector_1 + vector_2 + vector_3 def update_position(self, seconds): # Update to new velocity. self.velocity += self.__update # Limit the velocity as needed. if self.velocity.magnitude > self.max_speed: self.velocity /= self.velocity.magnitude / self.max_speed # Update our position variable. self.position += self.velocity * seconds def __rule_1(self, boids): # Simulate the clumping factor. vector = Vector2(0, 0) for boid in boids: vector += boid.position vector /= len(boids) return (vector - self.position) / self.RULE_1_SCALE def __rule_2(self, boids): # Simulate the avoiding factor. vector = Vector2(0, 0) for boid in boids: delta = (boid.position - self.position).magnitude space = (boid.radius + self.radius) * (self.RULE_2_SPACE + 1) if delta < space: vector += (self.position - boid.position) return vector / self.RULE_2_SCALE def __rule_3(self, boids): # Simulate the schooling factor. vector = Vector2(0, 0) weight = 0 for boid in boids: r2 = boid.radius ** 2 vector += boid.velocity * r2 weight += r2 vector /= len(boids) * weight return (vector - self.velocity) / self.RULE_3_SCALE ################################################################################ from math import * ################################################################################ def Polar2(magnitude, degrees): x = magnitude * sin(radians(degrees)) y = magnitude * cos(radians(degrees)) return Vector2(x, y) ################################################################################ class Vector2: # See all the nice vector operations above? # The following class implements those instructions. __slots__ = 'x', 'y' def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y def __repr__(self): return 'Vector2({!r}, {!r})'.format(self.x, self.y) def polar_repr(self): x, y = self.x, self.y magnitude = hypot(x, y) angle = degrees(atan2(x, y)) % 360 return 'Polar2({!r}, {!r})'.format(magnitude, angle) # Rich Comparison Methods def __lt__(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, Vector2): x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.x, self.y, obj.x, obj.y return x1 * x1 + y1 * y1 < x2 * x2 + y2 * y2 return hypot(self.x, self.y) < obj def __le__(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, Vector2): x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.x, self.y, obj.x, obj.y return x1 * x1 + y1 * y1 <= x2 * x2 + y2 * y2 return hypot(self.x, self.y) <= obj def __eq__(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, Vector2): return self.x == obj.x and self.y == obj.y return hypot(self.x, self.y) == obj def __ne__(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, Vector2): return self.x != obj.x or self.y != obj.y return hypot(self.x, self.y) != obj def __gt__(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, Vector2): x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.x, self.y, obj.x, obj.y return x1 * x1 + y1 * y1 > x2 * x2 + y2 * y2 return hypot(self.x, self.y) > obj def __ge__(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, Vector2): x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.x, self.y, obj.x, obj.y return x1 * x1 + y1 * y1 >= x2 * x2 + y2 * y2 return hypot(self.x, self.y) >= obj # Boolean Operation def __bool__(self): return self.x != 0 or self.y != 0 # Container Methods def __len__(self): return 2 def __getitem__(self, index): return (self.x, self.y)[index] def __setitem__(self, index, value): temp = [self.x, self.y] temp[index] = value self.x, self.y = temp def __iter__(self): yield self.x yield self.y def __reversed__(self): yield self.y yield self.x def __contains__(self, obj): return obj in (self.x, self.y) # Binary Arithmetic Operations def __add__(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, Vector2): return Vector2(self.x + obj.x, self.y + obj.y) return Vector2(self.x + obj, self.y + obj) def __sub__(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, Vector2): return Vector2(self.x - obj.x, self.y - obj.y) return Vector2(self.x - obj, self.y - obj) def __mul__(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, Vector2): return Vector2(self.x * obj.x, self.y * obj.y) return Vector2(self.x * obj, self.y * obj) def __truediv__(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, Vector2): return Vector2(self.x / obj.x, self.y / obj.y) return Vector2(self.x / obj, self.y / obj) def __floordiv__(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, Vector2): return Vector2(self.x // obj.x, self.y // obj.y) return Vector2(self.x // obj, self.y // obj) def __mod__(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, Vector2): return Vector2(self.x % obj.x, self.y % obj.y) return Vector2(self.x % obj, self.y % obj) def __divmod__(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, Vector2): return (Vector2(self.x // obj.x, self.y // obj.y), Vector2(self.x % obj.x, self.y % obj.y)) return (Vector2(self.x // obj, self.y // obj), Vector2(self.x % obj, self.y % obj)) def __pow__(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, Vector2): return Vector2(self.x ** obj.x, self.y ** obj.y) return Vector2(self.x ** obj, self.y ** obj) def __lshift__(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, Vector2): return Vector2(self.x << obj.x, self.y << obj.y) return Vector2(self.x << obj, self.y << obj) def __rshift__(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, Vector2): return Vector2(self.x >> obj.x, self.y >> obj.y) return Vector2(self.x >> obj, self.y >> obj) def __and__(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, Vector2): return Vector2(self.x & obj.x, self.y & obj.y) return Vector2(self.x & obj, self.y & obj) def __xor__(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, Vector2): return Vector2(self.x ^ obj.x, self.y ^ obj.y) return Vector2(self.x ^ obj, self.y ^ obj) def __or__(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, Vector2): return Vector2(self.x | obj.x, self.y | obj.y) return Vector2(self.x | obj, self.y | obj) # Binary Arithmetic Operations (with reflected operands) def __radd__(self, obj): return Vector2(obj + self.x, obj + self.y) def __rsub__(self, obj): return Vector2(obj - self.x, obj - self.y) def __rmul__(self, obj): return Vector2(obj * self.x, obj * self.y) def __rtruediv__(self, obj): return Vector2(obj / self.x, obj / self.y) def __rfloordiv__(self, obj): return Vector2(obj // self.x, obj // self.y) def __rmod__(self, obj): return Vector2(obj % self.x, obj % self.y) def __rdivmod__(self, obj): return (Vector2(obj // self.x, obj // self.y), Vector2(obj % self.x, obj % self.y)) def __rpow__(self, obj): return Vector2(obj ** self.x, obj ** self.y) def __rlshift__(self, obj): return Vector2(obj << self.x, obj << self.y) def __rrshift__(self, obj): return Vector2(obj >> self.x, obj >> self.y) def __rand__(self, obj): return Vector2(obj & self.x, obj & self.y) def __rxor__(self, obj): return Vector2(obj ^ self.x, obj ^ self.y) def __ror__(self, obj): return Vector2(obj | self.x, obj | self.y) # Augmented Arithmetic Assignments def __iadd__(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, Vector2): self.x += obj.x self.y += obj.y else: self.x += obj self.y += obj return self def __isub__(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, Vector2): self.x -= obj.x self.y -= obj.y else: self.x -= obj self.y -= obj return self def __imul__(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, Vector2): self.x *= obj.x self.y *= obj.y else: self.x *= obj self.y *= obj return self def __itruediv__(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, Vector2): self.x /= obj.x self.y /= obj.y else: self.x /= obj self.y /= obj return self def __ifloordiv__(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, Vector2): self.x //= obj.x self.y //= obj.y else: self.x //= obj self.y //= obj return self def __imod__(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, Vector2): self.x %= obj.x self.y %= obj.y else: self.x %= obj self.y %= obj return self def __ipow__(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, Vector2): self.x **= obj.x self.y **= obj.y else: self.x **= obj self.y **= obj return self def __ilshift__(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, Vector2): self.x <<= obj.x self.y <<= obj.y else: self.x <<= obj self.y <<= obj return self def __irshift__(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, Vector2): self.x >>= obj.x self.y >>= obj.y else: self.x >>= obj self.y >>= obj return self def __iand__(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, Vector2): self.x &= obj.x self.y &= obj.y else: self.x &= obj self.y &= obj return self def __ixor__(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, Vector2): self.x ^= obj.x self.y ^= obj.y else: self.x ^= obj self.y ^= obj return self def __ior__(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, Vector2): self.x |= obj.x self.y |= obj.y else: self.x |= obj self.y |= obj return self # Unary Arithmetic Operations def __pos__(self): return Vector2(+self.x, +self.y) def __neg__(self): return Vector2(-self.x, -self.y) def __invert__(self): return Vector2(~self.x, ~self.y) def __abs__(self): return Vector2(abs(self.x), abs(self.y)) # Virtual "magnitude" Attribute def __fg_ma(self): return hypot(self.x, self.y) def __fs_ma(self, value): x, y = self.x, self.y temp = value / hypot(x, y) self.x, self.y = x * temp, y * temp magnitude = property(__fg_ma, __fs_ma, doc='Virtual "magnitude" Attribute') # Virtual "direction" Attribute def __fg_di(self): return atan2(self.y, self.x) def __fs_di(self, value): temp = hypot(self.x, self.y) self.x, self.y = cos(value) * temp, sin(value) * temp direction = property(__fg_di, __fs_di, doc='Virtual "direction" Attribute') # Virtual "degrees" Attribute def __fg_de(self): return degrees(atan2(self.x, self.y)) % 360 def __fs_de(self, value): temp = hypot(self.x, self.y) self.x, self.y = sin(radians(value)) * temp, cos(radians(value)) * temp degrees = property(__fg_de, __fs_de, doc='Virtual "degrees" Attribute') # Virtual "xy" Attribute def __fg_xy(self): return self.x, self.y def __fs_xy(self, value): self.x, self.y = value xy = property(__fg_xy, __fs_xy, doc='Virtual "xy" Attribute') # Virtual "yx" Attribute def __fg_yx(self): return self.y, self.x def __fs_yx(self, value): self.y, self.x = value yx = property(__fg_yx, __fs_yx, doc='Virtual "yx" Attribute') # Unit Vector Operations def unit_vector(self): x, y = self.x, self.y temp = hypot(x, y) return Vector2(x / temp, y / temp) def normalize(self): x, y = self.x, self.y temp = hypot(x, y) self.x, self.y = x / temp, y / temp return self # Vector Multiplication Operations def dot_product(self, vec): return self.x * vec.x + self.y * vec.y def cross_product(self, vec): return self.x * vec.y - self.y * vec.x # Geometric And Physical Reflections def reflect(self, vec): x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.x, self.y, vec.x, vec.y temp = 2 * (x1 * x2 + y1 * y2) / (x2 * x2 + y2 * y2) return Vector2(x2 * temp - x1, y2 * temp - y1) def bounce(self, vec): x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.x, self.y, +vec.y, -vec.x temp = 2 * (x1 * x2 + y1 * y2) / (x2 * x2 + y2 * y2) return Vector2(x2 * temp - x1, y2 * temp - y1) # Standard Vector Operations def project(self, vec): x, y = vec.x, vec.y temp = (self.x * x + self.y * y) / (x * x + y * y) return Vector2(x * temp, y * temp) def rotate(self, vec): x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.x, self.y, vec.x, vec.y return Vector2(x1 * x2 + y1 * y2, y1 * x2 - x1 * y2) def interpolate(self, vec, bias): a = 1 - bias return Vector2(self.x * a + vec.x * bias, self.y * a + vec.y * bias) # Other Useful Methods def near(self, vec, dist): x, y = self.x, self.y return x * x + y * y <= dist * dist def perpendicular(self): return Vector2(+self.y, -self.x) def subset(self, vec1, vec2): x1, x2 = vec1.x, vec2.x if x1 <= x2: if x1 <= self.x <= x2: y1, y2 = vec1.y, vec2.y if y1 <= y2: return y1 <= self.y <= y2 return y2 <= self.y <= y1 else: if x2 <= self.x <= x1: y1, y2 = vec1.y, vec2.y if y1 <= y2: return y1 <= self.y <= y2 return y2 <= self.y <= y1 return False # Synonymous Definitions copy = __pos__ inverse = __neg__ unit = unit_vector dot = dot_product cross = cross_product lerp = interpolate perp = perpendicular ################################################################################ # If this code is run directly, # run the program's entry point. if __name__ == '__main__': main()