import ast
from itertools import cycle, chain, islice
from collections import namedtuple
import operator
def explain(code_string, important=None):
"""Parse a string containing a function-like call,
return a namedtuple containing the results
>>> explain('mymod.nestmod.func("arg1", "arg2",
kw1="kword1", kw2="kword2",
*args, **kws')
[Call( args=['arg1', 'arg2'],
keywords={'kw1': 'kword1', 'kw2': 'kword2'},
optional 'important' argument is a list of features to parse
from the code_string. Features defined for a Call Node:
args - positional arguments,
keywords - keyword arguments,
starargs - excess positional arguments,
kwargs - excess keyword arguments,
func - chained function attribute lookup.
node = ast.parse(code_string)
visitor = StrNodeVisitor(important)
return visitor.visit(node)
def attrgetter(name):
"""Get attribute 'name' from object and return
a string representation of it."""
getname = operator.attrgetter(name)
def str_getattr(self, obj=None):
obj = self if obj is None else obj
return str(getname(obj))
return str_getattr
def strmap(show):
"""Hardcode a particular ast Node to string representation 'show'."""
return lambda self, node=None: show
class StrNodeVisitor(ast.NodeVisitor):
"""A class to return string representations of visited ast nodes."""
visit_Name = attrgetter('id')
visit_Num = attrgetter('n')
visit_Str = attrgetter('s')
# hardcoded these Nodes to return string argument when visited.
visit_Add = strmap('+')
visit_Sub = strmap('-')
visit_Mult = strmap('*')
visit_Div = strmap('/')
visit_Mod = strmap('%')
visit_Pow = strmap('**')
visit_LShift = strmap('<<')
visit_RShift = strmap('>>')
visit_FloorDiv = strmap('//')
visit_Not = strmap('not')
visit_And = strmap('and')
visit_Or = strmap('or')
visit_Eq = strmap('==')
visit_NotEq = strmap('!=')
visit_Lt = strmap('<')
visit_LtE = strmap('<=')
visit_Gt = strmap('>')
visit_GtE = strmap('>=')
visit_Is = strmap('is')
visit_IsNot = strmap('not is')
visit_In = strmap('in')
visit_NotIn = strmap('not in')
def __init__(self, interested=None):
"""interested - a sequence of features of a function to
include in returned namedtuple. Allowed features:
func, args, keywords, starargs, kwargs"""
self._interested = set(interested)
except TypeError:
self._interested = interested
def visit_Module(self, node):
visit = self.visit
return [visit(body) for body in node.body]
def visit_Expr(self, node):
return self.visit(node.value)
def visit_Call(self, node):
"""return a NamedTuple that represents a Call:
f(arg, kw=1, *args, **kws).
Call node defines:
func, args, keywords, starargs, kwargs"""
# determine which of the fields we are allowed to handle.
defined = set(node._fields)
interested = self._interested & defined
except TypeError:
interested = defined
fields = {}
for field in interested:
field_contents = getattr(node, field)
if field_contents is None:
# short circuit if the node field is a NoneType.
fields[field] = None
# handle the field using one of the convenience functions.
fields[field] = getattr(self, field)(field_contents)
# return the result as a namedtuple rather than dict.
BaseCallTuple = namedtuple(classname(node), interested)
class MyCallTuple(BaseCallTuple):
"""Enable representation in a nicer string format.
Don't use this MyCallTuple class if 'func' is not a field.
as the string representation relies on it."""
__str__ = CallTuple2Str
if 'func' in interested:
mytup = MyCallTuple(**fields)
mytup = BaseCallTuple(**fields)
return mytup
def visit_List(self, node):
"""return a string representation of list."""
return self._sequence(node, '[%s]')
def visit_Tuple(self, node):
"""return a string representation of tuple."""
return self._sequence(node, '(%s)')
def visit_Dict(self, node):
"""return a string representation of a dict."""
visit = self.visit
keyvals = zip(node.keys, node.values)
contents = ', '.join(['%s: %s' % (visit(key), visit(value))
for key, value in keyvals])
return '{%s}' % contents
def visit_Attribute(self, node):
"""Attribute of form: obj.attr."""
return '%s.%s' % (self.visit(node.value), node.attr)
def visit_BoolOp(self, node):
"""BoolOp of form: op values
e.g. a and b."""
visit = self.visit
op = ' %s ' % visit(node.op)
return op.join([visit(n) for n in node.values])
def visit_UnaryOp(self, node):
"""UnaryOp of form: op operand
e.g. not []."""
return '%(op)s %(operand)s' % dict(
def visit_BinOp(self, node):
"""BinOp of form: left op right
e.g. 2 * 3."""
visit = self.visit
return '(%(left)s %(op)s %(right)s)' % dict(
def visit_Subscript(self, node):
"""Subscript of form: value[slice].
e.g. a[1:10:2]."""
visit = self.visit
return '%s[%s]' % (visit(node.value), visit(node.slice))
def visit_Slice(self, node):
"""Slice of form: lower:upper:step.
e.g. 1:10:2."""
visit = self.visit
return '%s:%s:%s' % (visit(node.lower),
visit(node.upper), visit(node.step))
def visit_Compare(self, node):
"""Compare of form: left ops comparators.
e.g. x > y > z -> left=x, ops=['>', '>'], comparators=['y', 'z']
visit = self.visit
rest = ' '.join([visit(r)
for r in roundrobin(node.ops, node.comparators)])
return '%s %s' % (visit(node.left), rest)
# Convenience functions.
def _sequence(self, node, signature):
visit = self.visit
contents = ', '.join([visit(elt) for elt in node.elts])
return signature % contents
def func(self, func):
"""convenience function called from visit_Call."""
return self.visit(func)
def args(self, args):
"""convenience function called from visit_Call."""
visit = self.visit
return [visit(n) for n in args]
def keywords(self, keywords):
"""convenience function called from visit_Call."""
visit = self.visit
return dict((kw.arg, visit(kw.value)) for kw in keywords)
def starargs(self, starargs):
"""convenience function called from visit_Call."""
return self.visit(starargs)
def kwargs(self, kwargs):
"""convenience function called from visit_Call."""
return self.visit(kwargs)
def generic_visit(self, node):
"""Called as a fallback handler if all other visit_* functions failed.
return ''. if node is NoneType return ''"""
if node is None:
return ''
return '' % classname(node)
def classname(obj):
return obj.__class__.__name__
def roundrobin(*iterables):
"roundrobin('ABC', 'D', 'EF') --> A D E B F C"
# Recipe credited to George Sakkis
pending = len(iterables)
nexts = cycle(iter(it).next for it in iterables)
while pending:
for next in nexts:
yield next()
except StopIteration:
pending -= 1
nexts = cycle(islice(nexts, pending))
def CallTuple2Str(self):
"""replacement for CallTuple's __str__ method.
Assumes that func field is present.
The print signature should look like:
func(args, keywords, *starargs, **kwargs)."""
func = self.func
order = ['args', 'keywords', 'starargs', 'kwargs']
# handle args.
arg_values = getattr(self, 'args', [])
args = ', '.join([str(arg) for arg in arg_values])
# handle keywords.
kw_values = getattr(self, 'keywords', {})
keywords = ', '.join(['%s=%s' % (k, v) for k, v in kw_values.items()])
# handle starargs.
star = getattr(self, 'starargs', None)
if star:
starargs = '*%s' % star
starargs = ''
# handle kwargs.
kwargs = getattr(self, 'kwargs', None)
if kwargs:
kwargs = '**%s' % kwargs
kwargs = ''
# put it all together.
arguments = [args, keywords, starargs, kwargs]
signature = ', '.join([arg for arg in arguments if arg != ''])
return '%s(%s)' % (func, signature)
if __name__ == '__main__':
tests = dict(
tuple_test = "mod1.f_tuple((1,2), kw1=(1,2))",
list_test = "f_list([1,2], kw1=[1,2])",
dict_test = "f_dict({1:2}, kw1={1:2})",
complex_test = "f_complex(1 + 2j, kw1=1 + 2j)",
fn_test = "f_func(abs(-1), kw1=explain('f1(2, 3)'))",
bool_test = "f_bool(True, False, not [], hello or 'hello')",
slice_test = "f_slice(a[:2], b=b[1:2])",
lambda_test = "f_lambda(lambda x: x)",
compare_test = "f_compare(x > y > z not in [True])",
genexp_test = "f_genexp([a for a in range(2)], b=(b for b in range(2)))")
for name, test in tests.iteritems():
print '%s: %s' % (name, explain(test,
['func', 'keywords', 'args'])[0])