# @brief An IPC channel allowing to call methods of an object from a
# remote process. It is based on python's multiprocessing pipes:
# instead of sending data, we send method call requests to an object
# and transmit back the results (or exceptions). Works between
# processes created by fork() (eg. multiprocessing.Process::start()).
# A CallPipe is bound to a 'target' object, and is made of 2 endpoints
# and one multiprocessing.Pipe inbetween:
# - a CallPipe_Callee, which is basically a thread listening to method
# call requests coming on the pipe, calling the method on the target
# object and returning the result onto the pipe to the caller
# - a CallPipe_Caller, which is a proxy object transforming the calls
# to its __getattr__ into a MethodProxy object which in turns
# transforms the calls to its __call__ method into request/response on
# the pipe.
# A callpipe is associated with 1 'target' object, and should be used
# by 2 different processes: the one that contains the object, and the
# one that remotely calls the methods of the object. If there are more
# processes that have to call the methods on the target object, more
# callpipes have to be created (associated with the same target
# object).
# On the 'target' object side (CallPipe_Callee), each callpipe
# corresponds to a thread that may call its methods. As a consequence,
# the methods that might be called from the callpipe threads have to be
# thread-safe.
# On the remote side, the callpipe is multithread-safe. Currently, the
# implementation is very crude: only one remote thread is allowed to
# call a method from the target object at any given time (mutual
# exclusion).
# Note: Once the remote processes have a reference to the
# CallPipe_Caller object, they can discard any reference to the real
# object that might still exist in their image (due to the fork()
# nature of multiprocessing.Process::start()). In any case, if they
# call the methods of the (copy they have of the) target object,
# instead of the methods of the proxy, then they will act on their
# private copy of the object, not on the remote target object.
import threading, thread, os, select
# Tested with python 2.6 b3
import multiprocessing
except ImportError:
# Tested with standalone processing 0.52
import processing as multiprocessing
class CallPipe_MethodProxy:
"""The remote proxy whose __call__ method sends the request and
waits for the answer on the pipe"""
def __init__(self, callpipe_caller, attr_name, cb_unregister = None):
self.__caller = callpipe_caller
self.__attr_name = attr_name
self.__unregister = cb_unregister
def __call__(self, *args, **kw):
# We need to acquire the lock because if 2 threads concurrently
# try to send/recv concurrently on the same pipe, the callee
# will not be able to tell who is calling what and who it needs to
# answer to.
self.__caller._endpoint.send((self.__attr_name, args, kw))
recvdata = self.__caller._endpoint.recv()
if len(recvdata) != 2:
raise AttributeError(self.__attr_name)
status, r = recvdata
if status != "OK":
raise r
return r
class CallPipe_CallerProxy:
"""The remote proxy whose __getattr__ method simply calls
def __init__(self, gateway):
self.__gateway = gateway
def __getattr__(self, attr_name):
return self.__gateway._get_method_proxy(attr_name)
class CallPipe_Caller:
"""The callpipe endpoint which binds a CallPipe_CallerProxy to a
request/response session over a pipe"""
def __init__(self, endpoint):
"""Endpoint is an endpoint of a bidirectional multiprocessing.Pipe"""
self._endpoint = endpoint
self._lock = threading.Lock()
self.__method_proxies = dict() # Cache of MethodProxy objects
self.__proxy = CallPipe_CallerProxy(self)
def get_proxy(self):
"""Returns the associated CallPipe_CallerProxy object"""
return self.__proxy
def _get_method_proxy(self, method_name):
"""Called by the proxy object: creates a CallPipe_MethodProxy
object for the given method name and store it into the local
cache (__method_proxies). Returns the MethodProxy object."""
method_proxy = self.__method_proxies[method_name]
except KeyError:
method_proxy = CallPipe_MethodProxy(self, method_name)
self.__method_proxies[method_name] = method_proxy
return method_proxy
def start(self):
def stop(self):
"""Send a termination request to the CallPipe_Callee"""
def _unregister(self, attr_name):
"""Called by the CallPipe_MethodProxy object when the remote
object signals an AttributeError, to remove it from the
__method_proxies cache"""
del self.__method_proxies[attr_name]
class CallPipe_CalleeThread(threading.Thread):
"""The thread that waits for the remote requests coming from the
CallPipe_Caller at the other end of the pipe and performes the
requested local method calls on the target object"""
def __init__(self, termfd, endpoint, obj):
\param termfd is a file descriptor on which to select() to
wait for termination requests from the main CallPipe_Callee
\param Endpoint is an endpoint of a bidirectional multiprocessing.Pipe
\param obj is the object on which to perform the method calls
self.__endpoint = endpoint
self.__obj = obj
self.__waitset = select.poll()
eventmask = select.POLLIN | select.POLLERR \
| select.POLLHUP | select.POLLPRI
self.__waitset.register(self.__endpoint.fileno(), eventmask)
self.__waitset.register(termfd, eventmask)
def run(self):
while True:
# Check whether we received something from either the
# callpipe or the terminating pipe
fds = set([fd for fd, evt in self.__waitset.poll()])
if len(fds) > 1:
if self.__endpoint.fileno() not in fds:
request = self.__endpoint.recv()
if not isinstance(request, tuple) or len(request) != 3:
# We have a problem. stopping ourselves
if request[0] == "TERMINATE":
raise SystemExit("Received a termination request.")
except IndexError:
raise SystemExit("Invalid requests received by Callee.")
method_name, args, kw = request
method = None
method = getattr(self.__obj, method_name)
except AttributeError:
if method:
result = method(*args, **kw)
self.__endpoint.send(("OK", result))
except Exception, ex:
self.__endpoint.send(("EXCEPTION", ex))
RuntimeError("Uncaught exception")))
# Closing the endpoint (never reached)
class CallPipe_Callee:
"""The object that binds the local target object to a thread
listening for the method requests coming from the pipe"""
def __init__(self, endpoint, obj):
\param Endpoint is an endpoint of a bidirectional multiprocessing.Pipe
\param obj is the object on which to perform the method calls
term_r, term_w = os.pipe()
self.__obj = obj
self.__termpipe = term_w
self.__thread = CallPipe_CalleeThread(term_r, endpoint, obj)
def get_object(self):
return self.__obj
def get_request_handler(self):
return self.__thread
def start(self):
def stop(self):
"""Stop the thread performing the requests. Returns when the
thread has been stopped"""
# Send a terminate request to the terminating pipe.
# Has to be called from outside the thread (otherwise: deadlock)
os.write(self.__termpipe, "TERMINATE")
def CallPipe(obj):
Returns the endpoints of the callpipe:
result[0]: a CallPipe_Callee object, the local endpoint referencing
the target object (listening for requests)
result[1]: a CallPipe_Caller object, the endpoint to remotely call
the methods on the target object (sending requests)
src, dst = multiprocessing.Pipe()
return (CallPipe_Callee(dst, obj), CallPipe_Caller(src))
if __name__ == "__main__":
import time
class MyObject:
def __init__(self, name):
self.__name = name
self.__trace = []
self.__lock = threading.Lock()
def add_trace(self, item):
def get_traces(self):
return self.__trace
def raise_exception(self):
return 1/0
class Process1(multiprocessing.Process):
def __init__(self, obj_proxy):
self.__obj = obj_proxy
def run(self):
for i in xrange(10):
print "[%d] Calling add_trace %d..." % (os.getpid(), i)
self.__obj.add_trace("I am pid %d in loop %d" % (os.getpid(),
print "[%d] Now trying to get an exception..." % os.getpid()
except ZeroDivisionError, ex:
self.__obj.add_trace('I am pid %d and got the expected exception "%s".' % (os.getpid(), ex))
print "[%d] Exception test executed." % os.getpid()
print "[%d] End of process." % os.getpid()
class Process2(multiprocessing.Process):
def __init__(self, obj_proxy):
self.__obj = obj_proxy
def run(self):
for i in xrange(10):
print "[%d] Calling add_trace %d..." % (os.getpid(), i)
self.__obj.add_trace("I am pid %d in loop %d" % (os.getpid(),
print "[%d] Calling get_traces %d..." % (os.getpid(), i)
self.__obj.add_trace("I am pid %d and see %d traces before."\
% (os.getpid(),
print "[%d] Pausing 3 seconds..." % os.getpid()
print "[%d] Calling final get_traces:" % os.getpid()
for t in self.__obj.get_traces():
print "[%d] Trace: '%s'" % (os.getpid(), t)
print "[%d] End of process." % os.getpid()
# Creating object called by everybody
obj = MyObject("The object")
obj.add_trace("[%d] I am the parent of everything." % os.getpid())
# Creating the callpipes
print "[%d] Creating callpipes and processes..." % os.getpid()
callpipe1 = CallPipe(obj)
callpipe2 = CallPipe(obj)
p1 = Process1(callpipe1[1].get_proxy())
p2 = Process2(callpipe2[1].get_proxy())
# The next 2 steps can be done in any order
# Starting the children processes
print "Starting children processes..."
# Starting the callpipe threads
print "Starting callpipes..."
# The previous 2 steps could be done in any order
# Waiting for children processes to finish
print "Waiting for processes to terminate..."
for p in p1,p2:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
for p in p1,p2:
print "Processes terminated. Cleaning up..."
obj.add_trace("[%d] I am the parent, and my children are done." \
% os.getpid())
# Stopping the call pipe threads
# Dump the contents of the object
print "[%d] Children done. Dumping object:" % os.getpid()
for t in obj.get_traces():
print " Trace: '%s'" % t
print "Bye."