from compat.functools import wraps as _wraps from sys import exc_info as _exc_info from weakref import WeakValueDictionary as _WeakValueDictionary # use WeakValueDictionary to associate data with generator instances # for alternative, wrapper-based solutions, see # _yieldingfrom = _WeakValueDictionary() class _shared_stack(object): """Stack whose top parts can also be stacks. Sample usage: >>> m = _shared_stack(); m.push("m", []) >>> n = _shared_stack(m); m.push("n", []) # initialize n from m's head >>> # m and n now have same head >>> o = _shared_stack(n); n.push("o", []) # pushes to both >>> p = _shared_stack(n) >>> q = _shared_stack(); n.push("p", q.root()) >>> m._trace() [] # q's root, head of m,n,o,p,q ['p', []] # p's root, top of m,n,o,p ['o', ['p', []]] ['n', ['o', ['p', []]]] # n's root ['m', ['n', ['o', ['p', []]]]] # m's root >>> m._headstack()[0] is q.root() True """ def __init__(self, data=None): """Initializing with another shared_stack makes a stack with the same head.""" if data is None: data = [] elif isinstance(data, _shared_stack): data, _ = data._headstack() # Implemented as a dict: # {'head': head_list, list_id: previous_list, ... # 'root': root_list, root_list_id: True} self._stack = {'head': data, 'root': data, id(data): True} def _headstack(self): stack = self._stack head = stack['head'] while True: # pop levels until previous_list is not empty head_id = id(head) if stack[head_id]: # root_list_id also points to a True value break stack['head'] = head = stack.pop(head_id) while head: # expand until previous_list's final element is empty stack['head'] = next = head[-1] stack[id(next)] = head head = next return head, stack def root(self): return self._stack['root'] def top(self): head, stack = self._headstack() top = stack[id(head)] return (top if top is not True else None) def push(self, *args): head, _ = self._headstack() head.extend(args) def pop(self): head, stack = self._headstack() if head is stack['root']: raise IndexError("pop from empty stack") stack['head'] = prev = stack.pop(id(head)) del prev[:] def __nonzero__(self): head, stack = self._headstack() return head is not stack['root'] def _trace(self): head, stack = self._headstack() print "Tracing 0x%x:" % (id(self),) while True: print '0x%x=%s' % (id(head), head) head = stack[id(head)] if head is True: break def __repr__(self): return '_shared_stack(%r)' % (self._shared_stack['root'],) class _from(object): def __init__(self, EXPR): self.iterator = iter(EXPR) def supergenerator(genfunct): """Implements PEP 380. Use as: @supergenerator def genfunct(*args): try: sent1 = (yield val1) ... retval = yield _from(iterator) ... except Exception, e: # caller did generator.throw pass finally: # closing pass """ @_wraps(genfunct) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): gen = genfunct(*args, **kwargs) _yieldingfrom[gen] = gen_yf = _stack() try: # if first poll of gen raises StopIteration # or any other Exception, we propagate item = # OUTER loop while True: # yield _from(EXPR) # semantics based on PEP 380, Revised**12, 19 April if isinstance(item, _from): _i, _iyf = item.iterator, None try: # first poll of the subiterator _y = except StopIteration, _e: # subiterator exhausted on first poll # extract return value _r = _e.args if not _r: _r = (None,) else: # if subgenerator is another supergenerator # extract the root of its gen_yf shared_stack try: _iyf = _i.gi_frame.f_locals['gen'] except (AttributeError,KeyError): _iyf = [] else: _iyf = _yieldingfrom.get(_iyf,[]) if isinstance(_iyf, _stack): _iyf = _iyf.root() gen_yf.push(_i, _iyf) # INNER loop while True: if _iyf is None: # subiterator was adopted by caller # and is now exhausted item = _y break try: # yield what the subiterator did _s = (yield _y) except GeneratorExit, _e: # close as many subiterators as possible while gen_yf: _i, _iyf = try: _close = _i.close except AttributeError: pass else: _close() gen_yf.pop() # finally clause will gen.close() raise _e except BaseException: # caller did wrapper.throw _x = _exc_info() # throw to the subiterator if possible while gen_yf: _i, _iyf = try: _throw = _i.throw except AttributeError: # doesn't attempt to close _i? # try throwing to subiterator's parent pass else: try: _y = _throw(*_x) except StopIteration, _e: _r = _e.args if not _r: _r = (None,) # drop to INTERSECTION A # then to INTERSECTION B break else: _r = None # drop to INTERSECTION A # then to INNER loop break gen_yf.pop() else: # if gen raises StopIteration # or any other Exception, we propagate _y = gen.throw(*_x) _r = _iyf = None # fall through to INTERSECTION A # then to INNER loop then to OUTER loop pass # INTERSECTION A # restart INNER loop or proceed to B? if _r is None: continue # caller did send/next else: if not gen_yf: # subiterator was adopted by caller # and is now exhausted _r = (_s,) _iyf = None # fall through to INTERSECTION B pass else: if _iyf: # check if current _i itself # now yielding from a subiterator? _i, _iyf = try: # re-poll the subiterator if _s is None: _y = else: _y = _i.send(_s) except StopIteration, _e: # subiterator is exhausted # extract return value _r = _e.args if not _r: _r = (None,) # fall through to INTERSECTION B pass else: # restart INNER loop continue # INTERSECTION B # done yielding from active subiterator # send retvalue to its parent while True: if _iyf is not None: gen_yf.pop() if gen_yf: _i, _iyf = try: # push retval to subiterator's parent _y = _i.send(_r[0]) except StopIteration, _e: # parent is exhausted, try _its_ parent _r = _e.args if not _r: _r = (None,) continue else: # fall through to INTERSECTION C # then to INNER loop pass else: # gen_yf is empty, push return value to gen # if gen raises StopIteration # or any other Exception, we propagate _y = gen.send(_r[0]) _iyf = None # fall through to INTERSECTION C # then to INNER loop then to OUTER loop pass # INTERSECTION C # passed retvalue, continue INNER loop break # traditional yield from gen else: try: sent = (yield item) except Exception: # caller did wrapper.throw _x = _exc_info() # if gen raises StopIteration # or any other Exception, we propagate item = gen.throw(*_x) else: # if gen raises StopIteration # or any other Exception, we propagate item = gen.send(sent) # end of OUTER loop, restart it pass finally: # gen raised Exception # or caller did wrapper.close() # or wrapper was garbage collected gen.close() return wrapper