This function compares the day of the week of today to the day of the week passed.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 | #!/usr/bin/env python
def test_for_day(target_day):
Accepts a weekday and tests if today is that weekday.
import time
# Get the date object of today's date:
todays_date = time.localtime().tm_wday
# Form a dictionary of the days of the week, starting on Monday
# since this is the time module's assumption:
date_dict = dict(enumerate('Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday'.split()))
# Find the weekday of today's date and compare to target:
if date_dict[todays_date] == target_day:
print "Today is the target (%s)." % target_day
print "Today is %s, not %s." % (date_dict[todays_date], target_day)
I used this to check whether or not a script should perform a certain task to only be performed on a given weekday, regardless of what date it was.