#Bluetooth Functions
#Scanning is done by BluetoothScan()
#Device serive browsing is done by GetInfo(DevAdd)
#logging of known devices
# announce when device comes into range
#announce when device goes out of range
# announce when device changes name
#mmmm ambitious but what the hell....
#Written by SIone
import sys
import os
import time
import urllib, string
global scan,lastscan,test
scan=[]#-----------------for the current scan of bluetooth device
lastscan=[]#-------------where to save scan results after comparison.
test=[]#-----------------for assement of scans (tempory copy)
print "Bluetooth monitoring program now running"
def morefound():#----Used if the scan just done has more items than the previous scan.
for v in scan:#---------------------------step through the list of devices found in the scan just done
c=0#----------------------------------reset the match counter to zero
for x in lastscan:#-------------------step though the list of devices from the previous scan.
if (v==x):#----------------------Test for matching device names
c=c+1#-----------------------and increment the counter
if (c==0):#---------------------------If the counter is zero then add the item from the new scan list to
test.append(v)#---------------------the test tempory list
def lessfound():#-------------------------Used if the scan just done has less items than the last scan.
for x in lastscan:#-------------------Step through the items in the last scan list
c=0#------------------------------ and reset the counter
for v in scan:#-------------------- Step through the items in the list from the scan just done.
if (v==x):#---------------------IF device name matches in both lists
c=c+1#------------------------then increment the match counter.
if (c==0):#-------------------------IF the counter remains zero then device name is new
test.append(x)#------------------so add it to the tempory list
def samefound():#---------------------------------used as a sanity check when the status of devices is the same.
print"------ SAME FOUND!!!!!!"
def ndsSay(ndsWords):#----------Function for talking
print ndsWords#-------------DEBUG! print word to say in Idle.
zcmd='espeak "'+ndsWords+'"'#concatinate the command
f=os.popen(zcmd)#------------send the command to terminal.
def BluetoothScan():#-----------------------Performs the actual scan for Bluetooth Devices
f = os.popen("hcitool scan")#-----------Sends the command to the terminal
for i in f.readlines():#-----------------Step through the list of information returned from the above command.
if (i.find(":") != -1):#-------------search for the ":" symbol.
DevAdd =i[1:18]#-----------------If it's found then strip out the device bluetooth address
DevLab=i[19:-1]#------------------and then strip out the device name
x=DevLab#------------------------a copy of the Device label/name
scan.append(x)#-------------------add the device to the array
while 1:#------------------------------------------start to loop forever
BluetoothScan()#--------------------------------Perform the scan for devices
n=len(scan)#------------------------------------Get the number of elements of the scan just performed
o=len(lastscan)#--------------------------------Get the number of elements of the previous scan
if (n>o):#--------------------------------------If there are more devices found now
morefound()#---------------------------------then find out which devices names have come into range.
abc ="Devices arrived into range:"#----------the sentence is prepared for......
print abc#------------------------------------ display in idle
ndsSay(abc)#---------------------------------- and announcement
for lines in test:#------------------------------now stepping over the devices fresh into range
abc = lines+" at "+str(time.asctime())#----- and preparing a sentance for.......
print abc#---------------------------------- display in IDLE
ndsSay(lines)#------------------------------ and announcement
log = open("BlueMon.txt","a")#------------Open the logfile in append mode
log.write("Entered Range: ")#-------------then write this
log.write(abc)#---------------------------and the details about the device thats come into range
log.write("\n")#--------------------------and add a new line to make the log file easy to read by eye.
log.close()#------------------------------ and then close it off.
if (o>n):#--------------------------------------If there are fewer devices found now than last time.....
lessfound()#-------------------------------- Then find out which devices had left range
abc= "Devices now out of range:"#----------- prepare a sentance for.....
print abc#---------------------------------- display in IDLE
ndsSay(abc)#-------------------------------- and then make the announcement.
for lines in test:#------------------------- now go over the list of devices now out of range
abc= lines+" at "+str(time.asctime())#-- and create a sentance with the details
print abc#------------------------------ and display the sentanc in IDLE
ndsSay(lines)#-------------------------- then make the announcement
log = open("BlueMon.txt","a")#---------- open the log file
log.write("Left Range: ")#-------------- and write this information to it
log.write(abc)#------------------------- and the details about the device label etc,
log.write("\n")#------------------------ with the new line to tidy the file up for us humans
log.close()#---------------------------- and then close it up
if (o==n):#-----------------------------------------this is for sanity checking, to make sure we know that the
samefound()#------------------------------------ program is infact still running
lastscan=scan#---------------------------------now make the current scan list the last scan list
scan=[]#-----------------------------------------and clear the current scan list
test=[]#----------------------------------------- and the tempory list used for testing
n=0#--------------------------------------------reset the length indicator of the new scan list
o=0#---------------------------------------------and the indicator of the last scan list
time.sleep(5)#-----------------------------------wait 5 seconds...
print ".",#--------------------------------------and print a fullstop.
time.sleep(5)#------------------------------------this is done to stop problems that occur when the
print ".",#--------------------------------------- bluetooth radio is hammered with scan commands
time.sleep(5)#------------------------------------ so its best to wait about 30 seconds between scans
print ".",#--------------------------------------- to enable every thing to flow nicely behind the scenes
print ".",
print ".",
print ".",
print ".",
print ".",
print ".",
print ".",
print ".",
print ".",
print "."
print#---------------------------------at this point the progam will loop back and do another scan!