Send commands to one or more logins using Python's standard telnetlib module.
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import os, sys, string, telnetlib
from getpass import getpass
class AutoTelnet:
def __init__(self, user_list, cmd_list, **kw): = kw.get('host', 'localhost')
self.timeout = kw.get('timeout', 600)
self.command_prompt = kw.get('command_prompt', "$ ")
self.passwd = {}
for user in user_list:
self.passwd[user] = getpass("Enter user '%s' password: " % user)
self.telnet = telnetlib.Telnet()
for user in user_list:
ok = self.action(user, cmd_list)
if not ok:
print "Unable to process:", user
def action(self, user, cmd_list):
t = self.telnet
login_prompt = "login: "
response = t.read_until(login_prompt, 5)
if string.count(response, login_prompt):
print response
return 0
password_prompt = "Password:"
t.write("%s\n" % user)
response = t.read_until(password_prompt, 3)
if string.count(response, password_prompt):
print response
return 0
t.write("%s\n" % self.passwd[user])
response = t.read_until(self.command_prompt, 5)
if not string.count(response, self.command_prompt):
return 0
for cmd in cmd_list:
t.write("%s\n" % cmd)
response = t.read_until(self.command_prompt, self.timeout)
if not string.count(response, self.command_prompt):
return 0
print response
return 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))[0]
logname = os.environ.get("LOGNAME", os.environ.get("USERNAME"))
host = 'localhost'
import getopt
optlist, user_list = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'c:f:h:')
usage = """
usage: %s [-h host] [-f cmdfile] [-c "command"] user1 user2 ...
-c command
-f command file
-h host (default: '%s')
Example: %s -c "echo $HOME" %s
""" % (basename, host, basename, logname)
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print usage
cmd_list = []
for (opt, optarg) in optlist:
if opt == '-f':
for r in open(optarg).readlines():
if string.rstrip(r):
elif opt == '-c':
command = optarg
if command[0] == '"' and command[-1] == '"':
command = command[1:-1]
elif opt == '-h':
host = optarg
autoTelnet = AutoTelnet(user_list, cmd_list, host=host)
Python's telnetlib permits users to easily automate access to telnet servers, even from non-Unix machines.
As an alternative to the popen() functions, telnetlib is probably a handy technique to have in your sysadmin toolbox.
Production code will generally be more robust, but this example should be enough to get anyone started in the right direction.
Note use of dict.get(key, defaultval). Nice demonstration of dict.get(key, defaultval) - I seem to spend half my days in other languages coding this type of sequence in a much less concise manner. Dave Warner
Try Pexpect and do the same with SSH. Pexpect is perfect for this type of application. Using Pexpect you can do the same thing with SSH.
Find Pexpect here:
sorry, nix only. Pexpect only works on *nix systems, so don't waste your time looking at it if you use Win.