#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf8 -*- __version__ = '$Id: schema_ora.py 1754 2014-02-14 08:57:52Z mn $' # export Oracle schema to text # usable to compare databases that should be the same # # Oracle schema info: # http://www.eveandersson.com/writing/data-model-reverse-engineering # # # author: Michal Niklas, Adam KopciƄski-Galik OPTIONS = """[OPTIONS] Options: --tables_only raport only tables --separate-files save tables, views etc in separate files in db_schema directory, tables are defined as CREATE TABLE statement --sorted-info for CREATE TABLE add comment with columns sorted by name --zip with --separate-files enabled zip all created files --date-dir with --separate-files add date and time to db_schema_[date]_[time] directory with -o[=file_name] save file_name in db_schema_[date]_[time] directory --force-dir with --separate-files do not check if db_schema directory exists -o[=file_name] send results to file instead of stdout --version show version --add-ver-info add version information --ver-info-sql[=SELECT ... FROM ... ORDER BY ...] extend version information by results of this query """ USAGE = 'usage:\n\tschema_ora.py tnsentry username passwd %s' % OPTIONS JUSAGE = """usage: jython schema_ora.py jdbcurl user passwd %s example: jython schema_ora.py jdbc:oracle:thin:@ usr pwd > db.sch """ % OPTIONS import codecs import sys import os import zipfile import os.path import time import re USE_JYTHON = 0 TABLES_ONLY = 0 SCHEMA_DIR = 'db_schema' if '--date-dir' in sys.argv: SCHEMA_DIR += time.strftime("_%y%m%d_%H%M%S", time.localtime()) TABLES_INFO_DIR = SCHEMA_DIR + '/tables' VIEWS_INFO_DIR = SCHEMA_DIR + '/views' SEQUENCES_INFO_DIR = SCHEMA_DIR + '/sequences' FUNCTIONS_INFO_DIR = SCHEMA_DIR + '/functions' PROCEDURES_INFO_DIR = SCHEMA_DIR + '/procedures' PACKAGES_INFO_DIR = SCHEMA_DIR + '/packages' INVALID = '_invalid' CREATED_FILES = [] try: from com.ziclix.python.sql import zxJDBC USE_JYTHON = 1 USAGE = JUSAGE except: import cx_Oracle DB_ENCODINGS = ('cp1250', 'iso8859_2', 'utf8') OUT_FILE_ENCODING = 'UTF8' TABLE_AND_VIEWS_NAMES_SQL = """SELECT DISTINCT table_name FROM user_tab_columns WHERE INSTR(table_name, 'X_') <> 1 AND INSTR(table_name, '$') = 0 ORDER BY table_name """ TABLE_NAMES_SQL = """SELECT DISTINCT table_name FROM user_tables WHERE INSTR(table_name, 'X_') <> 1 AND INSTR(table_name, '$') = 0 AND NOT table_name IN (SELECT view_name FROM user_views) AND NOT table_name IN (SELECT mview_name FROM user_mviews) ORDER BY table_name """ TABLE_COLUMNS_SQL = """SELECT table_name, column_name FROM user_tab_columns WHERE INSTR(table_name, 'X_') <> 1 AND INSTR(table_name, '$') = 0 ORDER BY table_name, column_name """ TABLE_INFO_SQL = """SELECT table_name, column_name, data_type, nullable, decode(default_length, NULL, 0, 1) hasdef, decode(data_type, 'DATE', '11', 'NUMBER', data_precision || ',' || data_scale, data_length) data_length FROM user_tab_columns WHERE INSTR(table_name, 'X_') <> 1 AND INSTR(table_name, '$') = 0 ORDER BY table_name, column_name """ PRIMARY_KEYS_INFO_SQL = """SELECT uc.table_name, ucc.column_name FROM user_constraints uc, user_cons_columns ucc WHERE uc.constraint_name = ucc.constraint_name AND uc.constraint_type = 'P' AND INSTR(uc.table_name, 'X_') <> 1 AND INSTR(uc.table_name, '$') = 0 ORDER BY uc.table_name, ucc.position """ INDEXES_INFO_SQL = """SELECT ui.table_name, ui.index_name, ui.uniqueness FROM user_indexes ui WHERE INSTR(ui.table_name, 'X_') <> 1 AND INSTR(ui.table_name, '$') = 0 ORDER BY ui.table_name, ui.index_name """ INDEXES_COLUMNS_INFO_SQL = """SELECT table_name, column_name, index_name, column_position, descend FROM user_ind_columns WHERE INSTR(table_name, 'X_') <> 1 AND INSTR(table_name, '$') = 0 ORDER BY table_name, index_name, column_position """ COMPOSITE_INDEXES_COLUMNS_INFO_SQL = """SELECT table_name, column_name, index_name, column_position FROM user_ind_columns WHERE index_name in (select distinct index_name from USER_IND_COLUMNS where column_position > 1) AND INSTR(table_name, 'X_') <> 1 AND INSTR(table_name, '$') = 0 ORDER BY table_name, index_name, column_position """ FUNCTION_INDEXES_INFO_SQL = """SELECT table_name, column_expression, index_name, column_position FROM user_ind_expressions WHERE INSTR(table_name, 'X_') <> 1 AND INSTR(table_name, '$') = 0 ORDER BY table_name, index_name, column_position """ FOREIGN_KEYS_INFO_SQL = """SELECT uc.table_name, ucc.column_name, ucc.position , fc.table_name, uic.column_position, uic.column_name , uc.delete_rule , uc.constraint_name FROM user_cons_columns ucc ,user_constraints fc ,user_constraints uc ,user_ind_columns uic WHERE uc.constraint_type = 'R' AND uc.constraint_name = ucc.constraint_name AND fc.constraint_name = uc.r_constraint_name AND uic.index_name=fc.constraint_name ORDER BY uc.table_name, ucc.position, uic.column_position """ DEFAULTS_INFO_SQL = """SELECT table_name, column_name, data_default FROM user_tab_columns WHERE default_length IS NOT NULL AND INSTR(table_name, 'X_') <> 1 AND INSTR(table_name, '$') = 0 ORDER BY table_name, column_name """ SEQUENCES_INFO_SQL = """SELECT sequence_name FROM user_sequences""" TSEQUENCES_INFO_SQL = """SELECT sequence_name, min_value, max_value, increment_by, last_number, cache_size, cycle_flag, order_flag FROM user_sequences """ VIEWS_INFO_SQL = """SELECT view_name, text FROM user_views ORDER BY view_name""" MVIEWS_INFO_SQL = """SELECT mview_name, query FROM user_mviews ORDER BY mview_name """ TRIGGERS_INFO_SQL = """SELECT trigger_name, trigger_type, triggering_event, table_name, trim(chr(13) from trim(chr(10) from description)), trigger_body FROM user_triggers WHERE INSTR(table_name, 'X_') <> 1 AND INSTR(table_name, '$') = 0 ORDER BY table_name, trigger_name """ TTABLE_NAMES_SQL = """SELECT DISTINCT table_name FROM user_tab_columns WHERE INSTR(table_name, 'X_') <> 1 AND INSTR(table_name, '$') < 1 AND NOT table_name IN (SELECT view_name FROM user_views) AND NOT table_name IN (SELECT mview_name FROM user_mviews) ORDER BY table_name """ TTABLE_COLUMNS = """SELECT column_name, data_type, nullable, decode(default_length, NULL, 0, 1) hasdef, decode(data_type, 'DATE', '11', 'NUMBER', data_precision || ',' || data_scale, data_length) data_length, data_default, char_length FROM user_tab_columns WHERE table_name='%s' """ TTABLE_COLUMNS_SQL = TTABLE_COLUMNS + " ORDER BY column_id " TTABLE_SORTED_COLUMNS_SQL = TTABLE_COLUMNS + " ORDER BY column_name " TPRIMARY_KEYS_INFO_SQL = """SELECT ucc.column_name FROM user_constraints uc, user_cons_columns ucc WHERE uc.constraint_name = ucc.constraint_name AND uc.constraint_type = 'P' AND uc.table_name='%s' """ TFOREIGN_KEYS_INFO_SQL = """ SELECT uc.table_name, ucc.column_name, ucc.position , fc.table_name, uic.column_position, uic.column_name , uc.delete_rule, uc.constraint_name FROM user_cons_columns ucc ,user_constraints fc ,user_constraints uc ,user_ind_columns uic WHERE uc.constraint_type = 'R' AND uc.constraint_name = ucc.constraint_name AND fc.constraint_name = uc.r_constraint_name AND uic.index_name=fc.constraint_name AND uc.table_name='%s' ORDER BY uc.constraint_name, ucc.position, uic.column_position """ TINDEXES_COLUMNS_INFO_SQL = """SELECT uic.index_name, uic.column_name, ui.index_type, uie.column_expression, ui.uniqueness, uic.column_position FROM user_ind_columns uic LEFT JOIN (user_indexes ui) ON uic.index_name = ui.index_name LEFT JOIN (user_ind_expressions uie) ON uic.index_name = uie.index_name WHERE uic.table_name='%s' ORDER BY uic.index_name, uic.column_position """ TTRIGGERS_INFO_SQL = """SELECT trigger_name, trim(chr(13) from trim(chr(10) from description)), trigger_body FROM user_triggers WHERE table_name = '%s' ORDER BY table_name, trigger_name """ DB_VERSION_SQL = """SELECT * FROM v$version WHERE banner like 'Oracle%'""" _CONN = None CREATED_DIRS = [] def ensure_directory(dname): """creates directory if it not exists""" if not os.path.exists(dname): os.makedirs(dname) CREATED_DIRS.append(dname) RE_INVALID_FNAME = re.compile(r'[^a-z0-9\.\\/]') def normalize_fname(fname): """replaces to _ strange chars in filename te be created""" fname = fname.lower() fname = RE_INVALID_FNAME.sub('_', fname) return fname def open_file_write(fname): """opens file for writing in required encoding""" CREATED_FILES.append(fname) return codecs.open(fname, 'w', OUT_FILE_ENCODING) def init_db_conn(connect_string, username, passwd): """initializes database connection""" global _CONN if not _CONN: dbinfo = connect_string try: if USE_JYTHON: dbinfo = 'JDBC: %s, user: %s' % (connect_string, username) print('--%s' % (dbinfo)) _CONN = zxJDBC.connect(connect_string, username, passwd, 'oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver') else: dbinfo = 'db: %s@%s' % (username, connect_string) print('--%s' % (dbinfo)) _CONN = cx_Oracle.connect(username, passwd, connect_string) except: ex = sys.exc_info() serr = 'Exception: %s: %s\n%s' % (ex[0], ex[1], dbinfo) print_err(serr) return None return _CONN def db_conn(): """returns global database connection""" return _CONN def output_str(fout, line): """outputs line to fout trying various encodings in case of encoding errors""" if fout: try: fout.write(line) except (UnicodeDecodeError, UnicodeEncodeError): try: fout.write(line.encode(OUT_FILE_ENCODING)) except (UnicodeDecodeError, UnicodeEncodeError): ok = 0 for enc in DB_ENCODINGS: try: line2 = line.decode(enc) #fout.write(line2.encode(OUT_FILE_ENCODING)) fout.write(line2) ok = 1 break except (UnicodeDecodeError, UnicodeEncodeError): pass if not ok: fout.write('!!! line cannot be encoded !!!\n') fout.write(repr(line)) fout.write('\n') fout.flush() def output_line(line, fout=None): """outputs line""" line = line.rstrip() output_str(fout, line) output_str(sys.stdout, line) def print_err(serr): """println on stderr""" sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % (serr)) def select_qry(querystr): """executes SQL SELECT query""" cur = db_conn().cursor() cur.execute(querystr) results = cur.fetchall() cur.close() return results def run_qry(querystr): """executes SQL update/insert etc""" cur = db_conn().cursor() cur.execute(querystr) cur.close() def fld2str(fld_v): """converts field value into string""" if type(fld_v) == type(1.1): fld_v = '%s' % fld_v if '.' in fld_v: fld_v = fld_v.rstrip('0') fld_v = fld_v.rstrip('.') else: fld_v = '%s' % fld_v if fld_v.startswith('SYS_C'): fld_v = 'SYS_Cxxx' return fld_v def show_qry(title, querystr, fld_join='\t', row_separator=None, fout=None): """shows SQL query results""" rs = select_qry(querystr) if rs: output_line('\n\n--- %s ---' % (title), fout) for row in rs: line = fld_join.join([fld2str(s) for s in row]) output_line(line, fout) if row_separator: output_line(row_separator, fout) def init_session(): """initialization of SQL session""" run_qry("ALTER SESSION SET nls_numeric_characters = '.,'") def get_type_length(data_type, data_length, char_length): """get string with length of field""" if data_type == 'NUMBER': if data_length == ',': return '' if data_length == ',0': return '(*,0)' return '(%s)' % (data_length) if data_type == 'RAW': return ' (%s)' % (data_length) if data_type in ('CHAR', 'VARCHAR2', 'NCHAR', 'NVARCHAR2'): return ' (%.0f)' % (char_length) return '' def table_info_row(row): """shows info about table column""" column_name = row[0] data_type = row[1] nullable = row[2] hasdef = row[3] data_length = row[4] data_default = row[5] char_length = row[6] default_str = nullable_str = '' data_length_str = get_type_length(data_type, data_length, char_length) if int(hasdef) == 1: default_str = ' DEFAULT %s' % (data_default) if nullable == 'N': nullable_str = ' NOT NULL' if default_str.endswith(' '): nullable_str = 'NOT NULL' if column_name.startswith('_'): column_name = '"' + column_name + '"' else: column_name = column_name.lower() return '%(column_name)s %(data_type)s%(data_length)s%(default)s%(nullable)s' % {'column_name': column_name, 'data_type': data_type, 'data_length': data_length_str, 'nullable': nullable_str, 'default': default_str} def get_table_indices(table, pk_columns=None): """returm table indices""" indices_str = '' indices = {} rs = select_qry(TINDEXES_COLUMNS_INFO_SQL % (table)) idx_uniques = {} for row in rs: idx_name = row[0] if idx_name.startswith('SYS_'): continue idx_column = row[1] idx_type = row[2] idx_expression = row[3] idx_unique = row[4] if idx_unique != 'UNIQUE': idx_unique = '' idx_uniques[idx_name] = idx_unique if idx_type == 'FUNCTION-BASED NORMAL': idx_column = idx_expression try: indices[idx_name].append(idx_column) except KeyError: indices[idx_name] = [idx_column, ] if indices: pk_columns_str = '' if pk_columns: pk_columns_str = ', '.join(pk_columns).lower() idxs = indices.keys() idxs.sort() idx_lines = [] for idx in idxs: columns_str = ', '.join(indices[idx]).lower() if columns_str != pk_columns_str: idx_lines.append('CREATE %s INDEX %s ON %s (%s);' % (idx_uniques[idx], idx, table, ', '.join(indices[idx]))) indices_str = '\n'.join(idx_lines) return indices_str def get_table_triggers(table): """returm table trigger bodies""" triggers_str = '' triggers_lines = [] rs = select_qry(TTRIGGERS_INFO_SQL % (table)) for row in rs: trigger_name = row[0].strip().lower() description = row[1].strip() trigger_body = row[2].strip() triggers_lines.append('CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER\n%s\n%s\n/\nALTER TRIGGER %s ENABLE;' % (description, trigger_body, trigger_name)) if triggers_lines: triggers_str = '\n\n'.join(triggers_lines) return triggers_str def add_primary_key_ddl(table, sorted_in_comment, lines_ct, lines_sc): """adds information about primary key columns""" rs = select_qry(TPRIMARY_KEYS_INFO_SQL % (table)) pk_columns = [] for row in rs: pk_columns.append(row[0].lower()) if pk_columns: tmp_str = 'PRIMARY KEY (%s)' % (', '.join(pk_columns)) lines_ct.append(tmp_str) if sorted_in_comment: lines_sc.append(tmp_str) return pk_columns def get_foreign_keys_dict(table): """returns dictionary with info about foreign keys""" fk = {} rs = select_qry(TFOREIGN_KEYS_INFO_SQL % (table)) for row in rs: _, cn1, _, tn2, _, cn2, dr, cn = row try: _ = fk[cn][0] _ = fk[cn][2] except KeyError: fk[cn] = [[cn1, ], [tn2, ], [cn2, ], [dr, ]] return fk def add_foreign_key_ddl(table, sorted_in_comment, lines_ct, lines_sc): """adds information about foreign keys""" cnt = 0 rs = select_qry("""SELECT COUNT(*) FROM user_constraints WHERE constraint_type = 'R' AND table_name='%s'""" % (table)) for row in rs: cnt = int(row[0]) if cnt > 0: fk = get_foreign_keys_dict(table) if fk: fkk = fk.keys() fkk.sort() for cn in fkk: columns1 = fk[cn][0] table2 = fk[cn][1][0] columns2 = fk[cn][2] dr = fk[cn][3][0] if dr == 'CASCADE': dr = 'ON DELETE CASCADE' else: dr = '' tmp_str = 'CONSTRAINT %s FOREIGN KEY (%s) REFERENCES %s (%s) %s ENABLE' % (cn, ','.join(columns1), table2, ','.join(columns2), dr) lines_ct.append(tmp_str) if sorted_in_comment: lines_sc.append(tmp_str) def create_create_table_ddl(table, sorted_in_comment): """creates DDL with CREATE TABLE for table""" # gets information about columns rs = select_qry(TTABLE_COLUMNS_SQL % (table)) lines_ct = [] lines_sc = [] for row in rs: lines_ct.append(table_info_row(row).strip()) # information about columns but sorted by column name (will be commented) # in output, it will be useful for comparing if sorted_in_comment: rs = select_qry(TTABLE_SORTED_COLUMNS_SQL % (table)) for row in rs: lines_sc.append(table_info_row(row).strip()) pk_columns = add_primary_key_ddl(table, sorted_in_comment, lines_ct, lines_sc) add_foreign_key_ddl(table, sorted_in_comment, lines_ct, lines_sc) # creates DDL CREATE TABLE instruction #- \n, is required when column has comment ct = 'CREATE TABLE %s (\n\t %s\n);' % (table.lower(), '\n\t,'.join(lines_ct)) if sorted_in_comment: sc = 'CREATE TABLE %s (\n-- \t %s\n-- );' % (table.lower(), '\n-- \t,'.join(lines_sc)) sc = '\n---------- order by column name ----------\n-- ' + sc + '\n---------- order by column name ----------' ct = ct + sc indices_str = get_table_indices(table, pk_columns) triggers_str = get_table_triggers(table) return '%s\n\n%s\n\n%s' % (ct, indices_str, triggers_str) def save_table_definition(table, sorted_in_comment): """saves DDL in a file""" s = create_create_table_ddl(table, sorted_in_comment) fname = os.path.join(TABLES_INFO_DIR, '%s.sql' % (normalize_fname(table))) f = open_file_write(fname) output_line(s, f) f.close() return 1 def show_tables(): """shows info tables""" show_qry('tables', TABLE_AND_VIEWS_NAMES_SQL) show_qry('table columns', TABLE_COLUMNS_SQL) show_qry('columns', TABLE_INFO_SQL) def show_primary_keys(): """shows primary keys""" show_qry('primary keys', PRIMARY_KEYS_INFO_SQL) def show_indexes(): """shows indexes""" show_qry('indexes', INDEXES_INFO_SQL) show_qry('indexes columns', INDEXES_COLUMNS_INFO_SQL) show_qry('composite indexes', COMPOSITE_INDEXES_COLUMNS_INFO_SQL) show_qry('function indexes', FUNCTION_INDEXES_INFO_SQL) def show_foreign_keys(): """shows foreign keys""" show_qry('foreign keys', FOREIGN_KEYS_INFO_SQL) def show_defaults(): """shows default values for columns""" show_qry('defaults', DEFAULTS_INFO_SQL) def show_sequences(separate_files): """shows database sequences""" show_qry('sequences', SEQUENCES_INFO_SQL) cur = db_conn().cursor() if separate_files: cur.execute(TSEQUENCES_INFO_SQL) rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: sequence_name = row[0] min_value = '%.0f' % row[1] max_value = '%.0f' % row[2] increment_by = '%.0f' % row[3] last_number = '%.0f' % row[4] cache_size = '%.0f' % row[5] cycle_flag = row[6] order_flag = row[7] if cache_size and cache_size != '0': cache_size = 'CACHE ' + cache_size else: cache_size = 'NOCACHE' if order_flag == 'Y': order_flag = 'ORDER' else: order_flag = 'NOORDER' if cycle_flag == 'Y': cycle_flag = 'CYCLE' else: cycle_flag = 'NOCYCLE' fname = os.path.join(SEQUENCES_INFO_DIR, '%s.sql' % (normalize_fname(sequence_name))) fout = open_file_write(fname) output_str(fout, "CREATE SEQUENCE %s MINVALUE %s MAXVALUE %s INCREMENT BY %s START WITH %s %s %s %s;\n" % (sequence_name, min_value, max_value, increment_by, last_number, cache_size, order_flag, cycle_flag)) fout.close() cur.close() def show_views(separate_files): """shows database views""" show_qry('views', VIEWS_INFO_SQL, '\n', '\n\n') show_qry('materialized views', MVIEWS_INFO_SQL, '\n', '\n\n') cur = db_conn().cursor() if separate_files: cur.execute(VIEWS_INFO_SQL) rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: view_name = row[0] view_body = row[1] fname = os.path.join(VIEWS_INFO_DIR, '%s.sql' % (normalize_fname(view_name))) fout = open_file_write(fname) output_str(fout, "CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW %s AS\n%s;\n" % (view_name, view_body)) triggers_str = get_table_triggers(view_name) output_str(fout, triggers_str) fout.close() cur.execute(MVIEWS_INFO_SQL) rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: view_name = row[0] view_body = row[1] fname = os.path.join(VIEWS_INFO_DIR, '%s.sql' % (normalize_fname(view_name))) fout = open_file_write(fname) output_str(fout, "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW %s AS\n%s;\n" % (view_name, view_body)) indices_str = get_table_indices(view_name) output_str(fout, indices_str) fout.close() cur.close() def show_normal_procedures(separate_files, title, out_dir=None): """shows valid SQL procedures and functions""" return show_procedures("SELECT object_name FROM user_procedures WHERE procedure_name IS NULL AND lower(object_type) = lower('%s') ORDER BY 1", separate_files, title, out_dir) def show_invalid_procedures(separate_files, title, out_dir=None): """shows invalid SQL procedures and functions""" return show_procedures("SELECT object_name FROM user_objects WHERE status = 'INVALID' AND lower(object_type) = lower('%s') ORDER BY 1", separate_files, title, out_dir) def show_procedures(sql, separate_files, title, out_dir=None): """shows SQL procedures and functions""" output_line('\n\n --- %ss ---' % (title)) fout = None cur = db_conn().cursor() cur.execute(sql % (title)) rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: funname = row[0] output_line('\n\n -- >>> %s %s >>> --' % (title, funname)) if separate_files: ensure_directory(out_dir) fname = os.path.join(out_dir, '%s.sql' % (normalize_fname(funname))) fout = open_file_write(fname) output_line('CREATE OR REPLACE', fout) cur2 = db_conn().cursor() cur2.execute("SELECT text FROM user_source where name = '%s' ORDER BY line" % funname) lines = cur2.fetchall() for line in lines: output_line(line[0], fout) if lines: output_line('\n/\n', fout) cur2.close() output_line('\n\n -- <<< %s %s <<< --' % (title, funname)) if fout: fout.close() cur.close() def show_packages(separate_files): """shows SQL packages""" output_line('\n\n --- packages ---') fout = None cur1 = db_conn().cursor() cur1.execute("SELECT object_name FROM user_objects WHERE object_type='PACKAGE' ORDER BY 1") rows = cur1.fetchall() for row in rows: funname = row[0] output_line('\n\n -- >>> package %s >>> --' % (funname)) if separate_files: fname = os.path.join(PACKAGES_INFO_DIR, '%s.sql' % (normalize_fname(funname))) fout = open_file_write(fname) output_line('CREATE OR REPLACE', fout) cur2 = db_conn().cursor() cur2.execute("SELECT text FROM sys.user_source where name = '%s' AND type='PACKAGE' ORDER BY line" % funname) lines = cur2.fetchall() for line in lines: output_line(line[0], fout) if(lines): output_line('\n/\n', fout) output_line('\n') cur2.close() cur3 = db_conn().cursor() cur3.execute("SELECT text FROM sys.user_source where name = '%s' AND type='PACKAGE BODY' ORDER BY line" % funname) lines = cur3.fetchall() if(lines): output_line('\nCREATE OR REPLACE ', fout) for line in lines: output_line(line[0], fout) if(lines): output_line('\n/\n', fout) cur3.close() if fout: fout.close() output_line('\n\n -- <<< package %s <<< --' % (funname)) cur1.close() def show_triggers(): """shows SQL triggers""" show_qry('triggers', TRIGGERS_INFO_SQL, '\n', '\n-- end trigger --\n') def save_files_in_zip(): """saves created files in zip file""" if not CREATED_FILES: output_line('-- nothing to zip') else: zip_name = os.path.join(SCHEMA_DIR + '.zip') output_line('creating zip %s ...' % (zip_name)) zip_f = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_name, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) for fn in CREATED_FILES: fne = fn.encode(OUT_FILE_ENCODING) #print('storing %s...' % (fne)) zip_f.write(fne) os.remove(fne) zip_f.close() clean_up() def add_ver_info(separate_files, connect_string, username): """add version information""" f = None if separate_files: ver_file = os.path.join(SCHEMA_DIR, 'version.txt') f = open_file_write(ver_file) output_line('>>> ver info') output_line('date: %s' % (time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())), f) output_line('connect string: %s' % (connect_string), f) output_line('user: %s' % (username), f) script_ver = __version__[5:-2] output_line('created by: %s' % (script_ver), f) show_qry('DB version', DB_VERSION_SQL, fout=f) show_qry('DB name', 'SELECT ora_database_name FROM dual', fout=f) sel_info_option = '--ver-info-sql' for s in sys.argv[1:]: if s.startswith(sel_info_option): sel = s[len(sel_info_option):].strip('=') try: show_qry(sel, sel, fout=f) except: ex = sys.exc_info() serr = '\nSQL: %s\nException: %s: %s\n' % (sel, ex[0], ex[1]) print_err(serr) break output_line('<<< ver info') if f: f.close() def show_additional_info(separate_files): """shows info about primary keys, procedures, triggers etc""" show_primary_keys() show_indexes() show_foreign_keys() show_defaults() show_sequences(separate_files) show_views(separate_files) show_triggers() show_normal_procedures(separate_files, 'function', FUNCTIONS_INFO_DIR) show_invalid_procedures(separate_files, 'function', FUNCTIONS_INFO_DIR + INVALID) show_normal_procedures(separate_files, 'procedure', PROCEDURES_INFO_DIR) show_invalid_procedures(separate_files, 'procedure', PROCEDURES_INFO_DIR + INVALID) show_packages(separate_files) def clean_up(): """removes created directories after zipping files""" for dn in CREATED_DIRS: os.rmdir(dn) os.rmdir(SCHEMA_DIR) def dump_db_info(separate_files, out_f, stdout): """saves information about database schema in file/files""" test = '--test' in sys.argv if test or separate_files: for dn in (TABLES_INFO_DIR, VIEWS_INFO_DIR, SEQUENCES_INFO_DIR, FUNCTIONS_INFO_DIR, PROCEDURES_INFO_DIR, PACKAGES_INFO_DIR): ensure_directory(dn) if not test: sorted_in_comment = '--sorted-info' in sys.argv rs = select_qry(TABLE_NAMES_SQL) if rs: for row in rs: table = row[0] save_table_definition(table, sorted_in_comment) else: show_tables() if not TABLES_ONLY and not test: show_additional_info(separate_files) output_line('\n\n--- the end ---') if out_f: out_f.close() sys.stdout = stdout if '--zip' in sys.argv: save_files_in_zip() def get_option_value(prefix): """returns FILENAME for -o prefix and -oFILENAME or -o=FILENAME""" result = None for s in sys.argv: if s.startswith(prefix): result = s[len(prefix):] if result.startswith('='): result = result[1:] return result def main(): """main function""" conn_args = [s for s in sys.argv[1:] if not s.startswith('-')] if len(conn_args) != 3: print(USAGE) return 0 connect_string, username, passwd = conn_args separate_files = '--separate-files' in sys.argv if separate_files: if os.path.exists(SCHEMA_DIR): if not '--force-dir' in sys.argv: print_err('Output directory "%s" already exists,\nuse --force-dir or --date-dir option!' % (SCHEMA_DIR)) return 0 stdout = sys.stdout out_f = None out_fn = get_option_value('-o') if out_fn: if '--date-dir' in sys.argv: os.mkdir(SCHEMA_DIR) out_fn = os.path.join(SCHEMA_DIR, out_fn) out_f = open(out_fn, 'w') sys.stdout = out_f CREATED_FILES.append(out_fn) if not init_db_conn(connect_string, username, passwd): print_err('Something is terribly wrong with db connection') return 0 init_session() if '--add-ver-info' in sys.argv: add_ver_info(separate_files, connect_string, username) dump_db_info(separate_files, out_f, stdout) if '--version' in sys.argv: print(__version__) elif __name__ == '__main__': if '--tables_only' in sys.argv: TABLES_ONLY = 1 if len(sys.argv) < 4: print(USAGE) else: main()