import re, sys def main(from_tabs, to_tabs, fname): """ Usage sample: > reindent 3 4 processed, from 3 to 4 spaces. Output in Lines 317, empty 51, not matching indent 50, matching indent 216 (68.14 %). """ from_tabs, to_tabs = int(from_tabs), int(to_tabs) fin = file(fname) fout = file(fname + "", "w") r1 = re.compile("^( *)[^ ]+") cnt_rest=cnt_empty=0 tab_new = " " * to_tabs for lnr, line in enumerate(fin): m = r1.match(line) spaces = len(m.groups()[0]) tabs = spaces // from_tabs rest = spaces % from_tabs if rest!=0: cnt_rest+=1 content = line.lstrip() if content: fout.write(tab_new*tabs + " "*rest + content) else: cnt_empty+=1 fout.write(line) cnt_match = (lnr+1-cnt_empty-cnt_rest) print "processed %s, from %d to %d spaces. Output in %s.\nLines %d, empty %d, not matching indent %d, matching indent %d (%.2f %%)." % ( fname, from_tabs, to_tabs,, lnr+1, cnt_empty, cnt_rest, cnt_match, cnt_match/(lnr+1.0)*100.0) if __name__=="__main__": if len(sys.argv)!=4: import os print """Usage: %s tabs_from tabs_to fname""" % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(1) main(*sys.argv[1:])