#!/usr/bin/python import os import os.path import sys import md5 from stat import * from optparse import OptionParser class Stats: def __init__(self): self.filenb = 0 self.dirnb = 0 self.othernb = 0 self.unstatablenb = 0 def scan_tree(lst, maxlen, dirname, dirpath, prefix, nxt_prefix, options, stats): """params: lst: I/O list of (tree_ascii_art_repr_line, path_if_regular_file_else_None) where both are strings and the second one can also be None maxlen: integer that contains the rightmost column number of ascii repr of the tree known by the caller dirname: name of the directory from which a tree repr is wanted dirpath: path to the directory from which a tree repr is wanted prefix: string to prepend to the dirname to form the first line of the ascii repr of the subtree nxt_prefix: string to prepend to every lines of the repr of the subtree but the first one (which uses prefix) options: options as extracted by the optparse module from cmd line options stats: Stats instance returns a new value for maxlen """ try: dir_content = os.listdir(dirpath) dir_content.sort() except OSError: dir_content = None ascii_art_tree_repr = prefix + dirname maxlen = max(maxlen, len(ascii_art_tree_repr)) if dir_content is None: lst.append((ascii_art_tree_repr + ' [error reading dir]', None)) return maxlen if not options.all: dir_content = [child for child in dir_content if child[0] != '.'] lst.append((ascii_art_tree_repr, None)) sub_prefix = nxt_prefix + '|-- ' sub_nxt_prefix = nxt_prefix + '| ' for num, child in enumerate(dir_content): if num == len(dir_content) - 1: sub_prefix = nxt_prefix + '`-- ' sub_nxt_prefix = nxt_prefix + ' ' joined_path = os.path.join(dirpath, child) try: lmode = os.lstat(joined_path)[ST_MODE] except: lmode = None ascii_art_tree_repr = sub_prefix + child maxlen = max(maxlen, len(ascii_art_tree_repr)) if lmode is None: stats.unstatablenb += 1 lst.append((ascii_art_tree_repr + ' [error stating child]', None)) elif S_ISREG(lmode): stats.filenb += 1 lst.append((ascii_art_tree_repr, joined_path)) elif S_ISDIR(lmode): stats.dirnb += 1 maxlen = scan_tree(lst, maxlen, child, joined_path, sub_prefix, sub_nxt_prefix, options, stats) elif S_ISLNK(lmode): stats.filenb += 1 try: lst.append((ascii_art_tree_repr + ' -> ' + os.readlink(joined_path), None)) except OSError: lst.append((ascii_art_tree_repr + ' [cannot read symlink]', None)) elif S_ISCHR(lmode): stats.othernb += 1 lst.append((ascii_art_tree_repr + ' [char device]', None)) elif S_ISBLK(lmode): stats.othernb += 1 lst.append((ascii_art_tree_repr + ' [block device]', None)) elif S_ISFIFO(lmode): stats.othernb += 1 lst.append((ascii_art_tree_repr + ' [fifo]', None)) elif S_ISSOCK(lmode): stats.othernb += 1 lst.append((ascii_art_tree_repr + ' [socket]', None)) else: stats.othernb += 1 lst.append((ascii_art_tree_repr + ' [unknown]', None)) return maxlen def md5_from_path(path): """Returns an hex repr of the md5sum of the file content path points to. On IOError returns ''. """ try: f = open(path) m = md5.new() while True: b = f.read(262144) if not b: break m.update(b) f.close() return m.hexdigest() except IOError: return '' def main(): parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] [dir1 [dir2 [...]]]") parser.add_option("-a", "--all", action='store_true', dest='all', default=False, help="All files are listed.") options, roots = parser.parse_args() stats = Stats() if not roots: roots = ['.'] for root in roots: lst = [] maxlen = scan_tree(lst, 0, root, root, "", "", options, stats) for line, path in lst: if path is not None: m = md5_from_path(path) print line + ' ' * (maxlen+1-len(line)) + m else: print line print print ', '.join(( ('%d directory', '%d directories')[stats.dirnb > 1] % stats.dirnb, ('%d file', '%d files')[stats.filenb > 1] % stats.filenb, ('%d other', '%d others')[stats.othernb > 1] % stats.othernb, ('%d unstatable', '%d unstatables')[stats.unstatablenb > 1] % stats.unstatablenb)) if __name__ == "__main__": main()