from cStringIO import StringIO from reportlab import rl_config from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter, A4 from reportlab.lib.units import inch from reportlab.lib.colors import black,white,red,pink,green,blue,yellow,lightgrey from PIL import Image width, height = letter #keep for later def add_fold_lines(c): """Add lines to show where to fold card""" # choose some colors c.setFillColor(lightgrey) # line settings c.setLineWidth(1) c.setDash(1,5) #n points on, m off # draw some lines c.line(width/2,0,width/2,height) #vertical c.line(0,height/2,width,height/2) #horz. def put_in_front_picture(c,str_img,img_url): assert not (str_img and img_url) if img_url: import urllib2 data=urllib2.urlopen(img_url).read() else: data=str_img image_file = StringIO(data) img = #resize image: img=img.resize((width/2,height/2),Image.BILINEAR) #c.drawImage caused AttributeError: jpeg_fh c.drawInlineImage(img, x=width/2,y=0, width=width/2, height=height/2) def write_text(c,front_text,inside_text): #call canvas.getAvailableFonts() to see all fonts # change color c.setFillColor(COLOR_FRONT) c.setFont("Helvetica", 28) line_pos=int(.4*height) for line in front_text.split('\n'): c.drawCentredString(3*(width/4), line_pos, line) line_pos-=int(.05*height) c.setFillColor(black) c.setFont("Helvetica", 16) c.rotate(180) #write text upside down so it's right when folded. line_pos=-3*(height/4) for line in inside_text.split('\n'): c.drawCentredString(-width/4, line_pos, line) line_pos-=int(.05*height) #write branding text c.rotate(180) #put back to right side up c.setFont("Helvetica", 8) c.drawCentredString(width/4, int(.13*height), "Created while fondly thinking of you at") c.drawCentredString(width/4, int(.1*height), "") def generate_card(IMG_FILE,IMG_URL,TEXT_FRONT,TEXT_INSIDE): """Main function to generate PDF and print to stdout. Designed to be run as a CGI application.""" if not (IMG_FILE or IMG_URL): print 'You must upload an image file or provide a URL to one' return tmp = StringIO() #Canvas Setup c = canvas.Canvas(tmp, pagesize=letter, pageCompression=0) #If output size is important set pageCompression=1, but remember that, compressed documents #will be smaller, but slower to generate. Note that images are always compressed, and this option will only #save space if you have a very large amount of text and vector graphics on each page. #Do I need 'MacRomanEncoding' for Macs? #Note: 0,0 coordinate in canvas is bottom left. c.setAuthor('Utility Mill -') c.setTitle('Beautiful, expensive greeting card created at') #add_fold_lines(c) #early feedback says lines aren't necessary. Uncomment here to put them in put_in_front_picture(c,IMG_FILE,IMG_URL) write_text(c,TEXT_FRONT.replace('\r',''),TEXT_INSIDE.replace('\r','')) #The showPage method saves the current page of the canvas c.showPage() #The save method stores the file and closes the canvas. print 'Content-Type: application/pdf' print generate_card(IMG_FILE,IMG_URL,TEXT_FRONT,TEXT_INSIDE)