jetout.py - Reconstructs a given table from a Jet (MS Access) file in SQLite,
storing created table on disk; uses win32com to get to DAO 3.6 (Office 2000),
and uses sqlite3. To ensure index names are unique to the entire database,
names of recreated indexes are prefixed with the table name.
Date/Time typed columns are reformatted to ISO's yyyy-mm-dd, and may be recalled
as datetime.date types using the built-in DATE converter in pysqlite's
converters dictionary, if the database is opened with the argument
'detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES' in the 'connect' statement.
To modify this module to import Date/Time type as datetime.datetime instead
of datetime.date: change 'DATE' to 'TIMESTAMP' for CREATE TABLE, and modify
last line of sepdate function to include 'timepart'.
sqlitefromjet("input.mdb", "input table name", "output.db"
[, # of rows to fetch/commit at a time])
def sqlitefromjet(mdb, tbl, sqlite_db, fetchsize=1000):
import win32com
from win32com import client
import sqlite3
from itertools import imap, izip
engine = win32com.client.Dispatch("DAO.DBEngine.36") # Office 2000
db = engine.OpenDatabase(mdb)
table = db.OpenRecordset(tbl)
connection = sqlite3.connect(sqlite_db)
cursor = connection.cursor()
if tbl.find(' ') != -1 and tbl[:1] != '[':
tbl = '[' + tbl + ']' # bracket table names with spaces
# build SQL statement to create table
createStr = 'CREATE TABLE ' + tbl + ' ('
fieldrange = range(table.Fields.Count)
isType = [] # check field types (use to make ISO date from Date/Time)
pkf = False # look for AutoNumber PK field to make INTEGER PRIMARY KEY
havePK = False
for tdef in db.TableDefs:
if tdef.Name == table.Name:
tblDef = tdef # grab TableDef object for its indexes
for idx in tblDef.Indexes:
if idx.Primary:
for idxf in idx.Fields:
if pkf:
pkf = False
pkf = idxf.Name # grab PK field, if only one
break # found the PK; all done
for field in fieldrange:
createStr = createStr + '[' + table.Fields(field).Name + ']'
ftype = table.Fields(field).Type # get int representing type
if ftype == 4:
if pkf:
if table.Fields(field).Name == pkf:
# if field was AutoNumber PK, will still autoincrement
createStr += ' INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, '
havePK = True
createStr += ' INTEGER, '
elif ftype in (2,3):
isType.append(1) # number
createStr += ' INTEGER, '
elif ftype in (5,6,7,20):
if ftype == 5:
isType.append(3) # currency type
isType.append(1) # number
createStr += ' NUMERIC, '
elif ftype == 8:
isType.append(2) # date
createStr += ' DATE, ' # (or TIMESTAMP)
isType.append(0) # text
createStr += ' TEXT, '
if table.Fields(field).Required:
createStr = createStr[:-2] + ' NOT NULL, '
createStr = createStr[:-2] + ');'
cursor.execute(createStr) # create table
stmt = "INSERT INTO " + tbl + " VALUES(" # build INSERT for executemany
for fieldnum in fieldrange:
stmt += "?, "
stmt = stmt[:-2] + ")"
df = [x for x in fieldrange if isType[x] == 2] # date column offsets
cf = [x for x in fieldrange if isType[x] == 3] # currency column offsets
lastSet = False
while not lastSet:
# fetch 'fetchsize' records at a time (default of 1,ooo)
fetched = map(list, table.GetRows(fetchsize)) # in mutable form
fetchnum = len(fetched[0]) # get actual number of rows fetched
print "\tFetched " + "%s" % fetchnum + " rows"
# check if all 'fetchsize' rows fetched...
if fetchnum < fetchsize:
lastSet = True # ...last set (or read error) if not
for x in df:
fetched[x] = imap(sepdate, fetched[x]) # yyyy-mm-dd
for x in cf:
fetched[x] = imap(conv_curr, fetched[x]) # get currency
rows = izip(*fetched) # put [fields][rows] into [rows][fields]
cursor.executemany(stmt, rows) # INSERT one fetch
connection.commit() # commit one transaction per fetch
print "INSERTs complete - creating indexes..."
for idx in tblDef.Indexes:
newName = table.Name + idx.Name
if idx.Unique:
if havePK and idx.Primary:
continue # already have unique index if int PK
createStr = "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX [" + \
newName + "] ON " + tbl + "("
createStr = "CREATE INDEX [" + newName + "] ON " + \
tbl + "("
for idxf in idx.Fields:
createStr += "[" + idxf.Name + "], "
createStr = createStr[:-2] + ");"
cursor.execute(createStr) # add an index
print "ok - all done"
def sepdate(dt):
"""sepdate('%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S') -> '%Y-%m-%d'
Return ISO-format yyyy-mm-dd date from Access-formatted Date/Time."""
dt = "%s" % dt
if dt.find(" ") != -1:
datepart, timepart = dt.split(" ")
return None
month, day, year = datepart.split("/")
if int(year) <= 29:
year = '20' + year # make same assumptions about 2-digit
elif int(year) <= 99:
year = '19' + year # years as Access' Short Date format
return year + "-" + month + "-" + day # + " " + timepart # TIMESTAMP
def conv_curr(curr):
"""conv_curr(Access currency-typed field) -> float
Return a float from MS Access currency datatype, which is a fixed-point integer
scaled by 10,000"""
return float(curr[1])/10000 # convert fixed-point int to float