def soundex(name, len=4): """ soundex module conforming to Knuth's algorithm implementation 2000-12-24 by Gregory Jorgensen public domain """ # digits holds the soundex values for the alphabet digits = '01230120022455012623010202' sndx = '' fc = '' # translate alpha chars in name to soundex digits for c in name.upper(): if c.isalpha(): if not fc: fc = c # remember first letter d = digits[ord(c)-ord('A')] # duplicate consecutive soundex digits are skipped if not sndx or (d != sndx[-1]): sndx += d # replace first digit with first alpha character sndx = fc + sndx[1:] # remove all 0s from the soundex code sndx = sndx.replace('0','') # return soundex code padded to len characters return (sndx + (len * '0'))[:len]