Nice algorythm for trying all different combinations. I had a password for an ssk (https) certificate with some 1337 (leet) characters in it, but I couldn't remember which ones, this little prog tries switching out each character with a l33t character trying all combinations...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 | import os
from commands import getoutput
leet = {
'a': ('a', 'A', '4'),
'b': ('B', '3', '8'),
'c': ('c', 'C', 'k', 'K'),
'd': ('d', 'D', ),
'e': ('e', 'E', '3'),
'f': ('f', 'F', ),
'g': ('g', 'G', '6'),
'h': ('h', 'H', '4'),
'i': ('i', 'I', '1', '!', 'l'),
'j': ('j', 'J', ),
'k': ('k', 'K', 'c', 'C'),
'l': ('l', 'L', ),
'm': ('m', 'M', ),
'n': ('n', 'N', ),
'o': ('o', 'O', '0', ),
'p': ('p', 'P', '9', ),
'q': ('q', 'Q', '9', 'k', 'K', ),
'r': ('r', 'R', ),
's': ('s', 'S', '5', 'z', 'Z'),
't': ('t', 'T', '7', '4'),
'u': ('u', 'U', 'v', 'V'),
'v': ('v', 'V', 'u', 'U'),
'w': ('w', 'W', ),
'x': ('x', 'X', ),
'y': ('y', 'Y', ),
'z': ('z', 'Z', 's', 'S', '5'),
command = 'openssl rsa -in -out tmp.key -passin pass:%s'
passwdBasic = 'thisisnottherealpassword'
def main():
arrays = [leet[ltr] for ltr in passwdBasic]
start = [ltrs[0] for ltrs in arrays]
end = [ltrs[-1] for ltrs in arrays]
indexes = [0] * len(arrays)
maxes = [len(ltrs)-1 for ltrs in arrays]
chrs = [ltrs[i] for ltrs, i in zip(arrays, indexes)]
while chrs != end:
passx = ''.join(chrs)
open('tries.txt', 'a+').write(passx + '\n')
out = getoutput(command)
if 'bad decrypt' not in out:
print 'GOT IT!', passx
# Next letter
for i in range(len(indexes)-1, -1, -1):
if indexes[i] <= maxes[i]-1:
indexes[i] += 1
indexes[i] = 0
# Make up the chrs
chrs = [ltrs[i] for ltrs, i in zip(arrays, indexes)]
if __name__ == '__main__':
Of course to use it you'll need an ssl key with which you've forgotten the passwored. Or simply change 'command' to something else and change ('bad decrypt' not in out) to another test to see if you got it right.
You can create an ssl cert with this command:
openssl genrsa -des3 -out mysecureserver.key 1024