import re, os, sys from difflib import SequenceMatcher, context_diff from datetime import datetime from itertools import islice vline = re.compile(r'\.V(?:_\S+)? (\S+) (\S+) ?(.*)').match nline = re.compile(r'\.N (.*)').match cline = re.compile(r'\.C (\d+) (\d+)').match iline = re.compile(r'\.I (\d+)').match def get_version(repo_fn, v=None): # Return version *v* or the last version if *v* is None. if not os.path.exists(repo_fn): return '' currver = 0 curr = [] f = iter(open(repo_fn, 'r')) line = next(f, '') while line and (v is None or currver < v): # Start building up next version from the last currver += 1 prev, curr = curr, [] # Process mandatory .V line and optional .N msg lines assert line.startswith('.V') for line in f: if not line.startswith('.N'): break # Process the .I and .C instructions while line and line.startswith(('.I', '.C')): if line.startswith('.I'): n = int(iline(line).group(1)) curr.extend(islice(f, n)) else: m, n = map(int, cline(line).groups()) curr.extend(prev[m-1:n]) line = next(f, '') return ''.join(curr) def print_log(repo_fn, v=None): # Print log entries. *v* is a specific version number or None to print all. currver = 0 f = iter(open(repo_fn, 'r')) line = next(f, '') while line: # Process mandatory .V line and optional .N msg lines assert line.startswith('.V') repo_fn, datetime, msg = vline(line).groups() for line in f: if line.startswith('.N'): msg += '\n' + nline(line).group(1) else: break currver += 1 if v is None: print "%s %d %18s %s" % (repo_fn, currver, datetime, msg) elif currver == v: print "%s %d %18s %s" % (repo_fn, currver, datetime, msg) return # Skip through the .I and .C instructions while line and line.startswith(('.I', '.C')): if line.startswith('.I'): n = int(iline(line).group(1)) for line in islice(f, n): pass line = next(f, '') def diff(repo_fn, vnum1=None, vnum2=None, context=False): # vnum1 or vnum2 can be None to indicate last version in repository # vnum2 can be a filename to compare to v1 = get_version(repo_fn, vnum1).splitlines(True) if isinstance(vnum2, int) or vnum2 is None: v2 = get_version(repo_fn, vnum2).splitlines(True) else: v2 = open(vnum2).readlines() results = [] if context: return ''.join(context_diff(v1, v2)) for tag, i1, i2, j1, j2 in SequenceMatcher(None, v1, v2).get_opcodes(): if tag in ('replace', 'insert'): results.append('.I %d\n' % (j2-j1)) results.extend(v2[j1:j2]) elif tag == 'equal': results.append('.C %d %d\n' % (i1+1, i2)) return ''.join(results) def make_header(filename, msg, create): first = '_,03000' if create else '' datestring ='%d-%b-%y,%H:%M:%S') return '.V%(first)s %(filename)s %(datestring)s %(msg)s' % locals() def get_repo_fn(filename): path, fullname = os.path.split(filename) base, ext = os.path.splitext(fullname) ext = ext or '.' newext = ext[:2] + '$' + ext[3:] result = os.path.join(repo_dir, base + newext) return result repo_dir = os.environ.get('VCS', '.') # ------- Command-line interface ------- help_msg = ''' Usage: vcs add "Checkin message" vcs extract [revnum] vcs log [revnum] vcs diff [revnum1 [revnum2]] Repository: %s ''' % repo_dir def talkback(msg, help=False, code=1): print >> sys.stderr, msg if help: print >> sys.stderr, '\n' + help_msg sys.exit(code) def main(argv): # XXX add support for branching # XXX support .N for output if len(argv) <= 1: talkback(help_msg, code=0) if len(argv) < 3: talkback('Not enough arguments. Need a command and filename.', help=True) command = argv[1].lower() if command not in 'log extract diff add update l e d a u'.split(): talkback('Unknown command: ' + command, help=True) command = command[:1] filename = argv[2] repo_fn = get_repo_fn(filename) if command in 'le': if not os.path.exists(repo_fn): talkback(repo_fn + ' not found') v = int(argv[3]) if len(argv) >= 4 else None if command == 'l': print_log(repo_fn, v) else: print get_version(repo_fn, v), elif command == 'd': v1 = int(argv[3]) if len(argv) >= 4 else None v2 = int(argv[4]) if len(argv) >= 5 else filename print diff(repo_fn, v1, v2, context=True), elif command in 'au': if not os.path.exists(filename): talkback('Cannot find file: ' + filename) d = diff(repo_fn, None, filename) if len(d.splitlines()) == 1: talkback('File is already current. There are no changes.', code=0) msg = ' '.join(argv[3:]) create = not os.path.exists(repo_fn) repo_file = open(repo_fn, 'a+') print >> repo_file, make_header(filename, msg, create) print >> repo_file, d, repo_file.close() talkback('Added to ' + repo_fn, code=0) else: talkback('Unreachable') if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv)