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#On the name of ALLAH
#Author : Fouad Teniou
#Date : 10/01/09
#version :2.4

"""Solving polynomial equations involve using long and synthetic division.
I applied in my program Cubic.py, however, the synthetic division.
Finding the integers and rational zeros (a) of a polynomial p(x), if any,
shows us that (x - a)s are factors of p(x) and p(x)/(x - a) = q(x)
therefore p(x) can be written p(x) = (x - a)q(x)"""

from Quadratic import *

class Cubic(object):
    """ Class that represent a Cubic Polynomial Equation
    with a,b,c,d properties"""

    def __init__(self,a,b,c,d):
        """ Cubic constructor takes a,b,c,d coefficients """
        self.__a = a
        self.__b = b
        self.__c = c
        self.__d = d
        self.signb = self._checkSign(self.__b)
        self.signc = self._checkSign(self.__c)
        self.signd = self._checkSign(self.__d)
    def __str__(self):
        """ String representation of Cubic Polynomial Equation"""
            self.c1 = Cubic.syntheticDivision(self)[0]
            self.c2 = Cubic.syntheticDivision(self)[1]
            if self.c1 == float and self.c2 == float:
                self.c3 ="-"
                self.c4 ="+"
            else :
                self.c3 = self._checkSign(float(Cubic.syntheticDivision(self)[0])*-1)
                self.c4 = self._checkSign(float(Cubic.syntheticDivision(self)[1])*-1)

            if self.__d == 0:
                return "\n<Cubic Equation: p(x) = %sx%s %s %sx%s %s %sx = 0 \n \
                        \n<The linear factorization : p(x) = %sx(x%s%s)(x%s%s) \n\
                        " % (self.__a,chr(252),self.signb,self.__b,chr(253),
            else :
                if self.__a == 1:
                    for i in Cubic.integerZero(self):
                        if (((self.__a*(i**3)) + (self.__b*(i**2))+ (self.__c*i )+ self.__d == 0)
                            and float(i) != float(self.c2) and float(i) != float(self.c1)):
                            return "\n<Cubic Equation: p(x) = %sx%s %s %sx%s %s %sx %s %s = 0 \
                                    \n\n<The integers zeros  are :\n\n%s\n \
                                    \n<The linear factorization : p(x) = (x%s%s)(x%s%s)(x%s%s) \n\
                                    " % (self.__a,chr(252),self.signb,self.__b,chr(253),self.signc,
                    return "\n<None of the integers zeros %s \n\n checks p(x) = %sx%s %s %sx%s %s %sx %s %s = 0\n\n " \
                            % (Cubic.integerZero(self),self.__a,chr(252),self.signb,self.__b,chr(253),self.signc,self.__c,
                else :
                    for j in Cubic.nonintegersRationalZero(self)[1]:
                        if ((self.__a*(float(str(j))**3)) + (self.__b*(float(str(j))**2))+
                            (self.__c*float(str(j)) )+ self.__d == 0.00):
                            return "\n<Cubic Equation: p(x) = %sx%s %s %sx%s %s %sx %s %s = 0 \
                                \n\n<The integers Zeros are :\n\n %s \
                                \n\n<The nonintegers Rational Zeros are :\n\n %s \
                                \n<The linear factorization : p(x) = (x%s%s)(x%s%s)(x%s%s) \n\
                                " % (self.__a,chr(252),self.signb,self.__b,chr(253),self.signc,self.__c,
                    return "\n<None of the non integers zeros %s \n\n checks p(x) = %sx%s %s %sx%s %s %sx %s %s  = 0\n\n" \
                             % (Cubic.nonintegersRationalZero(self)[0],self.__a,chr(252),self.signb,self.__b,
        except TypeError:
            if self.__a == 1:
                 raise "\n<complex solutions \n\n<The integers zeros are %s " \
                  % Cubic.integerZero(self)
            else :   
                raise "\n<complex solutions \n\n<The nonintegers zeros are %s " \
                  % Cubic.nonintegersRationalZero(self)[0]

    def get_a(self):
        """ Get method for _a attribute """
        return self.__a
    def set_a(self,value):
        """ Set method for _a attribute """
        self.__a = value
    def del_a(self):
        """Delete method for _a attribute"""
        del self.__a

    #Create a property
    _a = property(get_a,set_a,del_a,"a coefficient")

    def get_b(self):
        """ Get method for _b attribute """

        return self.__b

    def set_b(self,value):
        """ Set method for _b attribute """
        self.__b = value
    def del_b(self):
        """Delete method for D attribute"""

        del self.__b

    #Create a property
    _b = property(get_b,set_b,del_b,"b coefficient")

    def get_c(self):
        """ Get method for _c attribute """

        return self.__c

    def set_c(self,value):
        """ Set method for _c attribute """
        self.__c = value
    def del_c(self):
        """Delete method for _c attribute"""

        del self.__c

    #Create a property
    _c = property(get_c,set_c,del_c,"c coefficient")

    def get_d(self):
        """ Get method for _d attribute """

        return self.__d

    def set_d(self,value):
        """ Set method for _d attribute """
        self.__d = value
    def del_d(self):
        """Delete method for F attribute"""

        del self.__d

    #Create a property
    _d = property(get_d,set_d,del_d,"d coefficient")
    def _checkSign(self,value):
        """ Utility method to check the values's sign
        and return a sign string"""
        if value >= 0:
            return "+"
        else :
            return ""
    def integerZero(self):
        """ Computes Integers zeros of d coefficient """
        res = []
        for item in range (1,abs(self.__d)+1):
            if self.__d%item == 0:
        return res
    def nonintegersRationalZero(self):
        """ Computes noninteger rational zeros """
        res1 = []
        res2 = []
        res3 = []
        res4 = []
        for b in range(1,abs(self.__a)+1):
            if self.__a%b == 0:
        for i in Cubic.integerZero(self):
            if i>0:
                for j in res1:
                    if  i%j!=0:
                        res2.append( "%2.2f" % ((i)/float(j)) ),res2.append( "%2.2f" % ((-i)/float(j)) )
                        for x in res2:
                            if res2.count(x)>1:
                                if x == ("%2.2f" % ((i)/float(j))):
                                    res3.append("%d/%d" % (i,j)),res3.append("%d/%d" % (-i,j))
                        res4.append("%d/%d" % (i,j)),res4.append("%d/%d" % (-i,j))     
                        for w in res3:
                            if w in res4:
        return (res4,res2)
    def syntheticDivision(self):
        """ Computes coefficients A,B,C by synthetic division """
        assert self.__a != 0,"(a) coefficient should be differtent than zero"
        self._A = self.__a
        self._B = self.__b
        self._C = self.__c
        y = Quadratic()
        if self.__d != 0 and (self.__b**2 - 4*(self.__a *self.__c))>=0:
            for i in Cubic.integerZero(self):
                if (self.__a*((i)**3)) + (self.__b*((i)**2) )+(self.__c*(i) )+ self.__d == 0:
                    self._A = self.__a
                    self._B = self.__b + self._A*i
                    self._C = self.__c + self._B*i
            return  Quadratic.__call__(y)
            return  Quadratic.__call__(y)            

if __name__ == "__main__":

    cubic1 = Cubic(1,3,-7,-21)
    print cubic1
    cubic5 = Cubic(1,-3,-13,15)
    print cubic5
    cubic2 = Cubic(1,2,-7,-10)
    print cubic2
    cubic3 = Cubic(5,-1,-2,0)
    print cubic3
    cubic4 = Cubic(2,-6,-13,18)
    print cubic4
    cubic4 = Cubic(2,3,-4,-3)
    print cubic4


#c:\hp\bin\Python>python "C:\Documents\Programs\Cubic.py"

#<Cubic Equation: p(x) = 1x³ + 3x²  -7x  -21 = 0

#<The integers zeros  are :

#[1, -1, 3, -3, 7, -7, 21, -21]

#<The linear factorization : p(x) = (x-2.65)(x+2.65)(x+3)

#<Cubic Equation: p(x) = 1x³  -3x²  -13x + 15 = 0

#<The integers zeros  are :

#[1, -1, 3, -3, 5, -5, 15, -15]

#<The linear factorization : p(x) = (x-1.0)(x+3.0)(x-5)

#<None of the integers zeros [1, -1, 2, -2, 5, -5, 10, -10]

# checks p(x) = 1x³ + 2x²  -7x  -10 = 0

#<Cubic Equation: p(x) = 5x³  -1x²  -2x = 0

#<The linear factorization : p(x) = 5x(x-0.74)(x+0.54)

#<None of the non integers zeros ['1/2', '-1/2', '3/2', '-3/2', '9/2', '-9/2']

 #checks p(x) = 2x³  -6x²  -13x + 18  = 0

#<None of the non integers zeros ['1/2', '-1/2', '3/2', '-3/2']

 #checks p(x) = 2x³ + 3x²  -4x  -3  = 0

