a simple recipe which can be used to download a webpage using twisted. Created this while going through the twisted documentation. supports the following : - basic authentication - check whether the page is updated - progress bar
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from twisted.web import client, error
import os.path
import ConfigParser
import getpass, base64
import webbrowser
class HTTPProgressDownloader(client.HTTPDownloader):
def __init__(self, url, outfile, headers=None):
client.HTTPDownloader.__init__(self, url, outfile, headers=headers)
self.status = None
def noPage(self, reason): # called for non-200 responses
if self.status == '304':
print reason.getErrorMessage()
client.HTTPDownloader.page(self, '')
client.HTTPDownloader.noPage(self, reason)
def gotHeaders(self, headers):
# page data is on the way
if self.status == '200':
# initialize for progress bar
if headers.has_key('content-length'):
self.totallength = int(headers['content-length'][0])
self.totallength = 0
self.currentlength = 0.0
print ''
# update headers metadata
oldheaders = {}
eTag = headers.get('etag','')
if eTag:
oldheaders['etag'] = eTag[0]
modified = headers.get('last-modified','')
if modified:
oldheaders['last-modified'] = modified[0]
config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
if config.has_section('headers'):
for key, value in oldheaders.items():
config.set('headers', key, value)
return client.HTTPDownloader.gotHeaders(self, headers)
def pagePart(self, data):
if self.status == '200':
self.currentlength += len(data)
if self.totallength:
percent = "%i%%" % (
percent = '%dK' % (self.currentLength/1000)
print "\033[1FProgress: " + percent
return client.HTTPDownloader.pagePart(self, data)
def downloadWithProgress(url, outputfile, contextFactory=None, *args, **kwargs):
scheme, host, port, path = client._parse(url)
factory = HTTPProgressDownloader(url, outputfile, *args, **kwargs)
if scheme == 'https':
from twisted.internet import ssl
if contextFactory == None :
contextFactory = ssl.ClientContextFactory()
reactor.connectSSL(host, port, factory, contextFactory)
reactor.connectTCP(host, port, factory)
return factory.deferred
def downloadPage( url, outputfile, RequestHeaders):
downloadWithProgress(url, outputfile, headers=RequestHeaders).addCallback(
handleBasicAuthentication,url,outputfile, RequestHeaders).addErrback(
def downloadComplete(result):
print "download Complete"
def handleBasicAuthentication(failure, url, outputfile, RequestHeaders):
if failure.value.status == '401':
username = raw_input("user name:")
password = getpass.getpass("password: ")
basicAuth = base64.encodestring("%s:%s"%(username, password))
authHeader = "Basic "+basicAuth.strip()
AuthHeaders = {"Authorization": authHeader}
return downloadWithProgress(url, outputfile, headers=RequestHeaders)
return failure
def handleError(failure):
print "Error: ", failure.getErrorMessage()
def getRequestHeaders(url, outputfile):
# update metadata and generate request headers
RequestHeaders = {}
config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
if not os.path.isfile('metadata.ini'):
section = 'download-metadata'
config.set(section, "url", url)
config.set(section, "filename", outputfile)
eTag = None
if config.has_option('headers','etag'):
eTag = config.get('headers','etag')
if eTag:
RequestHeaders['If-None-Match'] = eTag
modified = None
if config.has_option('headers','last-modified'):
modified = config.get('headers','last-modified')
if modified:
RequestHeaders['If-Modified-Since'] = modified
return RequestHeaders
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
from twisted.internet import reactor
url, outputfile = sys.argv[1:]
RequestHeaders = getRequestHeaders(url, outputfile)
downloadPage(url, outputfile, RequestHeaders)
Tags: network
Line 65: currentLength should be currentlength -- all lower case
On OS X, I had to change the last line (to open the browser) to: