# Author: Alex Baker # Description: fixed version of the routine from the web # Date : 2 Apr 2008 from numpy import * # for outer and arange import pylab as p # for figure import matplotlib.axes3d as p3 # 3D axes class fig = p.figure() ax = p3.Axes3D(fig) theta = arange(0,pi,pi/10) phi = arange(0,2*pi,pi/10) r = 2 * pow(math.e, -((theta**4)/(0.25**2))) # need to distort the radius by some function x = r*outer(cos(phi), sin(theta)) y = r*outer(sin(phi), sin(theta)) z = r*outer(ones(phi.shape), cos(theta)) print shape(x), shape(y), shape(z) ax.plot_wireframe(x,y,z) ax.set_xlabel("X") ax.set_ylabel("Y") ax.set_zlabel("Z") p.show()