<?php /** * Title: Single linked list * Description: Implementation of a single linked list in PHP * @author Sameer Borate | codediesel.com * @version 1.0 20th June 2008 */ class ListNode { /* Data to hold */ public $data; /* Link to next node */ public $next; /* Node constructor */ function __construct($data) { $this->data = $data; $this->next = NULL; } function readNode() { return $this->data; } } class LinkList { /* Link to the first node in the list */ private $firstNode; /* Link to the last node in the list */ private $lastNode; /* Total nodes in the list */ private static $count; /* List constructor */ function __construct() { $this->firstNode = NULL; $this->lastNode = NULL; self::$count = 0; } public function isEmpty() { return ($this->firstNode == NULL); } public function insertFirst($data) { $link = new ListNode($data); $link->next = $this->firstNode; $this->firstNode = &$link; /* If this is the first node inserted in the list then set the lastNode pointer to it. */ if($this->lastNode == NULL) $this->lastNode = &$link; self::$count++; } public function insertLast($data) { if($this->firstNode != NULL) { $link = new ListNode($data); $this->lastNode->next = $link; $link->next = NULL; $this->lastNode = &$link; self::$count++; } else { $this->insertFirst($data); } } public function deleteFirstNode() { $temp = $this->firstNode; $this->firstNode = $this->firstNode->next; if($this->firstNode != NULL) self::$count--; return $temp; } public function deleteLastNode() { if($this->firstNode != NULL) { if($this->firstNode->next == NULL) { $this->firstNode = NULL; self::$count--; } else { $previousNode = $this->firstNode; $currentNode = $this->firstNode->next; while($currentNode->next != NULL) { $previousNode = $currentNode; $currentNode = $currentNode->next; } $previousNode->next = NULL; self::$count--; } } } public function deleteNode($key) { $current = $this->firstNode; $previous = $this->firstNode; while($current->data != $key) { if($current->next == NULL) return NULL; else { $previous = $current; $current = $current->next; } } if($current == $this->firstNode) $this->firstNode = $this->firstNode->next; else $previous->next = $current->next; self::$count--; } public function find($key) { $current = $this->firstNode; while($current->data != $key) { if($current->next == NULL) return null; else $current = $current->next; } return $current; } public function readNode($nodePos) { if($nodePos <= self::$count) { $current = $this->firstNode; $pos = 1; while($pos != $nodePos) { if($current->next == NULL) return null; else $current = $current->next; $pos++; } return $current->data; } else return NULL; } public function totalNodes() { return self::$count; } public function readList() { $listData = array(); $current = $this->firstNode; while($current != NULL) { array_push($listData, $current->readNode()); $current = $current->next; } return $listData; } public function reverseList() { if($this->firstNode != NULL) { if($this->firstNode->next != NULL) { $current = $this->firstNode; $new = NULL; while ($current != NULL) { $temp = $current->next; $current->next = $new; $new = $current; $current = $temp; } $this->firstNode = $new; } } } } ?> Test Case <?php require_once 'linklist.class.php'; require_once 'PHPUnit/Framework.php'; class LinkListTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { public function testLinkList() { $totalNodes = 100; $theList = new LinkList(); for($i=1; $i <= $totalNodes; $i++) { $theList->insertLast($i); } $this->assertEquals($totalNodes, $theList->totalNodes()); for($i=1; $i <= $totalNodes; $i++) { $theList->insertFirst($i); } $totalNodes = $totalNodes * 2; $this->assertEquals($totalNodes, $theList->totalNodes()); $theList->reverseList(); $this->assertEquals($totalNodes, $theList->totalNodes()); $theList->deleteFirstNode(); $this->assertEquals($totalNodes - 1, $theList->totalNodes()); $theList->deleteLastNode(); $this->assertEquals($totalNodes - 2, $theList->totalNodes()); /* Delete node which has a value of '5' */ $theList->deleteNode(5); $this->assertEquals($totalNodes - 3, $theList->totalNodes()); /* Insert a node at the end of the list with a value of '22' */ $theList->insertLast(22); $this->assertEquals($totalNodes - 2, $theList->totalNodes()); /* Find a node with a value of '25' (is in the list) */ $found = $theList->find(25); $this->assertEquals(25, $found->data); /* Find a node with a value of '125' (is not in the list) */ $found = $theList->find(125); $this->assertNull($found); /* Return the data stored in the node at position '50' */ $data = $theList->readNode(50); $this->assertEquals(50, $data); /* Return the data stored in the node at position '450' */ $data = $theList->readNode(450); $this->assertNull($data); } } ?>