""" Alias allows the dynamic aliasing of class attributes to a sequence of aliases using metaclass programming to give a declarative way of expressing aliases as an inner class on the object in question. The main use of such a system would be to unify a disparate set of objects with similar, but differently named attributes so that they can access be a single piece of code. Taking the example below, we define two types of records - an old-style and new-style record. Note that the attributes on the class describe the same things, but are named differently. By declaring a set of suitable aliases on each style class we can then include both styles in our record set and treat them as one: >>> from alias import NewRecord, OldRecord, RecordSet >>> rs = RecordSet(NewRecord(), OldRecord()) >>> rs.records [, ] >>> rs.sort_by_added() >>> rs.records [, ] >>> [r.removed for r in rs.records] [False, False] >>> rs.mark_all_as_removed() >>> [r.removed for r in rs.records] [True, True] >>> [r.deleted for r in rs.records] [True, True] >>> for r in rs.records: r.save() Storing record: Old type record Saving record: New style record """ import inspect class AliasDescriptor(object): def __init__(self, alias): self.alias = alias def __get__(self, instance, owner): return getattr(instance, owner.__dict__['__aliases'][self.alias]) def __set__(self, instance, value): setattr(instance, instance.__class__.__dict__['__aliases'][self.alias], value) def __delete__(self, instance): raise AttributeError('Deleting of aliased attribute %r is not supported' % self.alias) class AliasType(type): def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs): new_class = super(AliasType, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs) # see whether we've got an Alias inner class: if inspect.isclass(attrs.get('Alias', None)): alias = attrs['Alias'] setattr(new_class, '__aliases', {}) for attr, value in alias.__dict__.items(): # don't want any "private" attrs appearing if attr.startswith('_'): continue # don't care if these aren't tuples or lists if not isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): continue # no point in setting up an alias for something which isn't a # class attribute: if not attr in attrs: continue # if we've got to here put the lookups into the __aliases dict: for key in value: new_class.__dict__['__aliases'][key] = attr setattr(new_class, key, AliasDescriptor(key)) return new_class class Aliaser(object): __metaclass__ = AliasType from datetime import datetime class BaseRecord(object): """Dummy base class to demonstrate multiple-inheretance""" pass class OldRecord(BaseRecord, Aliaser): title = 'Old type record' created = datetime(2007, 1, 1, 9) deleted = False def store(self): print 'Storing record: %s' % self.title class Alias: created = ('date_created', 'created_date', 'added') deleted = ('removed',) store = ('save',) class NewRecord(BaseRecord, Aliaser): title = "New style record" added = datetime(2009, 1, 1, 10) removed = False def save(self): print 'Saving record: %s' % self.title class Alias: added = ('date_created', 'created_date', 'created') removed = ('deleted',) save = ('store') class RecordSet(object): def __init__(self, *records): self.records = list(records) def sort_by_added(self): self.records.sort(key=lambda r: r.added) def mark_all_as_removed(self): for record in self.records: record.removed = True if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod(optionflags=doctest.ELLIPSIS)