Simple script that will allow you to locate and run the set screensaver from python, if available.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | import os, win32com.client
def runScreensaver():
strComputer = "."
objWMIService = win32com.client.Dispatch("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
objSWbemServices = objWMIService.ConnectServer(strComputer,"root\cimv2")
colItems = objSWbemServices.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Desktop")
for objItem in colItems:
if objItem.ScreenSaverExecutable:
os.system(objItem.ScreenSaverExecutable + " /start")
This doesn't work for me, although that might be due to the fact that I'm a total newb and have no idea what's happening in this code. Could you possibly explain what's happening?
I tried my own simplified version of code to run a screensaver ...
however it only manages to popup the screensaver's property window (the same happened using a batch file). It's unfortunately not as easy as running the scr file due to Vista (or other Windows OS) limitations against non-Windows programs trying to run screensavers.