TextMagic is a provider of SMS services. Their SMS gateway is accessible via an HTTPS API. A convenient wrapper for this API is PyTextMagicSMS. Full documentation and source code is available on the project's website.
In order to use the service, you need to register at http://www.textmagic.com/ and obtain an API password (different from your login password) at https://www.textmagic.com/app/wt/account/api/cmd/password
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 | import textmagic.client
# Use your username and API password to create a client
client = textmagic.client.TextMagicClient('your_username', 'your_api_password')
# Send a message and store its message id
result = client.send("Hello, World!", "1234567890")
message_id = result['message_id'].keys()[0]
# Now you can retrieve the delivery status using the message id
response = client.message_status(message_id)
status = response[message_id]['status']
# Replies to your outgoing messages are delivered to your TextMagic Inbox
# This is how you receive messages from your Inbox
received_messages = client.receive(0)
messages_info = received_messages['messages']
for message_info in messages_info:
print "%(text)s received from %(from)s" % message_info
# Delete a message from your Inbox
# Get your account balance
balance = client.account()['balance']
# Find the country and cost of a telephone number
response = client.check_number('44123456789')
info = response['44123456789']
country = info['country']
credits = info['price']