#!/usr/bin/env python
access_key = ''
secret_key = ''
import boto
import MySQLdb
from MySQLdb import cursors
import threading
db_user = ''
db_name = ''
db = MySQLdb.connect(user=db_user,db=db_name,cursorclass=cursors.DictCursor)
c = db.cursor()
sdb = boto.connect_sdb(access_key, secret_key)
def get_or_create_domain(domain):
d = sdb.get_domain(domain)
except boto.exception.SDBResponseError:
d = sdb.create_domain(domain)
return d
def get_primary_key(table_name, cursor):
Returns a dictionary of fieldname -> infodict for the given table,
where each infodict is in the format:
{'primary_key': boolean representing whether it's the primary key,
'unique': boolean representing whether it's a unique index}
cursor.execute("SHOW INDEX FROM %s" % table_name)
indexes = {}
for row in cursor.fetchall():
if row['Key_name'] == 'PRIMARY':
return row['Column_name']
raise("Table %s does not have a primary key" % table_name)
class BotoWorker(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, name, record, domain):
self.domain = domain
self.name = name
self.record = record
def run(self):
print "inserting %s" % self.name
item = self.domain.new_item(self.name)
for key, value in self.record.items():
item[key] = value
except UnicodeDecodeError:
item[key] = 'unicode error'
def main():
c.execute("show tables;")
for table in c.fetchall():
table = table["Tables_in_%s" % db]
print "loading data from %s" % table
total = c.execute("select * from %s" % table)
print "fetched %s items from mysql" % total
for record in c.fetchall():
name = record.pop(get_primary_key(table, c))
thread_started = False
while not thread_started:
if threading.activeCount() < 10:
print "got a thread %s" % threading.activeCount()
BotoWorker(name=name, record=record, domain=get_or_create_domain(table)).start()
thread_started = True
if __name__ == '__main__':