Class for extracting and manipulating data from Microsoft Access - identifying tables, getting recordsets, iterating through the results, counting rows, getting field names, getting index information, deleting indexes, and adding and deleting relationships.
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Enables you to interrogate an Access database, run queries, and get
ADODB = Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects reference
ADOX = Microsoft ADO Ext
Great reference for ADODB is:
Originally just an API wrapped around Douglas Savitsky's code at
Recordset iterator taken from in Nicolas Lehuen's code at
Handling of field types taken from Craig Anderson's code at
An alternative approach might be
v1.0.5 - added ability to add a primary-foreign table relationship
v1.0.4 - added ability to delete a relationship by name
v1.0.3 - add ability to delete a named index, and to
close (release) a table.
v1.0.2 - added Close method to connection (recordset
automatically closes self already)
v1.0.1 - added DOUBLE and reordered data const mappings
#To get constant values, open Access, make sure ADODB and ADOX are references,
# open library, and look at globals
INTEGER = 'integer'
SMALLINT = 'smallint'
UNSIGNEDTINYINT = 'unsignedtinyint'
CURRENCY = 'currency'
DATE = 'date'
BOOLEAN = 'boolean'
TIMESTAMP = 'timestamp'
VARCHAR = 'varchar'
LONGVARCHAR = 'longvarchar'
SINGLE = 'single'
DOUBLE = 'double'
INDEX_UNIQUE = 'unique'
INDEX_NOT_UNIQUE = 'notunique'
INDEX_PRIMARY = 'indexprimary'
INDEX_NOT_PRIMARY = "indexnotprimary"
import win32com.client
#Must run makepy once -
#see e.g. the following
#way - run PYTHON\Lib\site-packages\pythonwin\pythonwin.exe (replace
#PYTHON with folder python is in). Tools>COM Makepy utility - select
#library named Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.8 Library (2.8) and
#select OK. Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects Recordset 2.8 Library (2.8)
class AccessDb:
"Interface to MS Access database"
def __init__(self, data_source, user, pwd="''", mdw="''"):
"""Returns a connection to the jet database
NB use .Close() to close (NB title case unlike closing a file)"""
self.connAccess = win32com.client.Dispatch(r'ADODB.Connection')
"""DSN syntax - and
DSN = """PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;DATA SOURCE=%s;
USER ID=%s;PASSWORD=%s;Jet OLEDB:System Database=%s;""" % \
(data_source, user, pwd, mdw)
#print DSN
except Exception:
raise Exception, "Unable to open MS Access database " + \
"using DSN: %s" % DSN
def getConn(self):
"Get connection"
return self.connAccess
def closeConn(self):
"Close connection"
def getRecordset(self, SQL_statement, dict=True):
"Get recordset"
return Recordset(self.connAccess, SQL_statement, dict=dict)
def getTableNames(self):
"Get list of tables. NB not system tables"
cat = win32com.client.Dispatch(r'ADOX.Catalog')
cat.ActiveConnection = self.connAccess
alltables = cat.Tables
tab_names = []
for tab in alltables:
if tab.Type == 'TABLE':
return tab_names
def getTables(self):
"Get dictionary of table objects - table name is the key"
tab_names = self.getTableNames()
tabs = {}
for tab_name in tab_names:
tabs[tab_name] = Table(self.connAccess, tab_name)
return tabs
def runQuery(self, SQL_statement):
"Run SQL_statement"
cmd = win32com.client.Dispatch(r'ADODB.Command')
cmd.ActiveConnection = self.connAccess
cmd.CommandText = SQL_statement
def deleteIndex(self, tab_name, idx_name):
Delete index by name.
NB cannot delete an index if a table is locked.
Or if it is part of a relationship (I would expect).
Release (close) it first.
cat = win32com.client.Dispatch(r'ADOX.Catalog')
cat.ActiveConnection = self.connAccess
index_coll = cat.Tables(tab_name).Indexes
except Exception, e:
raise Exception, "Unable to delete index - if table is " + \
"locked, make sure you release (close) it first. " + \
"Orig error: " + str(e)
cat = None
def addRelationship(self, tab_foreign_name, tab_foreign_key,
tab_primary_name, tab_primary_key,
rel_name, cascade_del=False,
Add primary table-foreign table relationship
tabs = [tab_foreign_name, tab_primary_name]
for tab in tabs:
if tab not in self.getTableNames():
raise Exception, "Table \"%s\" is not in this database" \
% tab
cat = win32com.client.Dispatch(r'ADOX.Catalog')
cat.ActiveConnection = self.connAccess
tbl_foreign = cat.Tables(tab_foreign_name)
new_key = win32com.client.Dispatch(r'ADOX.Key')
new_key.Name = rel_name
new_key.Type = AD_KEY_FOREIGN
new_key.RelatedTable = tab_primary_name
new_key.Columns(tab_foreign_key).RelatedColumn = tab_primary_key
if cascade_del:
new_key.DeleteRule = AD_RI_CASCADE
if cascade_update:
new_key.UpdateRule = AD_RI_CASCADE
except Exception, e:
raise Exception, "Unable to add relationship '%s'. " % \
rel_name + "Orig error: %s" % str(e)
tbl_foreign = None
cat = None
def deleteRelationship(self, tab_foreign_name, rel_name):
Delete relationship by relationship name.
Need name of "foreign" table.
if tab_foreign_name not in self.getTableNames():
raise Exception, "Table \"%s\" is not in this database" % \
cat = win32com.client.Dispatch(r'ADOX.Catalog')
cat.ActiveConnection = self.connAccess
tbl_foreign = cat.Tables(tab_foreign_name)
tbl_keys = [x.Name for x in tbl_foreign.Keys]
if rel_name not in tbl_keys:
raise Exception, "\"%s\" is not in " % rel_name + \
"relationships for table \"%s\"" % tab_foreign_name
tbl_foreign = None
cat = None
class Table():
"MS Access table object with rs, name, and index properties"
def __init__(self, connAccess, tab_name):
self.connAccess = connAccess = win32com.client.Dispatch(r'ADODB.Recordset')
try:"[%s]" % tab_name, self.connAccess, AD_OPEN_KEYSET,
except Exception, e:
raise Exception, "Problem opening " + \
"table \"%s\" - " % tab_name + \
"orig error: %s" % str(e) = tab_name
self.indexes = self.__getIndexes()
def getFields(self):
"Get list of field objects"
field_names = [field.Name for field in]
fields = []
for field_name in field_names:
fields.append(Field(, field_name))
return fields
def __getIndexes(self):
"Get list of table indexes"
cat = win32com.client.Dispatch(r'ADOX.Catalog')
cat.ActiveConnection = self.connAccess
index_coll = cat.Tables(
indexes = []
for index in index_coll:
return indexes
cat = None
def close(self):
"Close table (releasing it)"
class Index():
"""MS Access index object with following properties: name,
index type (UNIQUE or not), primary or not, and index fields -
a tuple of index fields in index"""
def __init__ (self, index): = index.Name
if index.Unique:
self.type = INDEX_UNIQUE
self.type = INDEX_NOT_UNIQUE
self.fields = []
for item in index.Columns:
if index.PrimaryKey:
self.primary = INDEX_PRIMARY
self.primary = INDEX_NOT_PRIMARY
class Field():
"MS Access field object with name, type, and size properties"
def __init__ (self, rs, field_name): = field_name
adofield = rs.Fields.Item(field_name)
adotype = adofield.Type
if adotype == win32com.client.constants.adInteger:
self.type = INTEGER
elif adotype == win32com.client.constants.adSmallInt:
self.type = SMALLINT
elif adotype == win32com.client.constants.adUnsignedTinyInt:
elif adotype == win32com.client.constants.adSingle:
self.type = SINGLE
elif adotype == win32com.client.constants.adDouble:
self.type = DOUBLE
elif adotype == win32com.client.constants.adCurrency:
self.type = CURRENCY
elif adotype == win32com.client.constants.adBoolean:
self.type = BOOLEAN
elif adotype == win32com.client.constants.adDate:
self.type = DATE
elif adotype == win32com.client.constants.adDBTimeStamp:
self.type = TIMESTAMP
elif adotype == win32com.client.constants.adVarWChar:
self.type = VARCHAR
elif adotype == win32com.client.constants.adLongVarWChar:
self.type = LONGVARCHAR
raise "Unrecognised ADO field type %d" % adotype
self.size = adofield.DefinedSize
def encoding(value):
if isinstance(value,unicode):
value = value.strip()
if len(value)==0:
return None
return value.encode("mbcs") #mbcs is a Windows, locale-specific encoding
elif isinstance(value,str):
value = value.strip()
if len(value)==0:
return None
return value
return value
class Recordset():
"MS Access recordset created from a query"
def __init__ (self, connAccess, SQL_statement, dict): = win32com.client.Dispatch(r'ADODB.Recordset') = 3 #uses client - makes it possible to use RecordCount property, connAccess, AD_OPEN_KEYSET,
self.dict = dict
def getFieldNames(self):
"Get list of field names"
field_names = [field.Name for field in]
return field_names
def hasRows(self):
"Does the recordset contain any rows?"
return False
return True
def getCount(self):
Get record count - NB rs.CursorLocation had to be set to
3 (client) to enable this
return 0
def __iter__(self):
" Returns a paged iterator by default. See paged()."
return self.paged()
def paged(self,pagesize=128):
""" Returns an iterator on the data contained in the sheet. Each row
is returned as a dictionary with row headers as keys. pagesize is
the size of the buffer of rows ; it is an implementation detail but
could have an impact on the speed of the iterator. Use pagesize=-1
to buffer the whole sheet in memory.
field_names = self.getFieldNames()
#field_names = [self.encoding(field.Name) for field in recordset.Fields]
ok = True
while ok:
# Thanks to Rogier Steehouder for the transposing tip
rows = zip(*
# close the recordset as soon as possible = None
ok = False
for row in rows:
if self.dict:
yield dict(zip(field_names, map(encoding,row)))
yield(map(encoding, row))
if is not None:
If you need to get data out of a Microsoft Access database using python, or run queries on the data, this class makes it easy. Using this class, it is possible to take data, and either work with it directly (e.g. producing HTML, csv, or XML output etc), or transfer it into MySQL, SQLite etc as fully indexed tables ready to go. Written by Grant Paton-Simpson, PSAL (
Thank you for posting the above. Appreciate your help.
I'm having issues using this and not sure what I'm doing wrong. Know it has been a while since this was posted. I have an access database that I currently have data in 2 tables that I need to clear out and then update with new data.
db = 'C:\Documents and Settings\gregg\My Documents\trace_11_10\cert level\cert_data2.mdb' conn = AccessDb(db,user='Admin',mdw='w')
systable = 'Sys_Req_to_SW_Req_new' - table name got this by first time running conn.getTables() swtable = 'SW_req_to_code_split_out' tables = Table(conn,systable) - needing to get the index I think so that I can use the delete Index conn.deleteIndex(systable,tables.index)
Getting the error on the tables line:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "c:\python26\lib\site-packages\spyder-1.0.0-py2.6.egg\spyderlib\widgets\externalshell\", line 35, in __traceit'execfile("{0}")'.format(filename)) File "C:\Python26\lib\", line 498, in run exec cmd in dict, dict File "<string>", line 1, in <module> File "", line 388, in <module> tables = Table(conn,systable) File "", line 172, in __init__ "orig error: %s" % str(e) Exception: Problem opening table "Sys_Req_to_SW_Req_new" - orig error: Objects of type 'instance' can not be converted to a COM VARIANT