Reads the structure of a Jet (Microsoft Access .MDB) database file, and creates the SQL DDL necessary to recreate the structure.
Originally written to aid in migrating Jet databases to larger RDBMS systems, through E/R design tools, when the supplied "import" routines missed objects like indexes and FKs.
A first experiment in Python, that became an often used tool.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 | # - M.Keranen <> [07/12/2000]
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Creates ANSI SQL DDL from a MS Jet database file, useful for reverse
# engineering database designs in E/R tools.
# Requires DAO 3.6 library.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Usage: python infile.MDB outfile.SQL
import sys, string, pythoncom, win32com.client
const = win32com.client.constants
daoEngine = win32com.client.Dispatch('DAO.DBEngine.36')
class jetReverse:
def __init__ (self, infile):
self.dtbs = daoEngine.OpenDatabase(infile)
def terminate(self):
def writeTable(self, currTabl):
self.writeLine('\ncreate table ' + chr(34) + currTabl.Name + chr(34),"",1)
# Write Columns
for col in currTabl.Fields:
cn = cn +1
self.writeColumn(col.Name, col.Type, col.Size, col.Required, col.Attributes, col.DefaultValue, col.ValidationRule, currTabl.Fields.Count-cn)
# Validation Rule
tablRule = currTabl.ValidationRule
if tablRule <> "":
tablRule = " check(" + tablRule + ") "
self.writeLine("",",",1) # add a comma and CR previous line
# Primary Key
if pk <> "":
self.writeLine("",",",1) # add a comma and CR previous line
# End of table
self.writeLine("","",1) # terminate previous line
# Write table comment
try: sql = currTabl.Properties("Description").Value
except pythoncom.com_error: sql=""
if sql <> "":
sql = "comment on table " + chr(34) + currTabl.Name + chr(34) + " is " + chr(34) + sql + chr(34) +";"
# Write column comments
for col in currTabl.Fields:
try: sql = col.Properties("Description").Value
except pythoncom.com_error: sql=""
if sql <> "":
sql = "comment on column " + chr(34) + currTabl.Name + chr(34) + "." + chr(34) + col.Name + chr(34) + " is " + chr(34) + sql + chr(34) + ";"
# Write Indexes
def writeColumn(self, colName, colType, length, requird, attributes, default, check, colRix):
# colRix: 0 based index of column from right side. 0 indicates rightmost column
if colType == const.dbByte: dataType = "Byte"
elif colType == const.dbInteger: dataType = "Integer"
elif colType == const.dbSingle: dataType = "Single"
elif colType == const.dbDouble: dataType = "Double"
elif colType == const.dbDate: dataType = "DateTime"
elif colType == const.dbLongBinary: dataType = "OLE"
elif colType == const.dbMemo: dataType = "Memo"
elif colType == const.dbCurrency: dataType = "Currency"
elif colType == const.dbLong:
if (attributes & const.dbAutoIncrField): dataType = "Counter"
else: dataType = "LongInteger"
elif colType == const.dbText:
if length == 0: dataType = "Text"
else: dataType = "char("+str(length)+")"
elif colType == const.dbBoolean:
dataType = "Bit"
if default == "Yes": default = "1"
else: default = "0"
if length == 0: dataType = "Text"
else: dataType = "Text("+str(length)+")"
if default <> "":
defaultStr = "default " + default + " "
else: defaultStr = ""
if check <> "":
checkStr = "check(" + check + ") "
checkStr = ""
if requird or (attributes & const.dbAutoIncrField):
mandatory = "not null "
mandatory = ""
sql = " " + chr(34) + colName + chr(34) + " " + dataType + " " + defaultStr + checkStr + mandatory
if colRix > 0:
def getPrimaryKey(self, currTabl):
# Get primary key fields
sql = ""
for idx in currTabl.Indexes:
if idx.Primary:
idxName = idx.Name
sql = " primary key "
for col in idx.Fields:
sql = sql + chr(34) + col.Name + chr(34)
if idx.Fields.Count > cn : sql = sql + ","
return sql
def writeIndexes(self, currTabl):
# Write index definition
nIdx = -1
for idx in currTabl.Indexes:
nIdx = nIdx + 1
idxName = idx.Name
tablName = currTabl.Name
if idx.Primary:
idxName = tablName + "_PK"
elif idxName[:9] == "REFERENCE":
idxName = tablName + "_FK" + idxName[10:]
idxName = tablName + "_IX" + str(nIdx)
sql = "create "
if idx.Unique: sql = sql + "unique "
if idx.Clustered: sql = sql + "clustered "
sql = sql + "index " + chr(34) + idxName + chr(34)
sql = sql + " on " + chr(34) + tablName + chr(34) + " ("
# Write Index Columns
for col in idx.Fields:
cn = cn + 1
sql = sql + chr(34) + col.Name + chr(34)
if col.Attributes & const.dbDescending:
sql = sql + " desc"
sql = sql + " asc"
if idx.Fields.Count > cn: sql = sql + ","
sql=sql + " );"
def writeForeignKey(self, currRefr):
# Export foreign key
sql = "\nalter table " + chr(34) + currRefr.ForeignTable + chr(34)
sql = " add foreign key ("
cn = 0
for col in currRefr.Fields:
cn = cn + 1
sql = sql + chr(34) + col.ForeignName + chr(34)
if currRefr.Fields.Count > cn: sql = sql + ","
sql = sql + ")"
sql = " references " + chr(34) + currRefr.Table + chr(34) + " ("
cn = 0
for col in currRefr.Fields:
cn = cn + 1
sql = sql + chr(34) + col.Name + chr(34)
if currRefr.Fields.Count > cn: sql = sql + ","
sql = sql + ")"
if (currRefr.Attributes & const.dbRelationUpdateCascade) <> 0:
sql = sql + " on update cascade"
if (currRefr.Attributes & const.dbRelationDeleteCascade) <> 0:
sql = sql + " on delete cascade"
def writeQuery(self, currQry):
sql = "\ncreate view " + chr(34) + currQry.Name + chr(34) + " as"
# Write Query text
sql=string.replace(currQry.SQL,chr(13),"") # Get rid of extra linefeeds
# Write Query comment
try: sql = currQry.Properties("Description").Value
except pythoncom.com_error: sql=""
if sql <> "":
sql = "comment on table " + chr(34) + currQry.Name + chr(34) + " is " + chr(34) + sql + chr(34)
def writeLine(self,strLine, delimit, newline):
# Used for controlling where lines terminate with a comma or other continuation mark
if delimit: sqlfile.write(delimit)
if newline: sqlfile.write('\n')
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv)<2:
print "Usage: infile.mdb outfile.sql"
jetEng = jetReverse(sys.argv[1])
outfile = sys.argv[2]
sqlfile = open(outfile,'w')
print "\nReverse engineering %s to %s" % (jetEng.jetfilename, outfile)
# Tables
sys.stdout.write("\n Tables")
for tabl in jetEng.dtbs.TableDefs:
if tabl.Name[:4] <> "MSys" and tabl.Name[:4] <> "~TMP":
# Relations / FKs
sys.stdout.write("\n Relations")
for fk in jetEng.dtbs.Relations:
# Queries
sys.stdout.write("\n Queries")
for qry in jetEng.dtbs.QueryDefs:
print "\n Done\n"
# Done
Tags: database
Can you distinguish between CHAR and VARCHAR fields? Wow! What a great tool!
Is it possible to distinguish between
fields? In Access the former are fixed length and values are padded with spaces. Access creates variable length text fields by default and there appears to be no way to instruct it otherwise (using Access itself).It is possible to distinguish between fixed- and variable-length text fields via ODBC (ColdFusion Studio's ODBC browser can do it) so I guess you can get that information via ADO. Otherwise it is probably better to generate
fields instead ofchar
ones. Michael StrasserErrors in "Reverse engineer MS Access/Jet databases" Carp { I tried this class on a DAO 3.51 db (yes I changed the Dispatch() method to use the correct engine) & it failed on in the writeColumn() function. The constant dbByte was not recognized. Since this is the first "if" comparison in the function, my guess is that the other constants also do not map. Using the PythonWin debugger I could not access the object "const." My guess is the "const" object is not accessing the DAO constants (of which, dbByte is one). } MG Foster
Re: Errors in "Reverse engineer MS Access/Jet databases", MG Foster, 2001/04/02. Not sure what is wrong, but I have successfully run this script under DAO 3.51 and 4.0, without errors. I repeated a test with DAO 3.51 on a Jet DB created with Access97, to be certain.
MG's fix to his Carp. I did get it to work. There has to be a Python byte code library of the DAO library. If you have PythonWin open it & make sure you don't have any scripts in the edit window. From the main menu, select Tools > "COM Makepy Utility." When the "Select Library" dialog box opens, look for the DAO library you want to make into a Python byte code library & click it (it should be like "Microsoft DAO 3.5 Library"). After this is accomplished the "Reverse Engineering" script worked.
Another (more elegant?) solution. You can also solve this problem by adding the following snippet of code: problem -- AttributeError: dbByte. and got the error --
C:\NASS\DATA>c:\python22\python ag_co_co.mdb ag_co_co.sql
Reverse engineering ag_co_co.mdb to ag_co_co.sql
Tables.Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 247, in ? jetEng.writeTable(tabl)
File "", line 34, in writeTable
col.Attributes, col.DefaultValue, col.ValidationRule, currTabl.Fields.Count-cn)
File "", line 76, in writeColumn
File "C:\Python22\lib\site-packages\win32com\", line 168, in __getattr__
AttributeError: dbByte
I had the same problem... But it was solved by using makepy to generate class information for the database engine that I was using (DAO.DBEngine.36).
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character. This is a fabulous utility.
One enhancement on some applications though ...
Sample Error Message:
Tables.Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 247, in ?
File "", line 66, in writeTable
File "", line 225, in writeLine
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character '\u03bc'in position 52: ordinal not in range(128)
unicode 03bc is small greek letter mu
The Fix after much futzing around was:
changed line 66
Worked beautifully
Same thing DAO 3.6 COM not configured. getting DAO 3.6 working with python 2.4 on Windows XP SP2
Had to get pythonWin (pyWin32) working first
Downloaded from
executed the .msi
had a complaint about mfc71.dll
download mfc71.dll from
stuck it in Windows/System32
now for DA0 3.6
from Mark Hammonds superlative extensions
PythonWin ->tools -> COM makepy utility
-> from "Select Library" panel scroll down select 'Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library (5.0)
click OK
you're off ... errors.
MakePy necessary. I have not used this script in quite some time, as I have not used Access/Jet databases much in the part few years. After a recent conversation, I checked the comments on this recipe, and was plesantly surprised that someone found it useful within the year!
Testing the script on Python 2.5 with pywin build 209.1 on WinXPsp2, I find the script still works with out modification. The one step that is necessary is to run the COM Makepy utility (part of Mark Hammond's excellent Win32 extensions) against the DAO 3.6 library.
After noting the recent comments, I was going to update the script to use ADO, but decided if the DAO version still runs as-is, why reinvent the wheel.
For my fellow new users, who need more details.
Thanks to Matt for this tool.