Provides a ToolTip for Tkinter widgets
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from time import time, localtime, strftime
class ToolTip( Toplevel ):
Provides a ToolTip widget for Tkinter.
To apply a ToolTip to any Tkinter widget, simply pass the widget to the
ToolTip constructor
def __init__( self, wdgt, msg=None, msgFunc=None, delay=1, follow=True ):
Initialize the ToolTip
wdgt: The widget this ToolTip is assigned to
msg: A static string message assigned to the ToolTip
msgFunc: A function that retrieves a string to use as the ToolTip text
delay: The delay in seconds before the ToolTip appears(may be float)
follow: If True, the ToolTip follows motion, otherwise hides
self.wdgt = wdgt
self.parent = self.wdgt.master # The parent of the ToolTip is the parent of the ToolTips widget
Toplevel.__init__( self, self.parent, bg='black', padx=1, pady=1 ) # Initalise the Toplevel
self.withdraw() # Hide initially
self.overrideredirect( True ) # The ToolTip Toplevel should have no frame or title bar
self.msgVar = StringVar() # The msgVar will contain the text displayed by the ToolTip
if msg == None:
self.msgVar.set( 'No message provided' )
self.msgVar.set( msg )
self.msgFunc = msgFunc
self.delay = delay
self.follow = follow
self.visible = 0
self.lastMotion = 0
Message( self, textvariable=self.msgVar, bg='#FFFFDD',
aspect=1000 ).grid() # The test of the ToolTip is displayed in a Message widget
self.wdgt.bind( '<Enter>', self.spawn, '+' ) # Add bindings to the widget. This will NOT override bindings that the widget already has
self.wdgt.bind( '<Leave>', self.hide, '+' )
self.wdgt.bind( '<Motion>', self.move, '+' )
def spawn( self, event=None ):
Spawn the ToolTip. This simply makes the ToolTip eligible for display.
Usually this is caused by entering the widget
event: The event that called this funciton
self.visible = 1
self.after( int( self.delay * 1000 ), ) # The after function takes a time argument in miliseconds
def show( self ):
Displays the ToolTip if the time delay has been long enough
if self.visible == 1 and time() - self.lastMotion > self.delay:
self.visible = 2
if self.visible == 2:
def move( self, event ):
Processes motion within the widget.
event: The event that called this function
self.lastMotion = time()
if self.follow == False: # If the follow flag is not set, motion within the widget will make the ToolTip dissapear
self.visible = 1
self.geometry( '+%i+%i' % ( event.x_root+10, event.y_root+10 ) ) # Offset the ToolTip 10x10 pixes southwest of the pointer
self.msgVar.set( self.msgFunc() ) # Try to call the message function. Will not change the message if the message function is None or the message function fails
self.after( int( self.delay * 1000 ), )
def hide( self, event=None ):
Hides the ToolTip. Usually this is caused by leaving the widget
event: The event that called this function
self.visible = 0
def xrange2d( n,m ):
Returns a generator of values in a 2d range
n: The number of rows in the 2d range
m: The number of columns in the 2d range
A generator of values in a 2d range
return ( (i,j) for i in xrange(n) for j in xrange(m) )
def range2d( n,m ):
Returns a list of values in a 2d range
n: The number of rows in the 2d range
m: The number of columns in the 2d range
A list of values in a 2d range
return [(i,j) for i in range(n) for j in range(m) ]
def print_time():
Prints the current time in the following format:
t = time()
timeString = 'time='
timeString += strftime( '%H:%M:', localtime(t) )
timeString += '%.2f' % ( t%60, )
return timeString
def main():
root = Tk()
btnList = []
for (i,j) in range2d( 6, 4 ):
text = 'delay=%i\n' % i
delay = i
if j >= 2:
text += '+follow\n'
follow = False
text += '-follow\n'
if j % 2 == 0:
msg = None
msgFunc = print_time
text += 'Message Function'
msg = 'Button at %s' % str( (i,j) )
msgFunc = None
text += 'Static Message'
btnList.append( Button( root, text=text ) )
ToolTip( btnList[-1], msg=msg, msgFunc=msgFunc, follow=follow, delay=delay)
btnList[-1].grid( row=i, column=j, sticky=N+S+E+W )
if __name__ == '__main__':
Note: The ToolTip will not work correctly for Frame widgets. Frame widgets' ToolTips will appear in the upper-left corner of the screen. Please notify me of other widgets it does not work for
Awesome, works well, thanks for sharing :D