I got inspired to this class, after having read about the java SwingWorker. The problem is that you sometimes have a tough task you want to do in a GUI program, but you don't want the UI to lock. This recipe solves the problem by running the tough code in a background thread, while still letting you do useful interaction with it, like getting the progress or the latest results.
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import Queue
from gtk.gdk import threads_enter, threads_leave
from gobject import GObject, SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST
class GtkWorker (GObject, Thread):
__gsignals__ = {
"progressed": (SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, (float,)),
"published": (SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, (object,)),
"done": (SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, ())
def __init__ (self, func):
""" Initialize a new GtkWorker around a specific function """
# WARNING: This deadlocks if calling code already has the gdk lock and
# is not the MainThread
if type(currentThread()) != _MainThread:
if type(currentThread()) != _MainThread:
# By some reason we cannot access __gsignals__, so we have to do a
# little double work here
self.connections = {"progressed": 0, "published": 0, "done": 0}
self.handler_ids = {}
self.func = func
self.cancelled = False
self.done = False
self.progress = 0
# Publish and progress queues #
class Publisher (Thread):
def __init__ (self, parrent, queue, signal, sendPolicy):
self.parrent = parrent
self.queue = queue
self.signal = signal
self.sendPolicy = sendPolicy
def run (self):
while True:
v = self.queue.get()
if v == None:
l = [v]
while True:
v = self.queue.get_nowait()
except Queue.Empty:
else: l.append(v)
if self.sendPolicy == self.SEND_LIST:
self.parrent.emit(self.signal, l)
elif self.sendPolicy == self.SEND_LAST:
self.parrent.emit(self.signal, l[-1])
self.publishQueue = Queue.Queue()
self.publisher = Publisher (
self, self.publishQueue, "published", Publisher.SEND_LIST)
self.progressQueue = Queue.Queue()
self.progressor = Publisher (
self, self.progressQueue, "progressed", Publisher.SEND_LAST)
# We override the connect/disconnect methods in order to count the number #
# of clients connected to each signal. #
# This is done for performance reasons, as some work can be skipped, if no #
# clients are connected anyways #
def _mul_connect (self, method, signal, handler, *args):
self.connections[signal] += 1
handler_id = method (self, signal, handler, *args)
self.handler_ids[handler_id] = signal
return handler_id
def connect (self, detailed_signal, handler, *args):
return self._mul_connect (GObject.connect,
detailed_signal, handler, *args)
def connect_after (self, detailed_signal, handler, *args):
return self._mul_connect (GObject.connect_after,
detailed_signal, handler, *args)
def connect_object (self, detailed_signal, handler, gobject, *args):
return self._mul_connect (GObject.connect_object,
detailed_signal, handler, gobject, *args)
def connect_object_after (self, detailed_signal, handler, gobject, *args):
return self._mul_connect (GObject.connect,
detailed_signal, handler, gobject, *args)
def disconnect (self, handler_id):
self.connections[self.handler_ids[handler_id]] -= 1
del self.handler_ids[handler_id]
return GObject.disconnect(self, handler_id)
handler_disconnect = disconnect
# The following methods (besides run()) are used to interact with the #
# worker #
def get (self, timeout=None):
""" 'get' will block until the processed function returns, timeout
happens, or the work is cancelled.
You can test if you were cancelled by the isCancelled() method, and
you can test if you reached the timeout by the isAlive() method.
Notice, cancelling will not make 'get' unblock, besides if you build
'isCancelled' calls into your function.
Warning: the get function assumes that if you are the MainThread you
have the gdklock and if you are not the MainThread you don't have
the gdklock.
If this is not true, and the work is not done, calling get will
result in a deadlock.
If you haven't used the gtk.gdk.threads_enter nor
gtk.gdk.threads_leave function, everything should be fine."""
if not self.isDone():
if type(currentThread()) == _MainThread:
if type(currentThread()) == _MainThread:
if self.isAlive():
return None
self.done = True
return self.result
def execute (self):
""" Start the worker """
if not self.isDone():
def run (self):
self.result = self.func(self)
self.done = True
if self.connections["done"] >= 1:
# In python 2.5 we can use self.publishQueue.join() to wait for all
# publish items to have been processed.
def cancel (self):
""" Cancel work.
As python has no way of trying to interupt a thread, we don't try
to do so. The cancelled attribute is simply set to true, which means
that no more signals are emitted.
You can build 'isCancelled' calls into your function, to help it
exit when it doesn't need to run anymore.
while not worker.isCancelled():
self.cancelled = True
self.done = True
# Get stuf #
def isCancelled (self):
return self.cancelled
def isDone (self):
return self.done
def getProgress (self):
return self.progress
# These methods are used by the function to indicate progress and publish #
# process #
def setProgress (self, progress):
""" setProgress should be called from inside the processed function.
When the gdklock gets ready, it will emit the "progressed" signal,
with the value of the latest setProgress call """
if self.isCancelled():
if self.progress != progress:
self.progress = progress
def publish (self, val):
""" Publish should be called from inside the processed function. It will
queue up the latest results, and when we get access to the gdklock,
it will emit the "published" signal. """
if self.connections["published"] < 1 or self.isCancelled():
# Other #
def __del__ (self):
# Demo usage #
if __name__ == "__main__":
def findPrimes (worker):
from math import sqrt
limit = 10**4.
primes = []
for n in xrange(2, int(limit)+1):
for p in primes:
if worker.isCancelled():
return primes
if p > n**2:
if n % p == 0:
return primes
import gtk
w = gtk.Window()
vbox = gtk.VBox()
worker = GtkWorker(findPrimes)
sbut = gtk.Button("Start")
def callback (button, *args):
sbut.connect("clicked", callback)
cbut = gtk.Button("Cancel")
def callback (button, *args):
cbut.connect("clicked", callback)
gbut = gtk.Button("Get")
def callback (button, *args):
print "Found:", worker.get()
gbut.connect("clicked", callback)
prog = gtk.ProgressBar()
def callback (worker, progress):
worker.connect("progressed", callback)
field = gtk.Entry()
def process (worker, primes):
worker.connect("published", process)
def done (worker):
print "Finished, Cancelled:", worker.isCancelled()
worker.connect("done", done)
w.connect("destroy", gtk.main_quit)
It might be possible to implement a version of the GtkWorker based on processes. A such version would more easily be able to kill cancelled tasks for the price of having a harder time transferring work results, such as a network connection.
Generally this shouldn't be much of a problem, if you build you function around a "while not worker.isCancelled()" loop, such as the one in the findPrimes function.