#>>>>>>>>>> Icon example of recursive generator >>>>>>>>>
##procedure star(chars)
## suspend "" | (star(chars) || !chars)
class bang(object):
""" a generator with saved state that can be reset """
def __init__(self, arg):
self.arg = arg
def __iter__(self):
for item in self.iterable:
yield item
def next(self):
return self.iterable.next()
def reset(self):
if hasattr(self.arg, '__iter__') and \
hasattr(self.arg, 'next') :
self.iterable = self.arg
elif hasattr(self.arg, '__getitem__'):
if self.arg:
self.iterable = iter(self.arg)
else: self.iterable = iter([""])
self.iterable = iter([self.arg])
def __repr__(self):
return repr(self.arg)
def alternation( *items ):
"""Lazy evaluation that flattens input items """
for alt_item in items:
if hasattr(alt_item, '__iter__'):
#flatten generator item
for item in alt_item:
yield item
yield alt_item
def concatenate(g1, g2):
"""Lazy evaluation concatenation """
#list, tuple, and string iterators are not used implicitly
#Not generalized for sequences other than strings
if hasattr(g1, '__iter__') and hasattr(g2, '__iter__'):
#concatenations of left items to right items
#map(operator.plus, leftseq, rightseq)
for x in g1:
for y in g2:
yield x + y
elif hasattr(g1, '__iter__') :
#concatenations of left items to right sequence
#map(operator.plus, [leftseq]*len(rightseq), rightseq)
for x in g1:
yield x + g2
elif hasattr(g2, '__iter__') :
#concatenations of left sequence to right items
#map(operator.plus, leftseq, [rightseq]*len(leftseq))
for x in g2:
yield g1 + x
#string concatenation like Python
yield g1 + g2
def star(chars):
""" Recursive, infinite generator for all permutations
of a string taken 1 to N characters at time """
for item in alternation("", concatenate(star(chars), bang(chars))):
yield item
#star test >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
chars = 'abc'
limit = 3 # Limit infinite recursion
for n, x in enumerate(star(chars)):
if len(x) > limit: break
print n+1, repr(x)