Provides is a module that gives support for implementing state machines. States are implemented as subclasses, derived from the state machine class. Methods that are state dependant or which cause transitions are declared using decorators. Because states can be subclasses of other states, common behaviour among several states is easily supported. The implementation allows for implementing multiple states or substates within a class.
This module best support statem achines implemeting controllers for embedded systems, implementing user interfaces, or in discrete event model simulation. Parsers, which generally have many states and where you would need to define a Transaction method for each different character encountered would be more easily implemented by other means.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 | """
Supports implementation of state pattern.
State Machine is defined a class containing one or more StateTable objeects,
and using decorators to define Events and Transitions that are handled by the
state machine. Individual states are Subclasses of the state machine, with
a __metaclass__ specifier.
Author: Rodney Drenth
Date: January, 2009
Version: Whatever
Copyright 2009, Rodney Drenth
Permission to use granted under the terms and conditions of the Python Software
Foundation License
#! /usr/bin/env Python
import types
class _StateVariable( object ):
"""Used as attribute of a class to maintain state.
State Variable objects are not directly instantiated in the user's state machine class
but are instantiated by the StateTable class attribute defined within the state machine.
def __init__(self, stateTable):
""" Constructs state variable and sets it to the initial state
self._current_state = stateTable.initialstate
self._next_state = stateTable.initialstate
self.sTable = stateTable
def _toNextState(self, context):
"""Sets state of to the next state, if new state is different.
calls onLeave and onEnter methods
if self._next_state is not self._current_state:
if hasattr(self._current_state, 'onLeave'):
self._current_state = self._next_state
if hasattr(self._current_state, 'onEnter'):
def name(self):
"""Returns ame of current state."""
return self._current_state.__name__
def setXition(self, func):
""" Sets the state to transitionto upon seeing Transition event"""
# next_state = self.sTable.nextStates[self._current_state][func.__name__]
next_state = self._current_state.nextStates[func.__name__]
if next_state is not None:
self._next_state = next_state
def getFunc(self, func):
""" Gets event handler function based on current State"""
funky = getattr( self._current_state, func.__name__)
# print 'current State:', self._current_state.__name__
if funky is None:
raise NotImplementedError('%s.%s'%(,func.__name__))
# when is objCall, it means that we've recursed all the
# way back to the context class and need to call func as a default
return funky if funky.__name__ != 'objCall' else func
class StateTable( object ):
"""Defines a state table for a state machine class
A state table for a class is associated with the state variable in the instances
of the class. The name of the state variable is given in the constructor to the
StateTable object. StateTable objects are attributes of state machine classes,
not intances of the state machine class. A state machine class can have more
than one StateTable.
def __init__(self, stateVarblName):
"""State Table initializer
stateVarblName is the name of the associated state variable, which will
be instantiated in each instance of the state machine class
self.inst_state_name = stateVarblName
self.eventList = []
self.initialstate = None
nextStates = {}
def initialize(self, obj ):
"""Initialization of StateTable and state varible
obj is the instance of the state machine being initialized. This method
must be called in the __init__ method of the user's state machine.
obj.__dict__[self.inst_state_name] = _StateVariable( self )
def _addEventHandler(self, funcName):
"""Notifies State table of a method that's handle's an transition.
This is called by @Transition and @TransitionEvent decorators,
whose definitions are below.
def nextStates(self, subState, nslList):
"""Sets up transitions from the state specified by subState
subState is a state class, subclassed from user's state machine class
nslList is a list of states that will be transitioned to upon Transitions.
This functions maps each @Transition decorated method in the state machine
class to a to the corresponding state in this list. None can be specified
as a state to indicate the state should not change.
if len(nslList) != len(self.eventList):
raise RuntimeError( "Wrong number of states in transition list.")
subState.nextStates = dict(zip(self.eventList, nslList))
# self.nextStates[subState] = dict(zip( self.eventList, nslList))
def Event( state_table ):
"""Decorator for indicating state dependant method
Decorator is applied to methods of state machine class to indicate that
invoking the method will call state dependant method. States are implemented
as subclasses of the state machine class with a metaclass qualification.
stateVarName = state_table.inst_state_name
def wrapper(func):
# no adding of event handler to statetable...
def objCall( self, *args, **kwargs):
state_var = getattr(self, stateVarName )
retn = state_var.getFunc(func)(self, *args, **kwargs)
return retn
return objCall
return wrapper
def Transition( state_table ):
"""Decorator for indicating the method causes a state transition.
Decorator is applied to methods of the state machine class. Invokeing
the method can cause a transition to another state. Transitions are defined
using the nextStates method of the StateTable class
stateVarName = state_table.inst_state_name
def wrapper(func):
state_table._addEventHandler( func.__name__)
def objCall( self, *args, **kwargs):
state_var = getattr(self, stateVarName )
rtn = func(self, *args, **kwargs)
return rtn
return objCall
return wrapper
def TransitionEvent( state_table ):
"""Decorator for defining a method that both triggers a transition and
invokes a state dependant method.
This is equivalent to, but more efficient than using
stateVarName = state_table.inst_state_name
def wrapper(func):
state_table._addEventHandler( func.__name__)
def objCall( self, *args, **kwargs):
state_var = getattr(self, stateVarName )
# if not issubclass( state_var._current_state, self.__class__):
# raise TypeError('expecting instance to be derived from %s'% baseClasss.__name__)
retn = state_var.getFunc(func)(self, *args, **kwargs)
return retn
return objCall
return wrapper
class _stateclass(type):
""" A stateclass metaclass
Modifies class so its subclass's methods so can be called as methods
of a base class. Is used for implementing states
def __init__(self, name, bases, cl_dict):
self.__baseClass__ = _bcType # global - set by stateclass(), which follows
if not issubclass(self, _bcType):
raise TypeError( 'Class must derive from %s'%_bcType.__name__ )
type.__init__(self, name, bases, cl_dict)
def __getattribute__(self, name):
if name.startswith('__'):
return type.__getattribute__(self, name)
atr = self.__dict__[name]
if type(atr) == types.FunctionType:
atr = types.MethodType(atr, None, self.__baseClass__)
except KeyError, ke:
for bclas in self.__bases__:
atr = getattr(bclas, name)
except AttributeError, ae:
raise AttributeError( "'%s' has no attribute '%s'" % (self.__name__, name) )
return atr
def stateclass( statemachineclass ):
"""A method that returns a metaclass for constructing states of the
users state machine class
global _bcType
_bcType = statemachineclass
return _stateclass
# vim : set ai sw=3 et ts=6 :
Example of setting up a state machine using the EasyStatePattern
import EasyStatePattern as esp
import math
class Parent(object):
""" the context for the state machine class """
moodTable = esp.StateTable('mood')
def __init__(self, pocketbookCash, piggybankCash):
"""Instance initializer must invoke the initialize method of the StateTable """
Parent.moodTable.initialize( self)
self.pocketBook = pocketbookCash
self.piggyBank = piggybankCash
"""The Transiton decorator defines a method which causes transitions to other
def getPromotion(self): pass
def severalDaysPass(self): pass
"""The Event decorator defines a method whose exact method will depend on the
current state. These normally do not cause a state transition.
For this example, this method will return an amount of money that the asker is to receive,
which will depend on the parent's mood, the amount asked for, and the availability of
def askForMoney(self, amount): pass
"""The TransitionEvent decorator acts like a combination of both the Transition
and Event decorators. Calling this causes a transition(if defined in the state
table) and the called function is state dependant."""
def cashPaycheck(self, amount): pass
def getUnexpectedBill(self, billAmount ): pass
"""onEnter is called when entering a new state. This can be overriden in
the individual state classes. onLeave (not defined here) is called upon
leaving a state"""
def onEnter(self):
print 'Mood is now',
# Below are defined the states. Each state is a class, States may be derived from
# other states. Topmost states must have a __metaclass__ = stateclass( state_machine_class )
# declaration.
class Normal( Parent ):
__metaclass__ = esp.stateclass( Parent )
"""Normal becomes the name of the state."""
def getPromotion(self):
"""This shouldn't get called, since get was defined as a transition in
the Parent context"""
def severalDaysPass(self):
"""neither should this be called."""
def askForMoney(self, amount):
amountToReturn = min(amount, self.pocketBook )
self.pocketBook -= amountToReturn
if 40.0 < self.pocketBook:
print 'Here you go, sport!'
elif 0.0 < self.pocketBook < 40.00:
print "Money doesn't grow on trees, you know."
elif 0.0 < amountToReturn < amount:
print "Sorry, honey, this is all I've got."
elif amountToReturn == 0.0:
print "I'm broke today ask your aunt."
self.mood.nextState = Broke
return amountToReturn
def cashPaycheck(self, amount):
self.pocketBook += .7 * amount
self.piggyBank += .3*amount
def getUnexpectedBill(self, billAmount ):
amtFromPktBook = min(billAmount, self.pocketBook)
rmngAmt = billAmount - amtFromPktBook
self.piggyBank -= rmngAmt
self.pocketBook -= amtFromPktBook
class Happy( Parent ):
__metaclass__ = esp.stateclass( Parent )
"""Grouchy becomes the name of the state."""
def askForMoney(self, amount):
availableMoney = self.pocketBook + self.piggyBank
amountToReturn = max(min(amount, availableMoney), 0.0)
amountFromPktbook = min(amountToReturn, self.pocketBook)
self.pocketBook -= amountFromPktbook
self.piggyBank -= (amountToReturn - amountFromPktbook)
if 0.0 < amountToReturn < amount:
print "Sorry, honey, this is all I've got."
elif amountToReturn == 0.0:
print "I'm broke today ask your aunt."
self.mood.nextState = Broke
print 'Here you go, sport!'
return amountToReturn
def cashPaycheck(self, amount):
self.pocketBook += .75 * amount
self.piggyBank += .25*amount
def getUnexpectedBill(self, billAmount ):
print "why do these things always happen?"
amtFromPktBook = min(billAmount, self.pocketBook)
rmngAmt = billAmount - amtFromPktBook
self.piggyBank -= rmngAmt
self.pocketBook -= amtFromPktBook
def onEnter(self):
print 'Yippee! Woo Hoo!',*3
class Grouchy( Parent ):
__metaclass__ = esp.stateclass( Parent )
"""Grouchy becomes the name of the state."""
def askForMoney(self, amount):
print """You're always spending too much. """
return 0.0
def cashPaycheck(self, amount):
self.pocketBook += .70 * amount
self.piggyBank += .30*amount
def getUnexpectedBill(self, billAmount ):
print 'These things always happen at the worst possible time!'
amtFromPktBook = min(billAmount, self.pocketBook)
rmngAmt = billAmount - amtFromPktBook
self.piggyBank -= rmngAmt
self.pocketBook -= amtFromPktBook
class Broke( Normal ):
# __metaclass__ = esp.stateclass( Parent )
""" No metaclass declaration as its as subclass of Grouchy. """
def cashPaycheck(self, amount):
piggyBankAmt = min ( amount, max(-self.piggyBank, 0.0))
rmngAmount = amount - piggyBankAmount
self.pocketBook += .40 * rmngAmount
self.piggyBank += (.60 * rmngAmount + piggyBankAmt)
def askForMoney(self, amount):
amountToReturn = min(amount, self.pocketBook )
self.pocketBook -= amountToReturn
if 40.0 < self.pocketBook:
print 'Here you go, sport!'
elif 0.0 < self.pocketBook < 40.00:
print "Spend it wisely."
elif 0.0 < amountToReturn < amount:
print "This is all I've got."
elif amountToReturn == 0.0:
print "Sorry, honey, we're broke."
self.mood.nextState = Broke
return amountToReturn
# After defining the states, The following lines set up the transitions.
# We've set up four transitioning methods,
# getPromotion, severalDaysPass, cashPaycheck, getUnexpectedBill
# Therefore there are four states in each list, the ordering of the states in the
# list corresponds toorder that the transitioning methods were defined.
Parent.moodTable.nextStates( Normal, ( Happy, Normal, Normal, Grouchy ))
Parent.moodTable.nextStates( Happy, ( Happy, Happy, Happy, Grouchy ))
Parent.moodTable.nextStates( Grouchy, ( Happy, Normal, Grouchy, Grouchy ))
Parent.moodTable.nextStates( Broke, ( Normal, Broke, Grouchy, Broke ))
# This specifies the initial state. Instances of the Parent class are placed
# in this state when they are initialized.
Parent.moodTable.initialstate = Normal
def Test():
dad = Parent(50.0, 60.0)
amount = 20.0
print amount, dad.askForMoney(amount)
print amount, dad.askForMoney(amount)
dad.cashPaycheck( 40.0)
print amount, dad.askForMoney(amount)
dad.cashPaycheck( 40.0)
print amount, dad.askForMoney(amount)
dad.getUnexpectedBill(100.0 )
print amount, dad.askForMoney(amount)
print amount, dad.askForMoney(amount)
dad.cashPaycheck( 100.0)
print amount, dad.askForMoney(amount)
dad.cashPaycheck( 50.0)
print amount, dad.askForMoney(amount)
dad.cashPaycheck( 200.0)
amount = 250
print amount, dad.askForMoney(amount)
First part of above code is the module which supports the state pattern. The second part is an example of a state machine implemented using the module.
Techniques - Decorators provide code which wraps the methods in the main state machine class (MyDevice) with code that calls the method appropriate for the current state. They also are responsible for transitioning between states based on the table that's defined with the calls to 'nextStates'.
The methods in the derived classes are able to be called as if they were declared in the base state machine class because of the __metaclass__ declaration.
The actual state variable in the state machine instance is more or less hidden behind the scenes. It's implicitly created when the StateTable's initialize() method is called in the __init__ method of the state machine class. The next state can be explicitly set if needed. For example when the next state also depends on the data to the event.
When leaving a state, an onLeave() method is called if one is defined. Similarly when entering a state (except for initial state), an onEnter() method is called. These methods may be defined in the base state machine class, or they may be overriden in the individual state classes.
A good discussion of modelling with states can be found in Real Time UML by Bruce Powell Douglass, copyright 1998 Addison Wesley Longman Inc.
15-Jun-09 - revised to provide better example. With this infrastructure it is possible to implement a context with not only a main state, but with substates as well. Also its possible to subclass the context and add additional states or to provide a different state transition table. For instance, one could implement a StingyParent subclass of Parent which never doles out any money, no matter what mood their in.
I'm looking for good reusable state machine code and maybe this is good code for that, but frankly it's hard to tell.
The sample code (TwoX, Sigmoid, etc.) seems to be an arbitrary mathematical example. I can't tell at a glance whether the program output make sense (is 0.000335350130466 right?), much less distinguish the difference between "calculate" and "compute" or develop insights for building a state machine of my own.
I suspect I'd need a day or two of poking and tracing this code before I understood it well enough to reuse.
I suggest a more down-to-earth, practical example, such as text processing (which is what I use state machines for), with more explanation telling readers what they specifically need to do to build their own state machines on the Easy State Machine pattern.
It'd also be nice to know how this recipe compares to
Jack Trainor,
Thanks for the comment. I'll try to come up with a better example, and I'll work on the discussion some more. I added a comment to indicate the types of applications where this method is best suited, and a reference to more information.
Tools like Ply, pyparsing, or ANTLR are a better way to develop text parsing functions. Comparing with Noel Spurrier's recipe, Using the TransactionEvent decorator when declaring a method is analogous to one of his inputs. States are classes here. The methods defined in the state class are the functions he associates with an input and a state in the add_action(?) call. His state machines are dynamically configured, here the state machines are in the coding and are completely defined prior to one being instantiated. Here the actions are really methods of the context and other data and functions of the instance are available. The actions of Spurrier's state machine are plain functions.
If you need to have multiple instances of the state machine exist simultaneously, and are handling asynchronous events, the Easy State Pattern is a good choice.
Rodney Drenth,
And thanks for the reply.
I'm not talking about parsing at the level of grammars, but text processing at a more general level that is simply stateful.
As David Mertz in "Text Processing in Python" published by Addison-Wesley ( says "One of the programming problems most likely to call for an explicit state machine is processing text files."
See my earlier recipe, for an example. I've rewritten this and will repost shortly.
P.S. I'm less interested in the architectural differences between your work and Spurrier's and more interested in how the two patterns compare in solving problems with state machines.
Is it easier to use one or the other and for which types of problems?
My state machine recipe, for instance, is pretty easy but it is only useful for text processing on a line-by-line basis. Your recipe and Spurrier's provide more general purpose state machine patterns at the cost of some additional complexity.
I just checked in my new recipe: -- a simple state machine pattern for text processing. As an test implementation I solve the report processor example that David Mertz uses in his book "Text Processing in Python."
If you are still considering a new example showing how your state machine can be implemented, perhaps you could try your hand at the David Mertz report processor. I think it would be quite instructive to compare three different state machine solutions to that problem.
Revised to provide a better example. This implements a Parent whose moods are modeled by states. The amount of money a parent returns in response to a request for money is dictated by their current mood and the amount of money they've got in their pocketbook (and sometimes piggybank).
Thanks Rodney for the recipe.
For the benefit of others, take note that this recipe only caters to state methods, not state attributes/variables. That means if Parent.label = 'Parent' and Normal.label = 'Parent' and in the Test() above, you include print dad.label, it will always print 'Parent' not the state it is in.
Correction of previous comment:
For the benefit of others, take note that this recipe only caters to state methods, not state attributes/variables. That means if Parent.label = 'Parent' and Normal.label = 'Normal' and in the Test() above, you include print dad.label, it will always print 'Parent' not the state it is in.
Kam, your comment about state attributes/variables is correct.
One could, however, in a state's 'onEnter' method assign a variable to self and that attribute would be available to the other methods. For correctness, if you do this you should also provide an onLeave method for that state that deletes the variable using 'del'.
When the methods of a state are called, the self parameter is the context and will have the same class, and everything as the context. The classes that correspond to the states never get instantiated, funkiness behind the scenes with the metaclass and decorators.
I think that my current implementation still has some issues if you try to call other methods in the state that aren't ones corresponding to ones defined with a @Event or @TransitionEvent decorator in the context class. I'll have to work on that.
Not all events may be valid in all states - To specify handlers for all events in all states seems superfluous to me. For e.g., if I add another event, we need to add handlers to all states. I would like an implementation where we can specify handlers only for a subset of events.
To Sriram V Iyler, You have some valid points. I'm considering adding a method to the StateTable class whereby when you define the transitions for a state, you specify a dictionary with the transition method name as the keys and next state as values. You would only need to specify transitions for the events your interested in. I'm also thinking the code in the context class could be called in the case where you've not defined a transition for the event, and that code could throw an exception if it's appropriate.
I have a solution for the problem that Kam mentioned above, as well, but haven't yet updated this recipe..