# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*- """ author : Jean-Christophe Clavier For some people, thunderbird lacks of a powerfull automatic detach function that keeps the link to the detached file from the mail itself (like Eudora has). Some plugins exists but there is now way to detach a document and replace it with a link to it's new location. For security reasons, the developper team doesn't want to allow the opening of a local file from thunderbird. When you have to keep large history of your emails, this may become a real problem for the size of your box and the facilities to automate some tasks on files (you can't use programs to see if you have doubles and so on). If, like me, you want to keep your email box as slim as possible by detaching attached documents and keep links to the detached files, this may be for you. The trick is that the file is detached and replaced by an html one in which you'll find the link to the file. The html file will be opened in your browser where the link to your local filesystem will operate. To keep it possible to change your detached files directory location, I have chosen to make the links with javascript (<a href="javascript:detachFile(file)">...). The javascript file name and location is a parameter of this script but will have to stay in the place you've decided. This way, the javascript must stay the same place but all the detached files may move without breaking the links with the mails (you'll just have to change the javascript) The best would be to read some environment variable from an embeded javascript so that the js script would not be fixed in some place forever but i don't know how to do that. If someone has an idea, i would be glad to know how The prm class is used to store the parameters """ import os, os.path, pprint, fnmatch, re, time, sys, traceback import email, email.Utils, mimetypes, email.MIMEText import quopri class prm(object): """ Used to simply store parameters this could be in some kind of ini file but i wanted to keep this short """ TEST=False # If True, the module just lists directories without detaching docs jsfile="C:\\Documents and Settings\\__User__\\Application Data\\Thunderbird\\Profiles\\__User__\\detach.js" # The JS script used to open files # (I use an external jsscript to ease the work in case one wants to change the detached files directory: # only this script is to change) maildir="C:\\Documents and Settings\\__User__\\Application Data\\Thunderbird\\Profiles\\__User__\\Mail\\pop.__Fai__.fr" # The root dir of the mails outdir="C:\\Some\\Path\\You\\Want" # The root dir where to put the modified Thunderbird files attachedFilesDir="C:\\Some\\Other\\Path\\To\\Your\\attached\\Files\\Dir" # Where to put the attached files httpAttachedFilesDir="file:///C|/Some/Other/Path/To/Your/attached/Files/Dir/" # What to use in your links (you may use a http server if you like) # This will be used in the javascript function includeFiles=[] # We want to detach docs only for these files (empty=all files) excludeFiles=["Trash"] # We don't want to detach docs for these files includeDirs=[] # We want to detach docs only for these dirs (empty=all dirs) excludeDirs=["Trash.sbd"] # We don't want to detach docs for these dirs logfilename="gestmail.log" class gestMail(object): """ Processes the mail directory """ def __init__(self): self.lf=file(prm.logfilename,'w') def __del__(self): self.lf.close() def writeJS(self): jsScript=""" function openFile(file) { window.open("file:///%s/" + file, "_self") }""" % prm.attachedFilesDir.replace("\\", "/").replace(":", "|") f=file(prm.jsfile,'w') f.write(jsScript) f.close() def writelog(self, *msg): sep="" for m in msg: print m.decode('latin1').encode('cp850', 'replace'), # display in M$ Windows command. self.lf.write("%s%s" % (sep, str(m))) sep=" " print "" self.lf.write("\n") def getfiles(self, dir): """ Walk throught the dir where mails are stored """ for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(dir): subdir=self.getSubdir(dir, dirpath) if (prm.includeDirs==[] or subdir in prm.includeDirs) and subdir not in prm.excludeDirs: for file in [filenames[i] for i in range(len(filenames)) if not fnmatch.fnmatch(filenames[i], '*.msf')]: if (prm.includeFiles==[] or file in prm.includeFiles) and file not in prm.excludeFiles: self.writelog("-"*78) self.writelog(os.path.join(subdir, file)) yield (dirpath, file) else: for e in dirnames[:]: dirnames.pop() def getSubdir(self, rootdir, currentdir): subdir=currentdir[len(rootdir):] if len(subdir) > 0 and subdir[0] in ("\\", "/"): subdir=subdir[1:] return subdir def getHtmlLinksFileContent(self, filenames): """ returns the template of the html doc with the links """ links='' for i, filename in enumerate(filenames): try: if len(filenames) > 1: if i==0: links+='<p><a href="javascript:openFile(\'%s\')">%s</a> - Existe déjà</p>\n' % (filename, filename) else: links+='<p>Renommé en <a href="javascript:openFile(\'%s\')">%s</a></p>\n' % (filename, filename) else: links+='<p><a href="javascript:openFile(\'%s\')">%s</a></p>\n' % (filename, filename) except: self.writelog(filenames, filename) raise txt=""" <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1"> <script type="text/javascript" src="file:///%s"></script> </head> <body> %s </body> </html> """ % (prm.jsfile.replace(":","|"), links) return txt def decode_Q(self, s): """ Decodes the file names when special characters are used (thanks to wacky) """ try: qstart = s.index("=?") # Find the start of the Q-encoded string qend = s.index("?=", qstart + 2) # Find the end of it qenc_start = s.index("?", qstart + 2) # Find the encoding start qenc_end = s.index("?", qenc_start + 1) # Find the encoding end if s[qenc_start:qenc_end+1].upper() == "?Q?": # Q-encoded? enc = s[qstart+2:qenc_start] # Get the character encoding deQ = s[:qstart] # Get everything before the Q-encoded portion Qstring = s[qenc_end+1:qend] # Get the Q-encoded portion deQ += quopri.decodestring(Qstring, True).decode(enc) # Decode it deQ += s[qend+2:] # Get everything after the Q-encoded portion return self.decode_Q(deQ) # De-Q-code any further Q-encoded portions else: raise Exception("String is not Q-encoded: %s" % s) # It blew up except ValueError: # Index not found in string <s>; not Q-encoded return s # Returns a Unicode string def detachFile(self, att_name, filecontent, date=None): """ Writes the file and return the corresponding html The html file will store a link to the detached file If the file already exists, we compute a new name and create a link to the computed name file and to the file that has the same name... date is the date to use for the detached file """ att_name=os.path.split(att_name)[1] # sometimes, the name of the attached file contains the whole path which is not wanted if att_name.find('=?') != -1: # If the filename is encoded, we decode it filename=quopri.decodestring(self.decode_Q(att_name).encode('latin1')) # and encode it in latin1 (you may change this to utf-8) else: filename=att_name filelist=[filename] # # we write the attached file # Sometimes, due to formating, we find \n, \r or \t characters in the filenames. So we cut them off ofname=os.path.join(prm.attachedFilesDir, filename.strip().replace('\n','').replace('\r','').replace('?','').expandtabs(0)) if os.path.exists(ofname): i=1 fname=ofname sfname=os.path.splitext(fname) while os.path.exists(fname): fname="%s[%d]%s" % (sfname[0], i, sfname[1]) i+=1 filelist.append(os.path.split(fname)[-1]) ofname=fname # the outfile name is the new one of=open(ofname,'wb') of.write(filecontent) of.close() if date: os.utime(ofname, (date, date)) return self.getHtmlLinksFileContent(filelist) def processMessage(self, m): """ walk through the parts of multiparts MIME messages """ self.writelog(" - process mail : ", re.compile("=\?.*?Q\?").sub("", quopri.decodestring(m.get_all("Subject")[0]))) for i in m.walk(): if i.is_multipart(): continue if i.get_content_maintype() == 'text': pl = i.get_payload(decode=False) continue att_name = i.get_filename(None) # get the filename if not att_name: # This part is relative to an attached file without name ext = mimetypes.guess_extension(i.get_content_type()) att_name = 'makeitup%s' % ext pl = i.get_payload(decode=False) # Get the content of this part of the message without decoding it else: # This part is relative to an attached file ext=att_name.split(".")[-1] if ext != "html": # we dont detach html files because our links will be contained in html files # So, if whe use this script more than once, we don't want to detach html links files pl = i.get_payload(decode=True) # We get the content of this part of the message and decode it date=self.getDate(m.get_all("Date")[0]) htmlcontent=self.detachFile(att_name, pl, date) # We replace the header to mention this is an html file i.set_type("text/html") try: i.replace_header("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "7bit") except KeyError: self.writelog("ERROR - Content-Transfer-Encoding") traceback.print_exc(file=self.lf) i.replace_header("Content-Disposition", 'inline; filename="%s.html"' % att_name) i.del_param("name") # We replace the original included file by the html file containing the links i.set_payload(htmlcontent) return str(m) def getDate(self, date): signe=re.compile(" [+-]") fuseau=signe.split(date.replace("GMT","").strip()) tdate=list(time.strptime(fuseau[0], "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S")) try: decalage=int(fuseau[1])/100 #print date, "*%s*" % signe.search(date).group(0) if signe.search(date).group(0)==" +": tdate[3]+=decalage elif signe.search(date).group(0)==" -": tdate[3]-=decalage except IndexError: pass # newdate=time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S", tdate) newdate=time.mktime(tdate) return newdate def process(self): # we open all the files containing emails try: for path, filename in self.getfiles(prm.maildir): if not prm.TEST: f=file(os.path.join(path,filename),'r') # we separate all the messages contained in the file lmsg=f.read().split("From - ") # we turn the messages into strings msgs=[email.message_from_string("From - " + msg) for msg in lmsg[1:]] # we write the out files curdir=os.path.join(prm.outdir, self.getSubdir(prm.maildir, path)) if not os.path.exists(curdir): os.makedirs(curdir) curfile=os.path.join(curdir, filename) of=file(curfile,'w') for msg in msgs: try: of.write("%s\n" % self.processMessage(msg)) except: of.write(str(msg)) self.writelog("ERROR while detaching - File is kept in the email") traceback.print_exc(file=self.lf) of.close() except: self.writelog("Fatal ERROR") traceback.print_exc(file=self.lf) raise if __name__ == "__main__": reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('latin1') # Encoding problems have been very painful # This is not very clean and may cause trouble for you, i don't know # If someone knows a better way to manage encoding in this module, i would # be glad to know too... g=gestMail() g.writeJS() g.process()